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What could be wrong with this respawn

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When I die, I keep coming back as someone else on my team.

According to the “How to do everything manual†it says that if you want your men to respawn at the Base, you need to add either the number (4) to the description.ext file or you can just use the Word Base instead of the number.

I also have Markers with the appropriate names.

Either way my guy is coming back as someone else until I am left with no men on my team as they all get killed.

This is not what I want; I want each person to come back as them self while the remaining living is still present?

respawn = "4"

respawndelay = 20

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I’ll try what you said Balschoiw, but according to this manual it says options 4 is for the Base mode.

Like I said I’ll give it a try, I have nothing to looses, Thanks!

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (starstreams @ Dec. 18 2002,18:27)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I’ll try what you said Balschoiw, but according to this manual it says options 4 is for the Base mode.

Like I said I’ll give it a try, I have nothing to looses, Thanks!<span id='postcolor'>

You need to get a new/different manual. biggrin.gif

Use the text ID's for respawn. It makes things harder to screw up.

I THINK this is all of them. Am I missing one?

respawn = "seagull"

respawn = "base"

respawn = "instant"

respawn = "group"

respawn = "side"

Good luck.

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or :

0 or "NONE" no respawn in mission

1 or "BIRD" selected by default. Unit respawns as seagull above it´s last position

2 or "INSTANT" unit will respawn at the position of it´s death

3 or "BASE" respawn at respawn markers on map ( e.g.for CTF missions)

4 or "GROUP" respawn within available slots in a group (only group leaders can do so)

5 or "SIDE" respawn within any available playable AI unit. Not bound to group.

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Do you need to use the Quotes?

Example: "base"

or just base?

Anyway this manual I was talking about was a very popular manual hosted at the OFP editing center, I’m sure a lot of you would recognize it if you saw it. I guess they just typed something wrong.

by the way, thanks to all of you!

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I’ve got the respawns working for the players but something is not wrong with the vhicals or maby the script file is messed up sad.gif

The script is working but for some reason every time something respawns I get double's of it at the Base.

So for example if I jump in a tank and leave and then come back to my base, there is a new tank sitting there even though the one I’m driving was never destroyed. Shouldn’t these vehicles only respawn when the unit gets destroyed? before you know it there is stuff everywhere.

what could be causing this?

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That's because every player is running the script. You need to put in a game logic called 'server', and then a line in your script at the very beginning that tells the script to exit if the computer running is not the server.

?!(local Server): Exit


Dr. Charm

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Hello drcharm smile.gif

I’ll try that, as far as the script file I was using, it did have a line at the biggining almost like what you said.

But this line read  

?!(local Server): Goto "end"

so I'm going to modifly this line  and put in what you said, then save the file. by the way I did not have a game Logic called Server I wonder if that was the problem?

Anyway, Doses the script below look correct? Here is the entire script in my (vrs.sqs) file.

;;BEGIN vrs.sqs

;;By KaRRiLLioN

;;VehicleType Loop by Sefe

;;Original script by Backoff

;;Updated for 1.75 by Jaeger Neo


;;to the mission to prevent multispawn

?!(local Server): Exit

_vcl = _this select 0

_respawndelay = 10

_dir=Getdir _vcl

_position=Getpos _vcl


;;Add any vehicle types here you wish to respawn.

























_i = 0


? (_i > (Count _Vehicles)) : Goto "Skip"

_VehicleType = _Vehicles Select _i

_VehicleTypeDoesMatch = ((_VehicleType CountType _this) == 1)

? _VehicleTypeDoesMatch : _type = _VehicleType

? _VehicleTypeDoesMatch : Goto "Skip"

_i = _i + 1

Goto "Loop"



@!(Canmove _vcl)


deleteVehicle _vcl

_vcl = _type createVehicle _position

_vcl setdir _dir


;;Custom arming is optional.  You can delete them if you want everything to have the  

standard loadouts.

;;You can also use this section to create custom respawndelays for certain units.  For  

example, if you

;;want to make Helo's spawn more slowly than jeeps, then simply change the _respawndelay  

under that

;;units custom arming area.


?(_type=="cessna"):goto "cessna"

?(_type=="Mi17"):goto "Mi17"

?(_type=="OH58"):goto "OH58"

?(_type=="CH47D") OR (_type=="UH60MG"):Goto "UH60MG"

Goto "start"


_vcl removemagazines "Rocket57x192"

_vcl removeweapon "Rocket57x192"

_vcl addweapon "MachineGun30"

_vcl addmagazine "MachineGun30"

goto "start"


_vcl addmagazine "MachineGun30"

_vcl addweapon "MachineGun30"

_vcl addmagazine "MachineGun30"

_vcl addweapon "MachineGun30"


_vcl removemagazine "LaserDesignatorOH"

_vcl removeweapon "LaserDesignatorOH"

_vcl addmagazine "Browning"

_vcl addweapon "Browning"

Goto "start"


_vcl removemagazine "Browning"

_vcl removeweapon "Browning"

_vcl addmagazine "MachineGun30"

_vcl addweapon "MachineGun30"

goto "start"

goto "start"



;;END vrs.sqs

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You know what, after reading the script, I just realized something.

I’ve never opened the script before but it even says to add a game logic, so this must be my problem.

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Hmm, I’m just curious about something.

Is is possible to respawn AI groups? I never use Kill zones as I find them to be unrealistic, so what I do is I put a few groups of AI tanks around a location to guard each team’s base. Each US groups has at least one Vulcan for ainti air attacks and Each Russian AI groups has one Shilka for the same reason.

Anyway how would I go about making an AI group respawn, would each unit in the group need to have->

[this]exec "vrs.sqs" in It’s INT field?

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