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Direct Connect Button to the Main Menu

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Hey guys,
I have a lot of fun scripting an modding right now - which does not mean that I'm good at it...I'm far from it.
I mostly do it for my clan right now, creating new modules we want and so on...

A couple of days ago I was interested how far you could take the modding of the main menu. I wasn't sure what is possible and what not. 
My most recent idea would be a direct connect button on the main menu under the "Multiplayer" Tab. What do I mean with that? Basically a button that automatically connects someone to our server (obviously until the "Password" prompt comes up). I know that it is possible to add new Buttons to these Tabs in the Main Menu (as shown in the recent ACE Update) but I'm not quite sure how and especially I have no plan how a direct connect to an IP would work!

Maybe someone of you has an idea. I'd much appreciate any kind of help. 
Many Greetings


Edit: Btw...this is in no way essential. I don't need it because I'm to lazy to go on direct connect and look for my IP. I want this to play around with the menu and also maybe for our new member as a little convenience .^^

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2 hours ago, Moon_chilD said:

Maybe someone of you has an idea. I'd much appreciate any kind of help.

I don't have the answer, but if i would want to do it myself, i would look into ACE code to find how they did it

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I think getting the button there is not the hard part. As you said, just check how ACE did it. For me the biggest problem is, that I don't know if there is anyway to have people join a server via a button click. (I mean something has to be there since at some point BI needs that in the Server Browser with the "Join" button as well....but I don't know how at this point!)


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