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How and where do i buy a server?

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I want to start my own milsim. I need a crash course in first getting a server and then setting up a modpack.



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GSP reviews, best research which is the best server for you http://www.gsprating.com/category/gsp-reviews/

all links for alot of servers are there, GSP stands for Game Server provider.

game servers




GTX gaming

all are good servers, i had servers with all of them currently have a server with streamline and only have been using them for past 2yrs.

But i would recommend something you can afford and look at the Top Customer Rated section and whats linked there.


You want good customer support as if your server is acting up and the support sucks then you waste your time and money.


As for mods, once you get your server setup, and configured, then mods and missions will be the last thing you add to the server, you want to look for something that has a good backend,

user friendly and easily accessible which allows you to configure, upload and get around without headaches.

Uploading files to the server imo is best done through an FTP like Filezilla its alot more efficient and faster then say a panel.


Any questions dont hesitate to ask.



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