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Mid-Mission Cutscenes

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Hi all,


I'm trying to make a mission consisting of multiple submissions. Sometimes, when one submission goal is achieved I want to do a cutscene to do some story telling (very simple, only text). I saw the use of cutText for Intros and tried this. It simply fades the screen black and gives some text on the black screen. However, the engine around me continues to simulate. Which leads to the possibility of being shot (and even if not getting directly shot at, it's a stupid feeling when you hear gunshots by AI but are blacked out from the scene.

Is there a typical way how to deal with it? Like freezing the simulation or a different approach to display text in a nice way for some storytelling (I tried systemChat, but somehow this doesn't seem very prominent...)



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Not that easy to accomplish, you could disable the simulation on all AI and vehicles and disable the user input on every player during the cutscene.


Only do cutscenes mid-mission if you absolutely have to, since they can disrupt any momentum, especially during ongoing firefights, as you already mentioned.



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On 10.06.2018 at 12:20 PM, behemeth said:

Hi all,


I'm trying to make a mission consisting of multiple submissions. Sometimes, when one submission goal is achieved I want to do a cutscene to do some story telling (very simple, only text). I saw the use of cutText for Intros and tried this. It simply fades the screen black and gives some text on the black screen. However, the engine around me continues to simulate. Which leads to the possibility of being shot (and even if not getting directly shot at, it's a stupid feeling when you hear gunshots by AI but are blacked out from the scene.

Is there a typical way how to deal with it? Like freezing the simulation or a different approach to display text in a nice way for some storytelling (I tried systemChat, but somehow this doesn't seem very prominent...)




You have first to decide, what events you want to execute while cutscene, like:


1. Disallow damage of player

2. freeze all units around

3. prohibit player to move

4. and so on...


And then search for solutions for these steps, like:


1. [player, false] remoteExec ["allowDamage",0]

2. {if (!isPlayer _x) then {[_x, false] remoteExec ["enableSimulation",0]}} foreach allUnits

3. [player, "someAnimation"] remoteExec ["switchmove",0]

4. And so on...


Then create a function, like:


SceneSim = 


          // you code

        waitUntil {someEvent};

       // abort your code


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