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Space Cadet

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About Space Cadet

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  1. Space Cadet

    Scripting geniuses Plz read!!

    Why don't you just CAMCREATE one where its needed? _Target = _This select 0 _Flare camCreate [(_Target select 0),(_Target select 1),100] exit Just create an invisible H at the location you want the flare and name it, and then call the script, passing the H's name. (you can change the "100" to whatever value you prefer, it relates to how high the flare will appear. Which method you use, I suppose, depends on whether you prefer teleporting blokes around, or using scripts. (Edited by Space Cadet at 6:56 pm on Dec. 18, 2001)
  2. Space Cadet

    Changing default formation?

    I think setting the special field to NONE works if the group don't have any waypoints, but if they do, then as soon as they start to move they assume a formation again. I might be wrong here though, I had trouble with this, and after much playing about in the editor I came to this conclusion.
  3. Space Cadet

    Feign Death script

    This is the syntax for adding actions to players UnitName AddAction ["Name Off Action","Scripttoexecute.sqs"] but, as PlaneShifter mentioned, there are problems with this in multiplayer.
  4. Space Cadet

    Did you know?

    Not exactly a tip, more an observation/question. I coded a co-op MP mission, with a cutscene script that runs when an AI unit reaches a certain point, code to run the scene is in the on activation field of the units waypoint. (I play it on my LAN, 3 players, no dedicated server) I have experienced unpredictable behaviour with this script, sometimes it runs fine on all PC's, other times it starts on one PC, and then starts after a few seconds on the others, once it even ran on the host but never ran on the other PC's. Now, obviously when the unit reaches its waypoint, it does so at the same time on all PC's, so whats goin' on? Is this just the dodgey net code, or is there a way I can control this? (oh, and its works fine in single player and the editor)
  5. Space Cadet

    Tower guards

    1) Are you talking about the 'falling out of the bloody tower' problem that soldiers have when they are under fire. If so this is caused by the guy taking a step forward when he gets back up again from a prone position, so eventually he steps right off the platform. Yop can stop this by forcing him to never go prone GuardOne SetUnitPos "UP" 2) If you do what I suggested above he will never lie down (not sure if thats what you want) but he will shoot at any bad guys that he is aware of. 3) To start someone off in aware mode type This setbehaviour "AWARE" So if you type:- This SetUnitPos "UP"; This Setbehaviour "AWARE" into the soldiers INIT field, it should solve most of your problems.
  6. Space Cadet

    skill settings

    The default AI level is a bit low. if you look at most of the BIS missions they have the AI skill set a lot higher than this default, and also most officers are set to Major or higher. It is really annoying that you have to change the skill and rank settings each time you add a new unit, so I normally create one group, alter the skills to the level I want, and then copy and paste this group whenever I want more blokes. Saves a lot of messing about with these settings.
  7. Space Cadet


    Yeah, I did use it in a script cos I wanted a barrage of around 30 shots, all landing in different spots, so I just created a loop in a script and ran the code 30 times. It should still work in the editor though, did you get an error message - or just nothing happened?
  8. Space Cadet

    Ammo, Medic and Repair Support

    MP is right, give the support unit a support waypoint and they will move there until someone calls for that type of support, so long as you are close enough.
  9. Space Cadet

    Lots Of Sex!!!!!!!!!!

    It depends on what event you want to trigger the message. If you want the message to be sent when a unit reaches a waypoint, put it in the On Activation field of that waypoint. If you want it to be sent when an event happens, create a trigger that fires when that event happens (eg East not present - West detected by East etc) and type the command into the On Activation field of the trigger. If you want conversations, ie more than one message, you will probably need to use a script and put the commands in there, with a small time delay between them. (Or use game logic - but I'm not to sure to sure how to use this)
  10. Space Cadet

    Lots Of Sex!!!!!!!!!!

    To hold conversations use the sidechat or groupchat commands:- UnitName SideChat "Message" UnitName GroupChat "Message"
  11. Space Cadet


    I think if you create an Init.SQS and type "Obj_1" Objstatus "hidden" then it wont appear in the breifing, then run "Obj_1" ObjStatus "Active" to get the mission plan updated thingy, and you can then see the objective as normal.
  12. Space Cadet


    I generally setup patrols as behaviour SAFE and Speed LIMITED, so they walk the patrol route with their guns on their shoulders. I then put a trigger over the area they can see, Condition West detected by East (or vice versa) and in the on activation field type, group1 setBehaviour "AWARE" group1 setspeedmode "NORMAL" group1 setcombatmode "RED" so they take their guns of their shoulders and start running (and will engage anyone they see).
  13. The syntax is exactly the same in a script as it is in the editor, apart from you don't need a ";" after each command, just put each command on a new line. Unitname sidechat "Message"
  14. Space Cadet

    XMS in mission Builder

    Jason Alaska you are quite right for blokes, but for crates and vehicles it doesnt matter.
  15. Yeah, I've done a mission with 6 M2 guns in a town, all positioned in the second floor of houses, loads of Russians running about in the village(about 50 blokes), and 50 Western blokes come in attacking the town with 4 M113's and 2 M2A2's in support. ( oh, and 4 blokes with MM1 grenade launchers.) Talk about chaos, hehe, its great fun to watch, but I have yet to survive the mission!! (got to keep my head down more often) Now, if only i could get groups of guys into buildings, it would be time for some grenades through the windows!!