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Setting texture in Eden?

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is there a way to set the texture in Eden by script so it persist into the mission preview and exported scenario? I tried using setObjectTextureGlobal on the Eden placed plane, but this is not saved anywhere. Is there maybe a special variable in the object or other way to mimick the 'edit vehicle appearance' capability?


Background is that the F/A-18 now has a huge list of 2017 textures and I would like to auto paint the planes on the carrier with the correct squadrons. E.g. if you choose CVN-68 your planes get painted with Nimitz squadron textures, if you use CVN-75 you get different squadron textures, those for the Truman. The populate script of the Nimitz has been modified already for that, but I fail to persist the textures between Eden and mission preview.



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Use setObjectTexture in the object's init script field. Virtual Garage should also work but I don't remember that ever working for me.

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4 hours ago, Dedmen said:

Use setObjectTexture in the object's init script field. Virtual Garage should also work but I don't remember that ever working for me.


Do you happen to know how to modify the init script field from within Eden by script? The objects/planes are created with the populate script, but I haven't found a way to alter the init field of them.

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Found it! You can set the Init field with set3DENAttribute now and it doesn't even crash:


private _t = "";
	_plane setObjectTextureGlobal [_forEachIndex, _x];
	_t = format ["%1 this setObjectTextureGlobal [%2,'%3'];", _t, _forEachIndex, _x];
} forEach _textures;
_plane set3DENAttribute["Init", _t];


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