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Can any give me and advice on which settings i should put 4 group patrolling around Malden airport if i want them to come running if they hear a gunfight??? the 4 groups are spread out so there aprox the distance between them

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I generally setup patrols as behaviour SAFE and Speed LIMITED, so they walk the patrol route with their guns on their shoulders.

I then put a trigger over the area they can see, Condition West detected by East (or vice versa) and in the on activation field type,

group1 setBehaviour "AWARE"

group1 setspeedmode "NORMAL"

group1 setcombatmode "RED"

so they take their guns of their shoulders and start running (and will engage anyone they see).

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If you make a trigger

Activation: west

On activation: unit1 move [x,y,z]

*where unit1 is one of you 4 patroling units and [x,y,z] are the coordinates of your trigger

Then unit1 will run to your trigger.

(b.t.w. for finding out coordinates see <a href="http://www.ofpeditingcenter.com.com">www.ofpeditingcenter.com</a>)

Have fun smile.gif

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(Edited by RedStorm at 11:39 am on Dec. 1, 2001)

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(Edited by RedStorm at 11:39 am on Dec. 1, 2001)

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You could also try; (just an example for 1 group,

but you can use it for each)

Make waypoints for your group1 - move, move, move,

circle (so they will patrol around) - then create the

west detected by east trigger and on activation

do any variable to true (e.g: detect=true) -

then create a trigger with type: switch, in condition

field type: detect (the trigger range you can set to 0/0)

group your cycle waypoint (F2) with the switch trigger,

and the patrol will move to the next waypoint after the

cycle one (e.g: guard or seek & destroy) - this also works even if the patrol hasn't reached the cycle waypoint yet and west is detected.

You could also use the west detected by east trigger

for that, but i don't know if you could use it for more than one group (don't forget to set trigger type to switch)

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