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[MP Gamemode] Enhanced Zeus Gamemaster

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Enhanced Zeus Gamemaster


Created By Curious, Hosted by Requested Everywhere



This project is no longer supported by the developer. If you wish to continue development, contact me and I can guide you through the file structure.

Please do not publish mirrors or edits without contacting myself personally.


Hello everyone!


  • Have you been playing the official Zeus GM mission file and thinking "This is missing something..."?
  • Have you ever seen trolls completely wreck a server with hacks or exploits?
  • Have you had trolling Zeus’s who are really difficult to get rid of?


We may have something that you will like!


Enhanced Zeus Gamemaster is a intensely edited version of the official Zeus gamemaster game mode created by Bohemia Interactive. There are lots of features that are present and more are planned as time goes on.

If you are unsure what Zeus is however, take a look at this: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Field_Manual_-_Zeus


So time to sell this game mode to you... hehe



I spent a lot of time collecting common features that players would like to see in Zeus. These would include some of the following:

  1. Client-side mod support and full integration of mods like Ares | Achilles Expansion. (More below)
  2. Force animations on AI units.
  3. Keybinds for common modules and actions for AI.
  4. Rework parts of the menus to make more sense from a creation stand-point.
  5. Custom mission parameters.
  6. Custom Framework for easy integration over maps.
  7. Custom server-side "anti-cheat" for monitoring, and acting, on players misbehaving.
  8. Magazine repacking.
  9. Blacklist Zeus slots.
  10. Whitelist Script Execution Module for trusted Zeus's.
  11. Custom smoke colours/sizes.
  12. And much, much more! (Please refer to the changelogs below.)


Some of these features are also in a framework that has been created for this gamemode. It is a combination of two, created with the purpose of the gamemode. These go under the names of "Curious's Framework" and "Enhanced Zeus Gamemaster". Here is some extra information about them.

  • Curious's Framework is the backend functions and bulk of the scripts regarding the players etc. It also deals with some of the GUI scripts.
  • Enhanced Zeus Gamemaster is most of the custom GUIs, custom modules, ZGM-exclusive features etc. as well as being the final front face of the gamemode.


Both work together to bring you this gamemode.



Modifications Allowed

*NOTE: All mods are optional. They're not required but are there purely for the enhanced experience they provide for some players.

There are a few mods that the mission file has been fully configured for. These are:

  • Ares | Achilles Expansion
  • Community Based Addons


I also have allowed some other mods if the player wishes:

  • JSRS Sound
  • Shacktac UI
  • Blastcore Edited (Standalone)
  • Zeus/Eden Custom Compositions
  • Zeus/Eden Interiors
  • Vana Loadout Manager
  • Tao Folding Map
  • Immerse Pack
  • Advanced Series


At the request of players, I can also add more mods that are clientside.



This mission file is currently still under development.

There is a semi-stable branch that is now able to be used and up for download. You can find it at:


*Note - Please download the whole folder, then choose the offical Branch for most users. Some comunities have requested certain things, hence custom branches. If you wish to do this, then you can get into contact with me.


if you would like to become an offical branch of this mission file, you can PM me. Please be aware that I will ask more specific questions based on the results in the spoiler. Open to find out what you need to answer if you're interested in hosting this.

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We hope to see you on our servers soon! Come and join at the IPs below.

If you're unsure on how to join a server via direct connect, look at: https://steamcommunity.com/app/107410/discussions/0/135512931362743878/

Server 1 (USA - East | EST) - Currently unavailable

Server 2 (USA - West | PST) - Currently unavailable

Server 3 (EU | GMT + 1) - Currently unavailable

Server 4 (EU | GMT + 0) - Currently unavailable


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Server-Side Change Log - V1.0.1

- Fixed an issue where #missions would cause server to crash.

- Fixed a missing file causing module not to load correctly.

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Server-Side Change Log - V1.0.2

- Servers will now open secondary servers if the population is high.


A new update to the mission will be out soon.



- Curious

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Mission Changelog - V 1.1.1

- [UPDATED] Various scripts to run smoother.
- [UPDATED] Mission file via the editor with new modules and spawn area.
- [UPDATED] Mod list for extra clientside mods.

- [ADDED] Complete support for ARES Achilles Expansion and CBA.
- [ADDED] Added custom EZGM modules into the default Zeus menu.
- [ADDED] Custom loadouts into the respawn menu.
- [ADDED] Support for certain people to have access to scripting commands by gaining trust.
- [ADDED] Adjusted 'initRespawn.sqf' to better cater for various player types.
- [ADDED] Support for various languages for params.
- [ADDED] Support for keybinding functions.
- [ADDED] Earplug support.
- [ADDED] New features into the Zeus and Admin menus.
- [ADDED] Ability to apply dynamicly changing weather.
- [ADDED] Support for later development. (Such as: 'Custom Zeus structure compositions', 'Auto server switching', 'Zeus Jukbox and automatic audio playing', and more!)

- [CHANGED] Zeus Modules to better incorp the ares menu and offical menu.
- [CHANGED] Back-end files and the folder structure.
- [CHANGED] Introduction feature to better cater to new and existing players.
- [CHANGED] Zeus and Admin Menu to enable new features.

- [FIXED] Various bugs (too many to list hehe).


Servers will receive this update on the 27th of June 2018. Please be aware servers will go down for this time.

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This is now open to the public in a semi-stable (expect bugs) branch. Please post any errors you find in this page so that they can be fixed ASAP!


I hope you guys will enjoy this and I'll continue to develop it!

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Mission Changelog - V 1.1.2


- [UPDATED] Various scripts to run smoother.
- [UPDATED] Better detection of clients running with mods and then apply parms to them.
- [UPDATED] Names of GUIs to sync together with it's framework.
- [UPDATED] Updated recenty added features because of errors with servers crashing.
- [UPDATED] Scripts to better perform in a multiplayer environment.

- [ADDED] Custom countdown timer with effects.
- [ADDED] More custom EZGM modules into the ARES Zeus menu.

- [ADDED] Support for trusted community admins to have access to certain files.

- [ADDED] Support for the following maps: ALTIS | STRATIS | MALDEN | TANOA

- [CHANGED] Zeus Modules to better incorp the ares menu and offical menu.
- [CHANGED] Back-end files and the folder structure for development across maps.
- [CHANGED] Zeus and Admin Menu to enable new features.

- [FIXED] Various bugs (too many to list AGAIN hehe).


Servers will receive this update on the 13th of July 2018. Please be aware servers will go down for this time.

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Mission Changelog - V 1.1.3


    - [UPDATED] Adjusted init files to run smoother.
    - [UPDATED] Changed settings menu to incorp new features.
    - [UPDATED]  Moved file structure to better run with the unit selected. For example Curator scripts run from a Curator file.


    - [ADDED] Custom images that are chosen randomly.
    - [ADDED] Curator information on load of the curator.
    - [ADDED] Earplugs to work in Zeus too.
    - [ADDED] Ability to choose to skip the intros/loading phase via the settings menu.


    [CHANGED] Closed support for whitelisted Curators to have access to exec module. WILL RETURN.


    - [FIXED] Custom modules not loading.
    - [FIXED] File: initRespawn.sqf
    - [FIXED] Initial spawn for all players and the way the mission deals with the first respawn.


Servers are currently down, but the mission files are still open for download. All updates are to the github.

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