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I really need help on this issue. The goal in my Mission is to destroy 5 shilkas. I made a trigger in which the game checks if its done so that there is a green mark in your briefing during the game.Under type I said "none", because I didn`t want the game to end immidiately after destroying them. I want the game to end when the extraction helicopter with the player in it arrives at the homebase. Now the helo arrives and I want the game to check if the shilkas are destroyed, but this time I want that after this check the result is end1 and that the winoutro is played. If the shilkas are not destroyed when you arrive in the helo back at the base, then end2 and the looseoutro should be activated. I tried a thousand times and read 1000 tutorials but cant accomlish this. PLEASE HELP

Thank you very much


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This sounds like an easy one, in one of your units init field type shilkasalive = true. and when you have the first check of the shilkas to see if they are dead, and they are, then put shilkasalive=false; shilkasdead=true and then just copy the trigger you already have at the ending point and put in the lose's condition field this and shilkasalive and in the end1's condition field put this and shilkasdead

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Ok but I need the following combination

End1 Winoutro End2 Looseoutro how can I get this?

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why dont u make a trigger right at the end to detect u and in the on activation field use not alive(shilka1, 2, 3, 4, 5) and end1.......

for the loose put another trigger right on top of the first, to detect u but only to activate after about 3-4 secs. this means that if the first one doesn't activate because of the shilkas being destroyed it will activate the loose outro.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from K6 on 8:51 pm on Dec. 1, 2001

Ok but I need the following combination

End1 Winoutro End2 Looseoutro how can I get this?

<span id='postcolor'>

Trigger1 - Winoutro

this and (!alive shilka1) and (!alive shilka2) and (!alive shilka3) and (!alive shilka4) and (!alive shilka5)

Trigger2 - Looseoutro

this and ((alive shilka1) or (alive shilka2) or (alive shilka3) or (alive shilka4) or (alive shilka5))

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