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Remove Intro permanently from Mission [Solved]

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[Edit] SOLVED:  I opened the .sqm file and found a Class Intro in there.  Deleted that from .sqm and problem solved!!


When I export my mission, and play it form Single Player, it first plays a bogus Intro with camera in the ocean, which I then have to Skip to play the mission.


In the Editor, I used to have a Intro scenario with objects, but I deleted all the objects from the Intro scenario.  And I do not have a intro.sqs file.


How do I permanently remove the intro so the exported mission plays the Mission directly without intro?


This one of the last obstacles before Last Tango in Tanoa Episode 2 goes Beta...please help!  :)

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Yes.  Thank Pierre.  I figured it out at the same time you posted the answer.  :)

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