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Need a bit of help with EventHandler

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I want to make an Sentinal for my Clan that is invisible to the enemy.

I tried to set it on Captive true with the class EventHandler but it does not work.

I have tried differnt writing types but had no success.


Maybe somebody can give me an hint?



class cfgVehicles
    class B_UAV_05_F;
/*============================================ Basis UAVs =============================*/
        scope = 1;
        author = "Weasel/Mike";
        displayName = "Titan Sentinal (Base)";
        editorCategory = "TITAN_Faction"; // Class from CfgEditorCategories. Usually used for props.        
        editorSubcategory = "TITAN_UAV"; // Class from CfgEditorSubcategories. Should be used everywhere.
/*============================================ Einsatz UAVs =============================*/    
        scope = 2;
        author = "Weasel/Mike";
        displayName = "Titan Sentinal";
        editorCategory = "TITAN_Faction";     
        editorSubcategory = "TITAN_UAV";
        receiveRemoteTargets = true;
        reportRemoteTargets = true;
        reportOwnPosition = true;
        fuelCapacity = 1000;
       class EventHandlers
        init = "this setCaptive true";



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I'm not 100% sure about this, but aren't the UAV's piloted by "AI pilots"? I think the AI pilot uses no 3D model and can't really interact with the world, but arma 3 targets vehicles based on the pilot/driver faction, not vehicle faction. (For instance, if you are BLUFOR and jump into a OPFOR vehicle, then the BLUFOR AI will not target you, but the OPFOR will (meaning they ignore vehicle type, but recognize driver/pilot faction).


Try fiddling with that instead :) 



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