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Antistasi dedi server hinting on player respawn?

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Hey there, I am running a small server for a few mates of mine playing Antistasi. Our current predicament stems from TFAR changing our operational frequencies upon death/respawn onto some random frequency. So I thought it might be handy to call a hint function into a onPlayerrespawn.sqf as gentle reminder to reset the radios to respawning players. Problem is, I don't really know how to exectute this plan of mine.

Is it possible to add a execVM "onPlayerRespawn.sqf" into the server.cfg files and have it be read properly? Or do I create an init.sqf in the server.cfg and have THAT call the respawn.sqf?

Any help with this would be amazing! Thank you!

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better to work with the mission file

if you unpbo your antistasi pbo you'll find the mission "onPlayerRespawn.sqf", could you put here your hint command


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