lev 21 Posted April 14, 2018 First off I'd like to commend BI on designing a pretty well made multiplayer mode. I had the chance to hop on the official servers and play with a decently large group of people and the experience was very good. The game mode's freedom plus hardcore aspects (no respawns) causes players to play with a decently realistic and tactical approach. My main feedback lies in the spectator mode. As it currently stands, spectator is mildly bugged and is capable of being abused. Since comms do not seem to be limited between alive and dead people, players are able to use spectator mode to spy on the enemy teams and relay that information back to their own team after they die and are in spectator. As I believe the inclusion of spectator is important I propose the following changes: On all servers regardless of difficulty settings, spectator should be locked to your own team only. If your entire team is dead, spectator should be locked to your base location to prevent one team from helping the other. On veteran servers, spectator should be locked to first person view only On regular/recruit servers spectator should be switchable between first and third person only Currently there is some sort of bug where when you first enter spectator you are allowed a free camera spectator mode that disappears if you switch to a third person or first person camera. I believe this was unintentional and should be patched away. I think the mode could also do with more varied locations. Having just one primary AO makes the mission a bit stale after several play throughs. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites