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spawn objects with name using a trigger

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good afternoon everyone, a pleasure to say hello, I came to ask for help, I find myself doing a job in which I try to make the objects appear with a variable name, using a trigger and I tried it in different ways, but I could not do it, I have this for now


Condition: Land_Metalbarrel_F setVehicleVarName "p60";


Acti: p60 = "Land_Metalbarrel_F" createVehicle getMarkerPos "hspawn";


I tried it in other ways and I make the object appear but it comes out without a variable name, and I'm trying to get it with the name since that renamed object will activate another trigger later on.

I have also tried to place it in the editor already with the variable name and it reappears with a triger but I can not make it respanw the object after disappearing from the map with the name of variale I have this but something must be wrong, help please




  _x  synchronizeObjectsAdd [moduleLogic1]; 
  _x spawn { 
    private ["_delay","_desertedDelay","_respawnCount","_init","_position","_wreck", "_respawnWhenDisabled"]; 
    _delay = (moduleLogic1 getvariable ["Delay","0"]) call bis_fnc_parsenumber; 
    _desertedDelay = (modulelogic1 getvariable ["DesertedDelay","-1"]) call bis_fnc_parsenumber; 
    _desertedDistance = (moduleLogic1 getvariable ["DesertedDistance","-1"]) call bis_fnc_parsenumber; 
   _respawnCount = (moduleLogic1 getvariable ["RespawnCount","-1"]) call bis_fnc_parsenumber; 
   _init = compile (moduleLogic1 getvariable ["Init",""]); 
   _position = (moduleLogic1 getvariable ["Position","0"]) call bis_fnc_parsenumber; 
   _positionType = (moduleLogic1 getvariable ["PositionType","0"]) call bis_fnc_parsenumber; 
   _wreck = ((moduleLogic1 getvariable ["Wreck","2"]) call bis_fnc_parsenumber); 
   _showNotification  = ((moduleLogic1 getvariable ["ShowNotification","1"]) call bis_fnc_parsenumber); 
   _forcedRespawn = ((moduleLogic1 getvariable ["ForcedRespawn","0"]) call bis_fnc_parsenumber); 
   _respawnWhenDisabled = moduleLogic1 getvariable ["RespawnWhenDisabled", false];   
   [_this,_delay,_desertedDistance,_respawnCount,_init,_position,_positionType,_wreck,_showNotification,_forcedRespawn,_desertedDistance, _respawnWhenDisabled] call bis_fnc_moduleRespawnVehicle; 
} forEach [car1,car2,car3,car4];




  _x  synchronizeObjectsRemove [moduleLogic1]; 
  (_x getVariable "bis_fnc_modulerespawnvehicle_data") set [0,false] 
} forEach [car1,car2,car3,car4];



placing the respawn module in the editor ModuleRespawnVehicle_F









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trigger blufor present

p60 = "Land_Metalbarrel_F" createVehicle getpos thisTrigger;

p60 setVehicleVarName "p60"

(but you don't need that for working with p60 variable. This variable exists as soon as you create the object at 1st line).


The respawn module is a game logic with parameters on start.

For spawned vehicle, you can:

{ [_x] call BIS_fnc_moduleRespawnVehicle } forEach [car1,car2,car3,car4];  // instant respawn and default params or specify them:

[_veh,_delay,_desertedDelay,_respawnCount,_init,_position,_positionType,_wreck,_showNotification,_forcedRespawn,_desertedDistance, _respawnWhenDisabled]

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