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Tons of ideas for mission, zero knowledge about scripting.

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Hi fellas, is there a good soul which can help me with realizing my ideas for my mission? At least point me to the right direction.

1) I'm trying to figure it out how make a picture or object appear above the unit that spotted the player. I failed at very start because I don't know how to get the position of unit that spotted the player. One of my thoughts was: GetPos of unit that have knowsAbout bigger than 0 or maybe use targetKnowledge but I (again) don't know how.


2) I got a trigger with EAST knowsAbout player > 1;  which launch script when player is discovered BUT even its set to repeat it works only once. 


3) Is there any documentation about playerKilledScript.sqs because I don't find any. I would like to change the "dead" screen but still have few options like exit, load last save etc.


Thanks in advance for any ideas + I can use very simple scripts and still don't have any clue how to combine them / use them together so any link to some tips or tutorials are also welcome.

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2) it may well work twice but knowsAbout takes a few minutes to return to 0. Also triggering when knowsAbout > 1 is quite a low value, i think about 1.5 AI has some idea where you are so your trigger will be firing at the slightest thing and will take a while to deactivate. maybe try "KnowsAbout > 3" or "knowsAbout == 4".


3) here are all the event scripts you can see which variables get passed when the script fires. its onPLayerKilled.sqf don't think you want to use .sqs these days.


check out the community WIKI for detailed info on script commands etc and KK's scripting blog  for good info

Edited by lordfrith
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Start with the basics. I added a link, but is not dipslaying. Anyways, the is a thread for new scripters. It is worth the time.


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