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laserTarget not working?

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Hi Guys,

any idea why following script gives objNull instead of the object which has laser on it?
In strider commander laser is on and pointing to another vehicle while script i running


while (alive player) do
    _Target = laserTarget commander (vehicle player);
    hint format ["Target Typ: %1 - Target Name: %2", typeOf _Target, _Target];
    sleep 0.1;

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First, you must write while {alive Player} do ...

Second, strider is a resistance (independant) vehicle and it seems to fail for the laserTarget command.


Some added hints:

There are some vehicles (in cfgVehicles) created for making a "fake" enemy for AI to fire at.

This way,  laserTargetW will be always side 0 (OPFOR) and laserTargetE will be always side 1 (BLUFOR).

So, when a BLU unit lase a point, a laserTargetW is created at pointer, and this is an enemy (east side) as far as these sides stay enemy (see setFriend).


There are also two other vehicles : LaserTarget (not the command here) and laserTargetC, side 3 (civilian). Don't ask me what for.


As you can see there is no laserTargetR (for resistance or I for independent). The resistance units are using some laserTargetW or laserTargetE along with their allegiance.


The laserTarget command (and your corrected script) work fine so far I tested with BLU or RED vehicles (infantry or else) or even GREEN infantry, lasering some object. On the other hand, that definitely doesn't work for strider. Seems to be a bug or more exactly, a non-implemented feature.


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() is typo here it is not the one in game which I used otherwise I would get the error message with Line information ;)
Thanks for the added hints part though. That might help me on my goal


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