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John Midnight

Adding modules to spawned unit with "createUnit"

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Hello, I'm creating a singleplayer mission, in wich I use "createUnit" for team switch when I die. But I don't know how to synchronize modules to the created unit, in particular the High Command one. I know there is the command "synchronizeObjectsAdd", but it doesn't seems to work. I created a radio trigger with 

player synchronizeObjectsAdd ["AmbientCombatManager"];

but doens't seems to work. Also, I don't know the classnames of the rest of modules.


Thanks in advance.

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So if I understand correctly, you used createUnit to create a new unit:

_newunit = "your_unit_type" createUnit [pos, group];


addSwitchableUnit _newunit ;


what you need to do now is to give a variable name to your module (mod1 for example) and:

mod1 synchronizeObjectsAdd [player];


mod1 synchronizeObjectsAdd ["_newunit"];

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I don't understand, you don't need to find the module classname, you simply place a module in the editor by hand, then you put something in the "name" section of that module (let's say you put "mod1") and in your trigger activation you write:

mod1 synchronizeObjectsAdd [player];

if you want to find the classname of a unit you want to spawn, put  "call BIS_fnc_configviewer" in the init of some playable unit or in another radio trigger and you should be able to see all the classnames in the game

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