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UAV and UAV modules not working

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Been making a mission and along with a ton of other problems I seem to not be able to solve this. I can't get the UAV to work the MQ-9 doesn't want to work. I used this from Bohemias site https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/UAVhttps://community.bistudio.com/wiki/UAV


I Placed the UAV terminal or Building with access, I placed the UAV and set it's flying height to 700 (even tried 7000) and the module. Then I sync the player, uav terminal and uav with the uav module. And nothing happens the UAV just idles on the ground or just drives on the group in a single direction, It doesn't spawn flying. it isn't controllable I can open the map and check it's flight path but nothing happens. This is the exact line I put in the init box on the UAV 

this flyInHeight 700;

Please advise thanks

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The wiki instructions don't mention it, but set the UAV's "Special" field to 'Flying' so it will spawn in airborne at mission start.  'flyInHeight' just sets a cruising altitude once airborne.

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