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Hello everyone, I added a sound script in the task file, there are several audio files, I only know that "call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;" can be played at random, but I hope to play it in order in the game, I do not know the specific command What is it? I searched Google for a lot of web pages but didn't get what I wanted. I hope everyone can give me help. Thank you!

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7 hours ago, SakamaKiRyo said:


Hello everyone, I added a sound script in the task file, there are several audio files, I only know that "call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;" can be played at random, but I hope to play it in order in the game, I do not know the specific command What is it? I searched Google for a lot of web pages but didn't get what I wanted. I hope everyone can give me help. Thank you!

This should get you started,

best run this in initServer.sqf so every player gets the same song, should work in MP:



//init song array
GOM_songs = ["Song1","Song2","Song3"];
publicVariable "GOM_songs";

//define function once
GOM_fnc_getNextElement = {
	params ["_array"];
	_element = _array # (_array pushback (_array deleteAt 0));	
	publicVariable "_array";

//pick the first song, then put it in the back, so the second song will be next
_currentSong = [GOM_songs] call GOM_fnc_getNextElement;
systemchat format ["Current: %1",_currentSong];
systemchat format ["Next: %1",GOM_songs#0];

Edit: forgot that deleteAt returns the deleted element, adjusted it



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