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Help on debugging FPS drop

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Hi there!


I am experiencing FPS drops on Antistasi MP servers. #Monitor 5 reports stable drops to 4 FPS and such which only get fixed with a restart.


It Works with three HCs


Okay, I checked everything, no .rpt fails, checked some CPU - intensive functions to be not looped (BIS_fnc_safePos may flood a server if called constantly, I've seen that), checked all while and waituntil commands to have some sleep delay, I diag_logSQFscripts to see what scripts are running and all of them are loops on the sleep line, even with very few AI spawned.


So I'm a bit lost on how to debug this.


Is there anything else to look for?


Thanks in advance!

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On 31.5.2018 at 4:17 PM, barbolani said:

checked all while and waituntil commands to have some sleep delay

Won't help. Scheduled scripts can only run for 3ms per frame anyway.

You could use profiling build together with https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/diag_captureSlowFrame

you can run it on the server. It will then dump the slow frame to a file that you can open on your client by copy-pasting the content into the UI that https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/diag_captureFrame

opens on clientside.

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The BIS_fnc_safePos mentioned above, if massively called, could slow down the framerate because it asks the engine to do a search on nearby objects. However no idea how high the search radius should be to really cause a trouble.

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