ODST General 0 Posted November 14, 2017 Hey guys I have been working on trying to get my clutter working for some time now. At this point I am sure its something really stupid and obvious, but I have a feeling I have done more damage to my config then fixes. Hopefully someone can take a peak and set another wayward soul on his way. Thank you to anyone in who is able to help out in advance. Config.cpp Spoiler class CfgPatches { class oga_gao_terrain { units[] = {}; weapons[] = {}; requiredVersion = 1; requiredAddons[] = {}; version = "0.4"; }; }; class CfgWorldList { class oga_gao_terrain{}; }; class CfgSurfaces { #include "cfgSurfaces.hpp" #include "cfgClutter.hpp" }; class CfgWorlds { class CAWorld { class Weather { class Overcast; }; }; class CAWorld: DefaultWorld { author = "ODSTGeneral"; class Grid{}; class DayLightingBrightAlmost; class DayLightingRainy; class Weather: Weather { class Lighting; class Overcast: Overcast { class Weather1; class Weather2; class Weather3; class Weather4; class Weather5; class Weather6; }; }; }; class DefaultLighting; class oga_gao_terrain: CAWorld { cutscenes[] = {}; description = "Gao (ALPHA Release)"; worldName = "oga\oga_gao_terrain\oga_gao_terrain.wrp"; author = "ODST General"; icon = ""; previewVideo = ""; pictureMap = ""; pictureShot = ""; newRoadsShape = "oga\oga_gao_terrain\data\roads\roads.shp"; centerPosition[] = { 2560, 2560 }; ilsDirection[] = { 0, 0.08, 1 }; ilsPosition[] = { 0, 0 }; ilsTaxiIn[] = {}; ilsTaxiOff[] = {}; drawTaxiway = false; class SecondaryAirports{}; class ReplaceObjects{}; class Sea { seaTexture = "a3\data_f\seatexture_co.paa"; seaMaterial = "#water"; shoreMaterial = "#shore"; shoreFoamMaterial = "#shorefoam"; shoreWetMaterial = "#shorewet"; WaterMapScale = 20; WaterGrid = 50; MaxTide = 0; MaxWave = 0; SeaWaveXScale = "1.0/50"; SeaWaveZScale = "1.0/50"; SeaWaveHScale = 1.0; SeaWaveXDuration = 5000; SeaWaveZDuration = 10000; }; class Sounds { sounds[] = {}; }; class Animation { vehicles[] = {}; }; class Subdivision{}; class Names{}; class Underwater { /// fog color is changed based on the depth under the water surface /// normal fog color -> water color -> deep water color /// ^ /// noWaterFog -> fullWaterFog -> deepWaterFog /// depth under the water, where water color starts (can be negative = distance above water) noWaterFog = -0.3; /// depth under the water, where water color is at full strength and deep water color starts fullWaterFog = 0.1; /// depth under the water, where deep water color is at full strength deepWaterFog = 10; /// distance of the water fog (fog far) waterFogDistance = 20; /// distance of the water fog (fog near) waterFogDistanceNear = 0; /// color of the water fog at fullWaterFog depth waterColor[] = {0.02,0.08,0.12}; /// color of the water fog at deepWaterFog depth deepWaterColor[] = {0.01,0.06,0.14}; /// skyTopColor (zenith) at fullWaterFog depth (reflections on water surface?) surfaceColor[] = {0.20,0.30,0.25}; /// skyTopColor (zenith) at deepWaterFog depth (reflections on water surface?) deepSurfaceColor[] = {0.10,0.18,0.22}; }; class SeaWaterShaderPars { // coefficient used to multiply move value of refractions refractionMoveCoef = 0.01; // minimal water surface opacity, when we are looking from above the water surface down minWaterOpacity = 0.65; // coef used to multiply square root of distance of pixel from water surface when coputing final opacity of water surface // waterOpacity = MinWaterOpacity + sqrt(distance)*WaterOpacityDistCoef; waterOpacityDistCoef = 0.07; // opacity of water surface when we are under water underwaterOpacity = 0.2; // distance from object, where we start to fade the water surface to full opacity waterOpacityFadeStart = 100; // length of water surface opacity fading waterOpacityFadeLength = 20; }; }; }; cfgSurfaces.hpp Spoiler class CfgSurfaces { class Default; class oga_wild_grass : Default { files = "oga_wild_grass_*"; character = "gao_tropicalgroundclutter"; soundEnviron = "forest_exp"; soundHit = "soft_ground"; rough = 0.08; maxSpeedCoef = 0.9; dust = 0.75; lucidity = 2; }; class oga_rock : Default { files = "oga_rock_*"; character = "Empty"; soundEnviron = "dirt"; soundHit = "soft_ground"; rough = 0.08; maxSpeedCoef = 0.9; dust = 0.75; lucidity = 2; }; class oga_marsh : Default { files = "oga_marsh_*"; character = "Empty"; soundEnviron = "dirt"; soundHit = "soft_ground"; rough = 0.08; maxSpeedCoef = 0.9; dust = 0.75; lucidity = 2; }; class oga_concrete : Default { files = "oga_concrete_*"; character = "Empty"; soundEnviron = "concrete"; soundHit = "soft_ground"; rough = 0.08; maxSpeedCoef = 0.9; dust = 0.75; lucidity = 2; }; }; class CfgSurfaceCharacters { class gao_tropicalgroundclutter { probability[] = {0.1,0.1,0.1,0.3,0.1}; names[] = {"gaoc_grass_tropic","gaoc_forest_fern","gaoc_forest_roots","gaoc_grassbunch_hi","gaoc_grass_mimosa"}; }; }; cfgClutter.hpp Spoiler class DefaultClutter; class Clutter { class gaoc_grass_tropic: defaultclutter { model = "A3\vegetation_f_exp\clutter\grass\c_grass_tropic.p3d"; affectedByWind = 0.0; swLighting = "false"; scaleMin = 1.0; scaleMax = 1.5; }; class gaoc_forest_fern: defaultclutter { model = "A3\vegetation_f_exp\clutter\forest\c_forest_fern.p3d"; affectedByWind = 0.0; swLighting = "false"; scaleMin = 0.8; scaleMax = 1.5; }; class gaoc_forest_roots: defaultclutter { model = "A3\vegetation_f_exp\clutter\forest\c_forest_roots.p3d"; affectedByWind = 0.0; swLighting = "false"; scaleMin = 0.3; scaleMax = 0.7; }; class gaoc_GrassBunch_HI: defaultclutter { model = "A3\vegetation_f_exp\Clutter\grass\c_GrassBunch_HI.p3d"; affectedByWind = 0.65; swLighting = "true"; scaleMin = 1.0; scaleMax = 5.5; }; class gaoc_grasstall: defaultclutter { model = "A3\vegetation_f_exp\Clutter\grass\c_Grass_mimosa.p3d"; affectedByWind = 0.6; swLighting = "true"; scaleMin = 0.7; scaleMax = 5.0; }; }; Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rossoe 46 Posted November 17, 2017 Post your layers.cfg as well Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ODST General 0 Posted November 17, 2017 Thanks for the response Rossoe Layer.cfg Spoiler class Layers { class oga_wild_grass { texture = "a3\map_data\gdt_wild_grass_co.paa"; material = "oga\oga_gao_terrain\data\gdt_wild_grass.rvmat"; }; class oga_rock { texture = "a3\map_data\gdt_rock_co.paa"; material = "oga\oga_gao_terrain\data\gdt_rock.rvmat"; }; class oga_wildfield { texture = "a3\map_data\gdt_wildfield_co.paa"; material = "oga\oga_gao_terrain\data\gdt_marsh.rvmat"; }; class oga_concrete { texture = "a3\map_data\gdt_concrete_co.paa"; material = "oga\oga_gao_terrain\data\gdt_concrete.rvmat"; }; }; class Legend { picture = "maplegend.png"; class Colors { oga_wild_grass[] = {{ 141, 228, 61}}; oga_rock[] = {{ 116, 118, 115}}; oga_marsh[] = {{ 134, 190, 85}}; oga_concrete[] = {{ 26, 0, 253}}; }; }; Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rossoe 46 Posted November 18, 2017 So it looks like the 'oga_wild_grass_*' from cfgSurfaces.hpp: class oga_wild_grass : Default { files = "oga_wild_grass_*"; character = "gao_tropicalgroundclutter"; soundEnviron = "forest_exp"; soundHit = "soft_ground"; rough = 0.08; maxSpeedCoef = 0.9; dust = 0.75; lucidity = 2; }; Is not matching up to your naming in layers.cfg 'gdt_wild_grass_co.paa' : class oga_wild_grass { texture = "a3\map_data\gdt_wild_grass_co.paa"; material = "oga\oga_gao_terrain\data\gdt_wild_grass.rvmat"; }; They need to tie up. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ODST General 0 Posted November 18, 2017 So I replaced the gdt with the proper prefix of oga; but it is still not working at this point. Layers.cfg Spoiler class Layers { class oga_wild_grass { texture = "a3\map_data\gdt_wild_grass_co.paa"; material = "oga\oga_gao_terrain\data\oga_wild_grass.rvmat"; }; class oga_rock { texture = "a3\map_data\gdt_rock_co.paa"; material = "oga\oga_gao_terrain\data\oga_rock.rvmat"; }; class oga_wildfield { texture = "a3\map_data\oga_wildfield_co.paa"; material = "oga\oga_gao_terrain\data\oga_marsh.rvmat"; }; class oga_concrete { texture = "a3\map_data\gdt_concrete_co.paa"; material = "oga\oga_gao_terrain\data\oga_concrete.rvmat"; }; }; class Legend { picture = "maplegend.png"; class Colors { oga_wild_grass[] = {{ 139, 220, 80}}; oga_rock[] = {{ 116, 118, 115}}; oga_marsh[] = {{ 134, 190, 85}}; oga_concrete[] = {{ 26, 0, 253}}; }; }; Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RoF 241 Posted November 18, 2017 gdt_wild_grass is a default name, which is used by arma (altis etc). You need to copy the textures to your data folder and rename and tag them. So oga_wild_grass_co oga_wild_grass_nopx. You will also need to change the file paths in oga_wild_grass.rvmat to your new files Also you don't need anything in texture = ""; in the layers file, its not used in arma 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ODST General 0 Posted November 18, 2017 (edited) Ok so I updated the files with the new names and paths; as well as removed the texture reference. It is still not working sadly enough, just to make sure its ok if my cfgClutter.hpp references the path to Tanona for the models? Updated files Clutter.cpp Spoiler class CfgPatches { class oga_gao_terrain { units[] = {}; weapons[] = {}; requiredVersion = 1; requiredAddons[] = { }; }; class CfgWorldList { class oga_gao_terrain{}; }; class CfgSurfaces { #include "cfgSurfaces.hpp" #include "cfgClutter.hpp" }; class CfgWorlds { class DefaultWorld { class Weather { class Overcast; }; }; class CAWorld: DefaultWorld { author = "ODSTGeneral"; class Grid{}; class DayLightingBrightAlmost; class DayLightingRainy; class Weather: Weather { class Lighting; class Overcast: Overcast { class Weather1; class Weather2; class Weather3; class Weather4; class Weather5; class Weather6; }; }; }; class DefaultLighting; class oga_gao_terrain: CAWorld { cutscenes[] = {}; description = "Gao (ALPHA Release)"; worldName = "oga\oga_gao_terrain\oga_gao_terrain.wrp"; author = "ODST General"; icon = ""; previewVideo = ""; pictureMap = ""; pictureShot = ""; loadingTexts[] = {"Gao is a lush, jungled planet; viewed from space, the planet is largely mottled green fading to gray at both poles, which are covered by large deserts.","Gao was known to the Forerunners as Edod","Gao battle-jumpers were first deployed during the Insurrection when the Gao Republic went to war against UNSC and CMA forces on Gao."," The Gao Republic has historically resented the UEG's control and openly supported the insurrectionists."}; newRoadsShape = "oga\oga_gao_terrain\data\roads\roads.shp"; centerPosition[] = { 2560, 2560 }; ilsDirection[] = { 0, 0.08, 1 }; ilsPosition[] = { 0, 0 }; ilsTaxiIn[] = {}; ilsTaxiOff[] = {}; drawTaxiway = false; class SecondaryAirports{}; class ReplaceObjects{}; class Sea { seaTexture = "a3\data_f\seatexture_co.paa"; seaMaterial = "#water"; shoreMaterial = "#shore"; shoreFoamMaterial = "#shorefoam"; shoreWetMaterial = "#shorewet"; WaterMapScale = 20; WaterGrid = 50; MaxTide = 0; MaxWave = 0; SeaWaveXScale = "1.0/50"; SeaWaveZScale = "1.0/50"; SeaWaveHScale = 1.0; SeaWaveXDuration = 5000; SeaWaveZDuration = 10000; }; class Sounds { sounds[] = {}; }; class Animation { vehicles[] = {}; }; class Subdivision{}; class Names{}; class Underwater { /// fog color is changed based on the depth under the water surface /// normal fog color -> water color -> deep water color /// ^ /// noWaterFog -> fullWaterFog -> deepWaterFog /// depth under the water, where water color starts (can be negative = distance above water) noWaterFog = -0.3; /// depth under the water, where water color is at full strength and deep water color starts fullWaterFog = 0.1; /// depth under the water, where deep water color is at full strength deepWaterFog = 10; /// distance of the water fog (fog far) waterFogDistance = 20; /// distance of the water fog (fog near) waterFogDistanceNear = 0; /// color of the water fog at fullWaterFog depth waterColor[] = {0.02,0.08,0.12}; /// color of the water fog at deepWaterFog depth deepWaterColor[] = {0.01,0.06,0.14}; /// skyTopColor (zenith) at fullWaterFog depth (reflections on water surface?) surfaceColor[] = {0.20,0.30,0.25}; /// skyTopColor (zenith) at deepWaterFog depth (reflections on water surface?) deepSurfaceColor[] = {0.10,0.18,0.22}; }; class SeaWaterShaderPars { // coefficient used to multiply move value of refractions refractionMoveCoef = 0.01; // minimal water surface opacity, when we are looking from above the water surface down minWaterOpacity = 0.65; // coef used to multiply square root of distance of pixel from water surface when coputing final opacity of water surface // waterOpacity = MinWaterOpacity + sqrt(distance)*WaterOpacityDistCoef; waterOpacityDistCoef = 0.07; // opacity of water surface when we are under water underwaterOpacity = 0.2; // distance from object, where we start to fade the water surface to full opacity waterOpacityFadeStart = 100; // length of water surface opacity fading waterOpacityFadeLength = 20; }; }; }; cfgSurfaces.hpp Spoiler class CfgSurfaces { class Default; class oga_wild_grass : Default { files = "oga_wild_grass_*"; character = "gao_tropicalgroundclutter"; soundEnviron = "forest_exp"; soundHit = "soft_ground"; rough = 0.08; maxSpeedCoef = 0.9; dust = 0.75; lucidity = 2; }; class oga_rock : Default { files = "oga_rock_*"; character = "Empty"; soundEnviron = "dirt"; soundHit = "soft_ground"; rough = 0.08; maxSpeedCoef = 0.9; dust = 0.75; lucidity = 2; }; class oga_marsh : Default { files = "oga_marsh_*"; character = "Empty"; soundEnviron = "dirt"; soundHit = "soft_ground"; rough = 0.08; maxSpeedCoef = 0.9; dust = 0.75; lucidity = 2; }; class oga_concrete : Default { files = "oga_concrete_*"; character = "Empty"; soundEnviron = "concrete"; soundHit = "soft_ground"; rough = 0.08; maxSpeedCoef = 0.9; dust = 0.75; lucidity = 2; }; }; class CfgSurfaceCharacters { class gao_tropicalgroundclutter { probability[] = {0.1,0.1,0.1,0.3,0.1}; names[] = {"gaoc_grass_tropic","gaoc_forest_fern","gaoc_forest_roots","gaoc_grassbunch_hi","gaoc_grass_mimosa"}; }; }; cfgClutter.hpp Spoiler class DefaultClutter; class Clutter { class gaoc_grass_tropic: defaultclutter { model = "A3\vegetation_f_exp\clutter\grass\c_grass_tropic.p3d"; affectedByWind = 0.0; swLighting = "false"; scaleMin = 1.0; scaleMax = 1.5; }; class gaoc_forest_fern: defaultclutter { model = "A3\vegetation_f_exp\clutter\forest\c_forest_fern.p3d"; affectedByWind = 0.0; swLighting = "false"; scaleMin = 0.8; scaleMax = 1.5; }; class gaoc_forest_roots: defaultclutter { model = "A3\vegetation_f_exp\clutter\forest\c_forest_roots.p3d"; affectedByWind = 0.0; swLighting = "false"; scaleMin = 0.3; scaleMax = 0.7; }; class gaoc_GrassBunch_HI: defaultclutter { model = "A3\vegetation_f_exp\Clutter\grass\c_GrassBunch_HI.p3d"; affectedByWind = 0.65; swLighting = "true"; scaleMin = 1.0; scaleMax = 5.5; }; class gaoc_grasstall: defaultclutter { model = "A3\vegetation_f_exp\Clutter\grass\c_Grass_mimosa.p3d"; affectedByWind = 0.6; swLighting = "true"; scaleMin = 0.7; scaleMax = 5.0; }; }; oga_wild_grass.rvmat Spoiler ambient[] = {0.9,0.9,0.9,1}; diffuse[] = {0.9,0.9,0.9,1}; forcedDiffuse[] = {0.02,0.02,0.02,1}; specular[] = {0.0,0.0,0.0,0}; specularPower = 1; emmisive[] = {0,0,0,0}; PixelShaderID = "NormalMapDiffuse"; VertexShaderID = "NormalMapDiffuseAlpha"; class Stage1 { texture = "oga\OGA_gao_terrain\data\oga_wild_grass_nopx.paa"; uvSource = "tex"; class uvTransform { aside[] = {10,0,0}; up[] = {0,10,0}; dir[] = {0,0,10}; pos[] = {0,0,0}; }; }; class Stage2 { texture = "oga\OGA_gao_terrain\data\oga_wild_grass_co.paa"; uvSource = "tex"; class uvTransform { aside[] = {10,0,0}; up[] = {0,10,0}; dir[] = {0,0,10}; pos[] = {0,0,0}; }; }; Edit: I should clarify I did see a large jump in the file size of my mission, so that seemed to do something. Edited November 18, 2017 by ODST General addition for context Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rossoe 46 Posted November 18, 2017 Ah this get's tricky, and slightly outside of my knowledge. I hope someone will confirm for you - but I believe the binarise process needs to have access to the p3d's which remain in the ebo for tanoa assets - so that's why you may be still having this issue. It will all be changing on the 30th however as BI are releasing the assets with the next DLC! To easily check if your configs are set up ok - just switch the model for a non tanoa one and see if it works... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ODST General 0 Posted November 18, 2017 Ok I will try that, in the mean time I do have a subscription to Mikero's tools which provides mock models with paths for placement. Is there someway I should be using those to properly implement this instead? Edit: Well I made progress, backwards progress. My clutter will no longer show up in game at all. :/ Edit Edit: Really cannot figure out what I changed that caused all the clutter to disappear... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ODST General 0 Posted November 20, 2017 Hey guys I really messed up my clutter, can anyone maybe take a look and see what I messed up now... Clutter Spoiler class CfgPatches { class oga_gao_terrain { units[] = {}; weapons[] = {}; requiredVersion = 1; requiredAddons[] = {}; version = "0.4"; }; }; class CfgWorldList { class oga_gao_terrain{}; }; class CfgSurfaces { #include "cfgSurfaces.hpp" }; class CfgWorlds { class DefaultWorld { class Weather { class Overcast; }; }; class CAWorld: DefaultWorld { author = "ODSTGeneral"; class Grid{}; class DayLightingBrightAlmost; class DayLightingRainy; class Weather: Weather { class Lighting; class Overcast: Overcast { class Weather1; class Weather2; class Weather3; class Weather4; class Weather5; class Weather6; }; }; }; class DefaultLighting; class oga_gao_terrain: CAWorld { cutscenes[] = {}; description = "Gao (ALPHA Release)"; worldName = "oga\oga_gao_terrain\oga_gao_terrain.wrp"; author = "ODST General"; icon = ""; previewVideo = ""; pictureMap = "OGA\OGA_gao_terrain\data\pictureshot_oga.paa"; pictureShot = "OGA\OGA_gao_terrain\data\pictureshot_oga.paa"; loadingTexts[] = {"Gao is a lush, jungled planet; viewed from space, the planet is largely mottled green fading to gray at both poles, which are covered by large deserts.","Gao was known to the Forerunners as Edod","Gao battle-jumpers were first deployed during the Insurrection when the Gao Republic went to war against UNSC and CMA forces on Gao."," The Gao Republic has historically resented the UEG's control and openly supported the insurrectionists.","Much frustration and many tears went into this map....many tears."}; newRoadsShape = "oga\oga_gao_terrain\data\roads\roads.shp"; centerPosition[] = { 2560, 2560 }; ilsDirection[] = { 0, 0.08, 1 }; ilsPosition[] = { 0, 0 }; ilsTaxiIn[] = {}; ilsTaxiOff[] = {}; drawTaxiway = false; class SecondaryAirports{}; class ReplaceObjects{}; class Sea { seaTexture = "a3\data_f\seatexture_co.paa"; seaMaterial = "#water"; shoreMaterial = "#shore"; shoreFoamMaterial = "#shorefoam"; shoreWetMaterial = "#shorewet"; WaterMapScale = 20; WaterGrid = 50; MaxTide = 0; MaxWave = 0; SeaWaveXScale = "1.0/50"; SeaWaveZScale = "1.0/50"; SeaWaveHScale = 1.0; SeaWaveXDuration = 5000; SeaWaveZDuration = 10000; }; class Sounds { sounds[] = {}; }; class Animation { vehicles[] = {}; }; class Subdivision{}; class Names{}; class Underwater { /// fog color is changed based on the depth under the water surface /// normal fog color -> water color -> deep water color /// ^ /// noWaterFog -> fullWaterFog -> deepWaterFog /// depth under the water, where water color starts (can be negative = distance above water) noWaterFog = -0.3; /// depth under the water, where water color is at full strength and deep water color starts fullWaterFog = 0.1; /// depth under the water, where deep water color is at full strength deepWaterFog = 10; /// distance of the water fog (fog far) waterFogDistance = 20; /// distance of the water fog (fog near) waterFogDistanceNear = 0; /// color of the water fog at fullWaterFog depth waterColor[] = {0.02,0.08,0.12}; /// color of the water fog at deepWaterFog depth deepWaterColor[] = {0.01,0.06,0.14}; /// skyTopColor (zenith) at fullWaterFog depth (reflections on water surface?) surfaceColor[] = {0.20,0.30,0.25}; /// skyTopColor (zenith) at deepWaterFog depth (reflections on water surface?) deepSurfaceColor[] = {0.10,0.18,0.22}; }; class SeaWaterShaderPars { // coefficient used to multiply move value of refractions refractionMoveCoef = 0.01; // minimal water surface opacity, when we are looking from above the water surface down minWaterOpacity = 0.65; // coef used to multiply square root of distance of pixel from water surface when coputing final opacity of water surface // waterOpacity = MinWaterOpacity + sqrt(distance)*WaterOpacityDistCoef; waterOpacityDistCoef = 0.07; // opacity of water surface when we are under water underwaterOpacity = 0.2; // distance from object, where we start to fade the water surface to full opacity waterOpacityFadeStart = 100; // length of water surface opacity fading waterOpacityFadeLength = 20; }; class Grid: Grid { offsetX = 0; offsetY = 1024; class Zoom1 { zoomMax = 0.15; format = "XY"; formatX = "000"; formatY = "000"; stepX = 100; stepY = -100; }; class Zoom2 { zoomMax = 0.85; format = "XY"; formatX = "00"; formatY = "00"; stepX = 1000; stepY = -1000; }; class Zoom3 { zoomMax = 1e+030; format = "XY"; formatX = "0"; formatY = "0"; stepX = 10000; stepY = -10000; }; }; class Lighting: DefaultLighting { groundReflection[] = {0.132,0.133,0.122}; moonObjectColorFull[] = {460,440,400,1.0}; moonHaloObjectColorFull[] = {465,477,475,1.0}; moonsetObjectColor[] = {375,350,325,1.0}; moonsetHaloObjectColor[] = {515,517,525,1.0}; class ThunderBoltLight { diffuse[] = {2120,3170,5550}; ambient[] = {0.001,0.001,0.001}; intensity = 120000; class Attenuation { start = 0.0; constant = 0.0; linear = 0.0; quadratic = 1.0; }; }; starEmissivity = 30.0; }; class DayLightingBrightAlmost: DayLightingBrightAlmost { deepNight[] = {-15,{0.005,0.01,0.01},{0.0,0.002,0.003},{0.0,0.0,0.0},{0.0,0.0,0.0},{0.0,0.002,0.003},{0.0,0.002,0.003},0}; fullNight[] = {-5,{0.182,0.213,0.25},{0.05,0.111,0.221},{0.04,0.034,0.004},{0.039,0.049,0.072},{0.082,0.128,0.185},{0.283,0.35,0.431},0}; sunMoon[] = {-3.75,{0.377,0.441,0.518},{0.103,0.227,0.453},{0.04,0.034,0.004},{0.039,0.049,0.072},{0.174,0.274,0.395},{0.582,0.72,0.887},0.5}; earlySun[] = {-2.5,{0.675,0.69,0.784},{0.22,0.322,0.471},{0.04,0.034,0.004},{0.039,0.049,0.072},{0.424,0.549,0.745},{0.698,0.753,0.894},1}; sunrise[] = {0,{0.675,0.69,0.784},{0.478,0.51,0.659},{0.2,0.19,0.07},{0.124,0.161,0.236},{{0.847,0.855,0.965},0.2},{{0.933,0.949,0.996},2},1}; earlyMorning[] = {3,{{0.844,0.61,0.469},0.8},{0.424,0.557,0.651},{{1,0.45,0.2},1},{0.12,0.26,0.38},{{0.428,0.579,0.743},2},{{0.844,0.61,0.469},2.7},1}; midMorning[] = {8,{{0.822,0.75,0.646},3.8},{{0.383,0.58,0.858},1.3},{{1.3,0.9,0.61},2.8},{{0.12,0.18,0.28},0.5},{{0.322,0.478,0.675},3.5},{{1.0,0.929,0.815},4.7},1}; morning[] = {16,{{1,0.95,0.91},12.2},{{0.12,0.18,0.28},9.2},{{1,0.95,0.91},11.2},{{0.12,0.18,0.28},8.5},{{0.14,0.18,0.24},11.0},{{0.5,0.6,0.9},13.2},1}; noon[] = {45,{{0.98,0.94,0.94},13.8},{{0.2,0.27,0.35},10.8},{{0.98,0.94,0.94},13.8},{{0.2,0.27,0.35},10.8},{{0.5,0.64,1.0},12.0},{{0.5,0.5,0.5},14.8},1,0.5,0.4,0.5,0.4}; }; class DayLightingRainy: DayLightingRainy { deepNight[] = {-15,{0.005,0.01,0.01},{0.0,0.002,0.003},{0.0,0.0,0.0},{0.0,0.0,0.0},{0.0,0.002,0.003},{0.0,0.002,0.003},0}; fullNight[] = {-5,{0.023,0.023,0.023},{0.02,0.02,0.02},{0.023,0.023,0.023},{0.02,0.02,0.02},{0.01,0.01,0.02},{0.08,0.06,0.06},0}; sunMoon[] = {-3.75,{0.04,0.04,0.05},{0.04,0.04,0.05},{0.04,0.04,0.05},{0.04,0.04,0.05},{0.04,0.035,0.04},{0.11,0.08,0.09},0.5}; earlySun[] = {-2.5,{0.0689,0.0689,0.0804},{0.06,0.06,0.07},{0.0689,0.0689,0.0804},{0.06,0.06,0.07},{0.08,0.07,0.08},{0.14,0.1,0.12},0.5}; earlyMorning[] = {3,{{1,1,1},"(-4)+3.95"},{{1,1,1},"(-4)+3.0"},{{1,1,1},"(-4)+3.95"},{{1,1,1},"(-4)+3.0"},{{1,1,1},"(-4)+4"},{{1,1,1},"(-4)+5.5"},1}; morning[] = {16,{{1,1,1},"(-4)+5.7"},{{1,1,1},"(-4)+4.5"},{{1,1,1},"(-4)+5.7"},{{1,1,1},"(-4)+4.5"},{{1,1,1},"(-4)+7"},{{1,1,1},"(-4)+8"},1}; lateMorning[] = {25,{{1,1,1},"(-4)+10.45"},{{1,1,1},"(-4)+9.75"},{{1,1,1},"(-4)+10.45"},{{1,1,1},"(-4)+9.75"},{{1,1,1},"(-4)+12"},{{1,1,1},"(-4)+12.75"},1}; noon[] = {45,{{1,1,1},10.0},{{1,1,1},9.0},{{1,1,1},9.0},{{1,1,1},8.0},{{0.5,0.64,1},12.0},{{0.5,0.5,0.5},14.8},1}; }; class Weather: Weather { class LightingNew { class Lighting0 { height = 0; overcast = 0.25; sunAngle = -24; sunOrMoon = 0; diffuse[] = {{0.14,0.19,0.3},4}; diffuseCloud[] = {{0.14,0.19,0.3},0.2}; ambient[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},1}; ambientCloud[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},0.05}; ambientMid[] = {{0.1384,0.1912,0.2984},0.88}; ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.1384,0.1912,0.2984},0.044}; groundReflection[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},0.8448}; groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},0.04224}; bidirect[] = {0.025,0.025,0.023}; bidirectCloud[] = {0.0125,0.0125,0.0115}; sky[] = {0.231,0.314,0.467}; skyAroundSun[] = {0.2,0.25,0.45}; fogColor[] = {{0.09,0.137,0.22},0.025}; apertureMin = 6; apertureStandard = 6; apertureMax = 18; standardAvgLum = 4; desiredLuminanceCoef = 1; desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 1; luminanceRectCoef = 1; luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.5; rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.01388,0.035}; mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005}; cloudsColor[] = {{0.5,0.65,1},11.016}; swBrightness = 1; }; class Lighting1 { height = 0; overcast = 0.25; sunAngle = -12; sunOrMoon = 0; diffuse[] = {0.1,0.18,0.3}; diffuseCloud[] = {0.1,0.18,0.3}; ambient[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},1}; ambientCloud[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},1}; ambientMid[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},0.88}; ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},0.88}; groundReflection[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},0.8448}; groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},0.8448}; bidirect[] = {0,0,0}; bidirectCloud[] = {0,0,0}; sky[] = {{0.212,0.302,0.51},1}; skyAroundSun[] = {0.2,0.25,0.45}; fogColor[] = {{0.662,0.447,0.192},0.025}; apertureMin = 6; apertureStandard = 6; apertureMax = 18; standardAvgLum = 4; desiredLuminanceCoef = 1; desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 1; luminanceRectCoef = 1; luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.5; rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.01388,0.035}; mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005}; cloudsColor[] = {{1,1,1},11.016}; swBrightness = 1; }; class Lighting2 { height = 0; overcast = 0.25; sunAngle = -11; sunOrMoon = 0.5; diffuse[] = {0.1,0.18,0.3}; diffuseCloud[] = {0.1,0.18,0.3}; ambient[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},1}; ambientCloud[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},1}; ambientMid[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},0.88}; ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},0.88}; groundReflection[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},0.8448}; groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},0.8448}; bidirect[] = {0,0,0}; bidirectCloud[] = {0,0,0}; sky[] = {{0.212,0.302,0.51},1}; skyAroundSun[] = {0.2,0.25,0.45}; fogColor[] = {{0.662,0.447,0.192},0.025}; apertureMin = 6; apertureStandard = 6; apertureMax = 18; standardAvgLum = 4; desiredLuminanceCoef = 1; desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 1; luminanceRectCoef = 1; luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.5; rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.01388,0.035}; mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005}; cloudsColor[] = {{1,1,1},11.016}; swBrightness = 1; }; class Lighting3 { height = 0; overcast = 0.25; sunAngle = -10; sunOrMoon = 1; diffuse[] = {0.1,0.18,0.3}; diffuseCloud[] = {0.1,0.18,0.3}; ambient[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},1}; ambientCloud[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},1}; ambientMid[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},0.88}; ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},0.88}; groundReflection[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},0.8448}; groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},0.8448}; bidirect[] = {0,0,0}; bidirectCloud[] = {0,0,0}; sky[] = {{0.212,0.302,0.51},1}; skyAroundSun[] = {{0.2,0.25,0.45},4.734908}; fogColor[] = {{0.662,0.447,0.192},0.025}; apertureMin = 6; apertureStandard = 6; apertureMax = 18; standardAvgLum = 4; desiredLuminanceCoef = 1; desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 1; luminanceRectCoef = 1; luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.5; rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.01388,0.035}; mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005}; cloudsColor[] = {{1,1,1},11.016}; swBrightness = 1; }; class Lighting4 { height = 0; overcast = 0.25; sunAngle = -5; sunOrMoon = 1; diffuse[] = {{0.16,0.18,0.28},3}; diffuseCloud[] = {{0.16,0.18,0.28},3}; ambient[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},4.6}; ambientCloud[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},4.6}; ambientMid[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},4.048}; ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},4.048}; groundReflection[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},3.88608}; groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},3.88608}; bidirect[] = {0.0115,0.012,0.0125}; bidirectCloud[] = {0.0115,0.012,0.0125}; sky[] = {{0.2,0.298,0.541},4.6}; skyAroundSun[] = {{0.7,0.35,0.28},7.636949}; fogColor[] = {{0.662,0.447,0.192},0.025}; apertureMin = 6; apertureStandard = 6; apertureMax = 18; standardAvgLum = 4; desiredLuminanceCoef = 1; desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 1; luminanceRectCoef = 1; luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.5; rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.01388,0.035}; mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005}; cloudsColor[] = {{1,1,1},11.016}; swBrightness = 1; }; class Lighting5 { height = 0; overcast = 0.25; sunAngle = -2; sunOrMoon = 1; diffuse[] = {{0.25,0.21,0.2},5}; diffuseCloud[] = {{0.25,0.21,0.2},5}; ambient[] = {{0.196,0.275,0.42},6.9}; ambientCloud[] = {{0.196,0.275,0.42},6.9}; ambientMid[] = {{0.196,0.275,0.42},6.072}; ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.196,0.275,0.42},6.072}; groundReflection[] = {{0.196,0.275,0.42},5.82912}; groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.196,0.275,0.42},5.82912}; bidirect[] = {0.023,0.024,0.025}; bidirectCloud[] = {0.023,0.024,0.025}; sky[] = {{0.188,0.29,0.576},6.9}; skyAroundSun[] = {{1.8,0.42,0.2},12.31766}; fogColor[] = {{0.11,0.169,0.286},7.0725}; apertureMin = 7; apertureStandard = 8; apertureMax = 20; standardAvgLum = 20; desiredLuminanceCoef = 1; desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 1; luminanceRectCoef = 1; luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.5; rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.038,0.0675}; mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005}; cloudsColor[] = {{1,1,1},11.016}; swBrightness = 1; }; class Lighting6 { height = 0; overcast = 0.25; sunAngle = 0; sunOrMoon = 1; diffuse[] = {{0.75,0.38,0.22},6}; diffuseCloud[] = {{0.75,0.38,0.22},6}; ambient[] = {{0.2497,0.31,0.467},7.8}; ambientCloud[] = {{0.2497,0.31,0.467},7.8}; ambientMid[] = {{0.2541,0.314,0.467},6.864}; ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.2541,0.314,0.467},6.864}; groundReflection[] = {{0.235,0.318,0.467},6.58944}; groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.235,0.318,0.467},6.58944}; bidirect[] = {0.023,0.024,0.025}; bidirectCloud[] = {0.023,0.024,0.025}; sky[] = {{0.173,0.282,0.612},7.8}; skyAroundSun[] = {{2,0.42,0.2},13.38876}; fogColor[] = {{0.118,0.18,0.31},7.995}; apertureMin = 8; apertureStandard = 9; apertureMax = 22; standardAvgLum = 45; desiredLuminanceCoef = 1; desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 1; luminanceRectCoef = 1; luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.5; rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.038,0.0675}; mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005}; cloudsColor[] = {{1,1,1},11.016}; swBrightness = 1; }; class Lighting7 { height = 0; overcast = 0.25; sunAngle = 2; sunOrMoon = 1; diffuse[] = {{0.95,0.42,0.22},8.4}; diffuseCloud[] = {{0.95,0.42,0.22},8.4}; ambient[] = {{0.306,0.357,0.463},8.4}; ambientCloud[] = {{0.306,0.357,0.463},8.4}; ambientMid[] = {{0.365,0.361,0.396},7.392}; ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.365,0.361,0.396},7.392}; groundReflection[] = {{0.416,0.38,0.388},7.09632}; groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.416,0.38,0.388},7.09632}; bidirect[] = {0.023,0.024,0.025}; bidirectCloud[] = {0.023,0.024,0.025}; sky[] = {{0.157,0.275,0.651},8.4}; skyAroundSun[] = {{2.2,0.8,0.2},13.38876}; fogColor[] = {{0.87,0.694,0.486},8.61}; apertureMin = 8; apertureStandard = 10; apertureMax = 24; standardAvgLum = 50; desiredLuminanceCoef = 1; desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 1; luminanceRectCoef = 1; luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.5; rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.038,0.0675}; mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005}; cloudsColor[] = {{1,1,1},11.016}; swBrightness = 1; }; class Lighting8 { height = 0; overcast = 0.25; sunAngle = 6; sunOrMoon = 1; diffuse[] = {{0.95,0.55,0.35},10.2}; diffuseCloud[] = {{0.95,0.55,0.35},10.2}; ambient[] = {{0.337,0.404,0.525},9.6}; ambientCloud[] = {{0.337,0.404,0.525},9.6}; ambientMid[] = {{0.412,0.408,0.443},8.448}; ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.412,0.408,0.443},8.448}; groundReflection[] = {{0.475,0.435,0.431},8.11008}; groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.475,0.435,0.431},8.11008}; bidirect[] = {0.01375,0.0132,0.01265}; bidirectCloud[] = {0.01375,0.0132,0.01265}; sky[] = {{0.145,0.263,0.686},9.6}; skyAroundSun[] = {{0.4,0.32,0.6},13.38876}; fogColor[] = {{0.09,0.137,0.22},9.84}; apertureMin = 8; apertureStandard = 16; apertureMax = 26; standardAvgLum = 100; desiredLuminanceCoef = 1; desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 1; luminanceRectCoef = 1; luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.5; rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.027,0.045}; mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005}; cloudsColor[] = {{1,1,1},11.016}; swBrightness = 1; }; class Lighting9 { height = 0; overcast = 0.25; sunAngle = 12; sunOrMoon = 1; diffuse[] = {{1,0.65,0.45},12.3}; diffuseCloud[] = {{1,0.65,0.45},12.3}; ambient[] = {{0.388,0.471,0.612},10.9}; ambientCloud[] = {{0.388,0.471,0.612},10.9}; ambientMid[] = {{0.482,0.475,0.506},9.81}; ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.482,0.475,0.506},9.81}; groundReflection[] = {{0.557,0.51,0.494},9.4176}; groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.557,0.51,0.494},9.4176}; bidirect[] = {0.01875,0.018,0.01725}; bidirectCloud[] = {0.01875,0.018,0.01725}; sky[] = {{0.129,0.259,0.722},10.9}; skyAroundSun[] = {{0.13,0.25,0.8},13.524}; fogColor[] = {{0.09,0.137,0.22},11.1725}; apertureMin = 20; apertureStandard = 25; apertureMax = 35; standardAvgLum = 250; desiredLuminanceCoef = 1; desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 1; luminanceRectCoef = 1; luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.5; rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.018,0.04}; mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005}; cloudsColor[] = {{1,1,1},12.24}; swBrightness = 1; }; class Lighting10 { height = 0; overcast = 0.25; sunAngle = 24; sunOrMoon = 1; diffuse[] = {{1,0.75,0.62},15.8}; diffuseCloud[] = {{1,0.75,0.62},15.8}; ambient[] = {{0.435,0.533,0.698},13.8}; ambientCloud[] = {{0.435,0.533,0.698},13.8}; ambientMid[] = {{0.545,0.541,0.569},12.696}; ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.545,0.541,0.569},12.696}; groundReflection[] = {{0.635,0.58,0.557},12.18816}; groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.635,0.58,0.557},12.18816}; bidirect[] = {0.025,0.024,0.018}; bidirectCloud[] = {0.025,0.024,0.018}; sky[] = {{0.118,0.251,0.753},13.8}; skyAroundSun[] = {{0.115,0.245,0.8},13.662}; fogColor[] = {{0.09,0.137,0.22},14.145}; apertureMin = 45; apertureStandard = 60; apertureMax = 80; standardAvgLum = 800; desiredLuminanceCoef = 1; desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 1; luminanceRectCoef = 1; luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.5; rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.01388,0.035}; mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005}; cloudsColor[] = {{1,1,1},14.4}; swBrightness = 1; }; class Lighting11 { height = 0; overcast = 0.25; sunAngle = 45; sunOrMoon = 1; diffuse[] = {{1,0.87,0.85},17.2}; diffuseCloud[] = {{1,0.87,0.85},17.2}; ambient[] = {{0.498,0.602,0.77},14.8}; ambientCloud[] = {{0.498,0.602,0.77},14.8}; ambientMid[] = {{0.635,0.635,0.663},14.504}; ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.635,0.635,0.663},14.504}; groundReflection[] = {{0.745,0.671,0.643},14.21392}; groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.745,0.671,0.643},14.21392}; bidirect[] = {0.025,0.024,0.018}; bidirectCloud[] = {0.025,0.024,0.018}; sky[] = {{0.02,0.12,0.8},13.8}; skyAroundSun[] = {{0.02,0.12,0.8},13.8}; fogColor[] = {{0.09,0.137,0.22},15}; apertureMin = 70; apertureStandard = 120; apertureMax = 120; standardAvgLum = 8000; desiredLuminanceCoef = 1; desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 1; luminanceRectCoef = 1; luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.5; rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.01388,0.035}; mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005}; cloudsColor[] = {{1,1,1},14.8}; swBrightness = 1; }; class Lighting12 { height = 0; overcast = 0.25; sunAngle = 90; sunOrMoon = 1; diffuse[] = {{1,0.87,0.85},17.2}; diffuseCloud[] = {{1,0.87,0.85},17.2}; ambient[] = {{0.498,0.602,0.77},14.8}; ambientCloud[] = {{0.498,0.602,0.77},14.8}; ambientMid[] = {{0.635,0.635,0.663},14.504}; ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.635,0.635,0.663},14.504}; groundReflection[] = {{0.745,0.671,0.643},14.21392}; groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.745,0.671,0.643},14.21392}; bidirect[] = {0.025,0.024,0.018}; bidirectCloud[] = {0.025,0.024,0.018}; sky[] = {{0.02,0.12,0.8},13.8}; skyAroundSun[] = {{0.02,0.12,0.8},13.8}; fogColor[] = {{0.09,0.137,0.22},15}; apertureMin = 70; apertureStandard = 120; apertureMax = 120; standardAvgLum = 8000; desiredLuminanceCoef = 1; desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 1; luminanceRectCoef = 1; luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.5; rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.01388,0.035}; mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005}; cloudsColor[] = {{1,1,1},14.8}; swBrightness = 1; }; class Lighting13 { height = 0; overcast = 0.6; sunAngle = -24; sunOrMoon = 0; diffuse[] = {{0.14,0.19,0.3},4}; diffuseCloud[] = {{0.14,0.19,0.3},3}; ambient[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},1}; ambientCloud[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},1}; ambientMid[] = {{0.1384,0.1912,0.2984},0.88}; ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.1384,0.1912,0.2984},0.88}; groundReflection[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},0.8448}; groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},0.8448}; bidirect[] = {0.025,0.025,0.023}; bidirectCloud[] = {0.0245,0.0245,0.02254}; sky[] = {0.231,0.314,0.467}; skyAroundSun[] = {0.2,0.25,0.45}; fogColor[] = {{0.09,0.137,0.22},0.025}; apertureMin = 6; apertureStandard = 6; apertureMax = 18; standardAvgLum = 4; desiredLuminanceCoef = 1; desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 1; luminanceRectCoef = 1; luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.5; rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.01388,0.035}; mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005}; cloudsColor[] = {{0.5,0.65,1},11.016}; swBrightness = 1; }; class Lighting14 { height = 0; overcast = 0.6; sunAngle = -12; sunOrMoon = 0; diffuse[] = {0.1,0.18,0.3}; diffuseCloud[] = {0.1,0.18,0.3}; ambient[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},1}; ambientCloud[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},1}; ambientMid[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},0.88}; ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},0.88}; groundReflection[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},0.8448}; groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},0.8448}; bidirect[] = {0,0,0}; bidirectCloud[] = {0,0,0}; sky[] = {{0.212,0.302,0.51},1}; skyAroundSun[] = {0.2,0.25,0.45}; fogColor[] = {{0.09,0.137,0.22},0.025}; apertureMin = 6; apertureStandard = 6; apertureMax = 18; standardAvgLum = 4; desiredLuminanceCoef = 1; desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 1; luminanceRectCoef = 1; luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.5; rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.01388,0.035}; mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005}; cloudsColor[] = {{1,1,1},11.016}; swBrightness = 1; }; class Lighting15 { height = 0; overcast = 0.6; sunAngle = -11; sunOrMoon = 0.5; diffuse[] = {0.1,0.18,0.3}; diffuseCloud[] = {0.1,0.18,0.3}; ambient[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},1}; ambientCloud[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},1}; ambientMid[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},0.88}; ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},0.88}; groundReflection[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},0.8448}; groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},0.8448}; bidirect[] = {0,0,0}; bidirectCloud[] = {0,0,0}; sky[] = {{0.212,0.302,0.51},1}; skyAroundSun[] = {0.2,0.25,0.45}; fogColor[] = {{0.094,0.141,0.231},0.025}; apertureMin = 6; apertureStandard = 6; apertureMax = 18; standardAvgLum = 4; desiredLuminanceCoef = 1; desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 1; luminanceRectCoef = 1; luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.5; rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.01388,0.035}; mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005}; cloudsColor[] = {{1,1,1},11.016}; swBrightness = 1; }; class Lighting16 { height = 0; overcast = 0.6; sunAngle = -10; sunOrMoon = 1; diffuse[] = {0.1,0.18,0.3}; diffuseCloud[] = {0.1,0.18,0.3}; ambient[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},1}; ambientCloud[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},1}; ambientMid[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},0.88}; ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},0.88}; groundReflection[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},0.8448}; groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},0.8448}; bidirect[] = {0,0,0}; bidirectCloud[] = {0,0,0}; sky[] = {{0.212,0.302,0.51},1}; skyAroundSun[] = {{0.2,0.25,0.45},4.734908}; fogColor[] = {{0.094,0.141,0.231},0.025}; apertureMin = 6; apertureStandard = 6; apertureMax = 18; standardAvgLum = 4; desiredLuminanceCoef = 1; desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 1; luminanceRectCoef = 1; luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.5; rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.01388,0.035}; mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005}; cloudsColor[] = {{1,1,1},11.016}; swBrightness = 1; }; class Lighting17 { height = 0; overcast = 0.6; sunAngle = -5; sunOrMoon = 1; diffuse[] = {{0.16,0.18,0.28},2.25}; diffuseCloud[] = {{0.16,0.18,0.28},1.6875}; ambient[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},4.6}; ambientCloud[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},4.6}; ambientMid[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},4.048}; ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},4.048}; groundReflection[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},3.88608}; groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},3.88608}; bidirect[] = {0.0115,0.012,0.0125}; bidirectCloud[] = {0.01127,0.01176,0.01225}; sky[] = {{0.2,0.298,0.541},4.6}; skyAroundSun[] = {{0.7,0.35,0.28},7.636949}; fogColor[] = {{0.106,0.161,0.267},4.715}; apertureMin = 6; apertureStandard = 6; apertureMax = 18; standardAvgLum = 4; desiredLuminanceCoef = 1; desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 1; luminanceRectCoef = 1; luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.5; rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.01388,0.035}; mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005}; cloudsColor[] = {{1,1,1},11.016}; swBrightness = 1; }; class Lighting18 { height = 0; overcast = 0.6; sunAngle = -2; sunOrMoon = 1; diffuse[] = {{0.25,0.21,0.2},3.75}; diffuseCloud[] = {{0.25,0.21,0.2},2.8125}; ambient[] = {{0.196,0.275,0.42},6.9}; ambientCloud[] = {{0.196,0.275,0.42},6.9}; ambientMid[] = {{0.196,0.275,0.42},6.072}; ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.196,0.275,0.42},6.072}; groundReflection[] = {{0.196,0.275,0.42},5.82912}; groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.196,0.275,0.42},5.82912}; bidirect[] = {0.023,0.024,0.025}; bidirectCloud[] = {0.023,0.024,0.025}; sky[] = {{0.188,0.29,0.576},6.9}; skyAroundSun[] = {{1.8,0.42,0.2},12.31766}; fogColor[] = {{0.11,0.169,0.286},7.0725}; apertureMin = 7; apertureStandard = 8; apertureMax = 20; standardAvgLum = 20; desiredLuminanceCoef = 1; desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 1; luminanceRectCoef = 1; luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.5; rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.038,0.0675}; mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005}; cloudsColor[] = {{1,1,1},11.016}; swBrightness = 1; }; class Lighting19 { height = 0; overcast = 0.6; sunAngle = 0; sunOrMoon = 1; diffuse[] = {{0.75,0.38,0.22},4.5}; diffuseCloud[] = {{0.75,0.38,0.22},3.375}; ambient[] = {{0.2497,0.31,0.467},7.8}; ambientCloud[] = {{0.2497,0.31,0.467},7.8}; ambientMid[] = {{0.2541,0.314,0.467},6.864}; ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.2541,0.314,0.467},6.864}; groundReflection[] = {{0.235,0.318,0.467},6.58944}; groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.235,0.318,0.467},6.58944}; bidirect[] = {0.023,0.024,0.025}; bidirectCloud[] = {0.023,0.024,0.025}; sky[] = {{0.173,0.282,0.612},7.8}; skyAroundSun[] = {{2,0.42,0.2},13.38876}; fogColor[] = {{0.118,0.18,0.31},7.995}; apertureMin = 8; apertureStandard = 9; apertureMax = 22; standardAvgLum = 45; desiredLuminanceCoef = 1; desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 1; luminanceRectCoef = 1; luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.5; rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.038,0.0675}; mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005}; cloudsColor[] = {{1,1,1},11.016}; swBrightness = 1; }; class Lighting20 { height = 0; overcast = 0.6; sunAngle = 2; sunOrMoon = 1; diffuse[] = {{0.95,0.42,0.22},6.72}; diffuseCloud[] = {{0.95,0.42,0.22},5.04}; ambient[] = {{0.306,0.357,0.463},8.4}; ambientCloud[] = {{0.306,0.357,0.463},8.4}; ambientMid[] = {{0.365,0.361,0.396},7.392}; ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.365,0.361,0.396},7.392}; groundReflection[] = {{0.416,0.38,0.388},7.09632}; groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.416,0.38,0.388},7.09632}; bidirect[] = {0.023,0.024,0.025}; bidirectCloud[] = {0.023,0.024,0.025}; sky[] = {{0.157,0.275,0.651},8.4}; skyAroundSun[] = {{2.2,0.8,0.2},13.38876}; fogColor[] = {{0.125,0.192,0.329},8.61}; apertureMin = 8; apertureStandard = 10; apertureMax = 24; standardAvgLum = 50; desiredLuminanceCoef = 1; desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 1; luminanceRectCoef = 1; luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.5; rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.038,0.0675}; mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005}; cloudsColor[] = {{1,1,1},11.016}; swBrightness = 1; }; class Lighting21 { height = 0; overcast = 0.6; sunAngle = 6; sunOrMoon = 1; diffuse[] = {{0.95,0.55,0.35},10.2}; diffuseCloud[] = {{0.95,0.55,0.35},7.65}; ambient[] = {{0.337,0.404,0.525},9.6}; ambientCloud[] = {{0.337,0.404,0.525},9.6}; ambientMid[] = {{0.412,0.408,0.443},8.448}; ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.412,0.408,0.443},8.448}; groundReflection[] = {{0.475,0.435,0.431},8.11008}; groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.475,0.435,0.431},8.11008}; bidirect[] = {0.01375,0.0132,0.01265}; bidirectCloud[] = {0.01375,0.0132,0.01265}; sky[] = {{0.145,0.263,0.686},9.6}; skyAroundSun[] = {{0.4,0.32,0.6},13.38876}; fogColor[] = {{0.133,0.204,0.357},9.84}; apertureMin = 8; apertureStandard = 16; apertureMax = 26; standardAvgLum = 100; desiredLuminanceCoef = 1; desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 1; luminanceRectCoef = 1; luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.5; rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.027,0.045}; mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005}; cloudsColor[] = {{1,1,1},11.016}; swBrightness = 1; }; class Lighting22 { height = 0; overcast = 0.6; sunAngle = 12; sunOrMoon = 1; diffuse[] = {{1,0.65,0.45},12.3}; diffuseCloud[] = {{1,0.65,0.45},9.225}; ambient[] = {{0.388,0.471,0.612},10.9}; ambientCloud[] = {{0.388,0.471,0.612},10.9}; ambientMid[] = {{0.482,0.475,0.506},9.81}; ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.482,0.475,0.506},9.81}; groundReflection[] = {{0.557,0.51,0.494},9.4176}; groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.557,0.51,0.494},9.4176}; bidirect[] = {0.01875,0.018,0.01725}; bidirectCloud[] = {0.01875,0.018,0.01725}; sky[] = {{0.129,0.259,0.722},10.9}; skyAroundSun[] = {{0.13,0.25,0.8},13.524}; fogColor[] = {{0.145,0.224,0.396},11.1725}; apertureMin = 20; apertureStandard = 25; apertureMax = 35; standardAvgLum = 250; desiredLuminanceCoef = 1; desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 1; luminanceRectCoef = 1; luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.5; rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.018,0.04}; mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005}; cloudsColor[] = {{1,1,1},12.24}; swBrightness = 1; }; class Lighting23 { height = 0; overcast = 0.6; sunAngle = 24; sunOrMoon = 1; diffuse[] = {{1,0.75,0.62},15.8}; diffuseCloud[] = {{1,0.75,0.62},11.85}; ambient[] = {{0.435,0.533,0.698},13.8}; ambientCloud[] = {{0.435,0.533,0.698},13.8}; ambientMid[] = {{0.545,0.541,0.569},12.696}; ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.545,0.541,0.569},12.696}; groundReflection[] = {{0.635,0.58,0.557},12.18816}; groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.635,0.58,0.557},12.18816}; bidirect[] = {0.025,0.024,0.018}; bidirectCloud[] = {0.025,0.024,0.018}; sky[] = {{0.118,0.251,0.753},13.8}; skyAroundSun[] = {{0.115,0.245,0.8},13.662}; fogColor[] = {{0.15,0.251,0.488},14.145}; apertureMin = 45; apertureStandard = 60; apertureMax = 80; standardAvgLum = 800; desiredLuminanceCoef = 1; desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 1; luminanceRectCoef = 1; luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.5; rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.01388,0.035}; mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005}; cloudsColor[] = {{1,1,1},14.4}; swBrightness = 1; }; class Lighting24 { height = 0; overcast = 0.6; sunAngle = 45; sunOrMoon = 1; diffuse[] = {{1,0.87,0.85},17}; diffuseCloud[] = {{1,0.87,0.85},12.75}; ambient[] = {{0.498,0.602,0.77},14.8}; ambientCloud[] = {{0.498,0.602,0.77},14.8}; ambientMid[] = {{0.635,0.635,0.663},13.616}; ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.635,0.635,0.663},13.616}; groundReflection[] = {{0.745,0.671,0.643},14.21392}; groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.745,0.671,0.643},14.21392}; bidirect[] = {0.025,0.024,0.018}; bidirectCloud[] = {0.025,0.024,0.018}; sky[] = {{0.02,0.12,0.8},13.8}; skyAroundSun[] = {{0.02,0.12,0.8},13.8}; fogColor[] = {{0.3,0.44,0.74},13.9564}; apertureMin = 70; apertureStandard = 120; apertureMax = 120; standardAvgLum = 8000; desiredLuminanceCoef = 1; desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 1; luminanceRectCoef = 1; luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.5; rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.01388,0.035}; mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005}; cloudsColor[] = {{1,1,1},14.8}; swBrightness = 1; }; class Lighting25 { height = 0; overcast = 0.6; sunAngle = 90; sunOrMoon = 1; diffuse[] = {{1,0.87,0.85},17}; diffuseCloud[] = {{1,0.87,0.85},13.94}; ambient[] = {{0.498,0.602,0.77},14.8}; ambientCloud[] = {{0.498,0.602,0.77},14.8}; ambientMid[] = {{0.635,0.635,0.663},14.504}; ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.635,0.635,0.663},14.504}; groundReflection[] = {{0.745,0.671,0.643},14.21392}; groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.745,0.671,0.643},14.21392}; bidirect[] = {0.025,0.024,0.018}; bidirectCloud[] = {0.025,0.024,0.018}; sky[] = {{0.02,0.12,0.8},13.8}; skyAroundSun[] = {{0.02,0.12,0.8},13.8}; fogColor[] = {{0.3,0.44,0.74},15}; apertureMin = 70; apertureStandard = 120; apertureMax = 120; standardAvgLum = 8000; desiredLuminanceCoef = 1; desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 1; luminanceRectCoef = 1; luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.5; rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.01388,0.035}; mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005}; cloudsColor[] = {{1,1,1},14.8}; swBrightness = 1; }; class Lighting26 { height = 0; overcast = 0.85; sunAngle = -24; sunOrMoon = 0; diffuse[] = {{0.09,0.137,0.22},1}; diffuseCloud[] = {{0,0,0},0.75}; ambient[] = {{0.09,0.137,0.22},1}; ambientCloud[] = {{0.09,0.137,0.22},1}; ambientMid[] = {{0.09,0.137,0.22},0.8624}; ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.09,0.137,0.22},0.8624}; groundReflection[] = {{0.09,0.137,0.22},0.758912}; groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.09,0.137,0.22},0.758912}; bidirect[] = {0.0117,0.0117,0.0117}; bidirectCloud[] = {0.0117,0.0117,0.0117}; sky[] = {0.231,0.314,0.467}; skyAroundSun[] = {0.2,0.25,0.45}; fogColor[] = {0.09,0.137,0.22}; apertureMin = 6; apertureStandard = 6; apertureMax = 18; standardAvgLum = 4; desiredLuminanceCoef = 1; desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 1; luminanceRectCoef = 1; luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.5; rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.01388,0.035}; mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005}; cloudsColor[] = {{1,1,1},11.016}; swBrightness = 1; }; class Lighting27 { height = 0; overcast = 0.85; sunAngle = -12; sunOrMoon = 0; diffuse[] = {0.16954,0.239,0.37673}; diffuseCloud[] = {0.042385,0.05975,0.094183}; ambient[] = {{0.16954,0.239,0.37673},1}; ambientCloud[] = {{0.16954,0.239,0.37673},1}; ambientMid[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},0.8624}; ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},0.8624}; groundReflection[] = {{0.14705,0.20315,0.31705},0.758912}; groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.14705,0.20315,0.31705},0.758912}; bidirect[] = {0.0117,0.0117,0.0117}; bidirectCloud[] = {0.0117,0.0117,0.0117}; sky[] = {{0.212,0.302,0.51},1}; skyAroundSun[] = {0.2,0.25,0.45}; fogColor[] = {0.122,0.169,0.255}; apertureMin = 6; apertureStandard = 6; apertureMax = 18; standardAvgLum = 4; desiredLuminanceCoef = 1; desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 1; luminanceRectCoef = 1; luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.5; rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.01388,0.035}; mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005}; cloudsColor[] = {{1,1,1},11.016}; swBrightness = 1; }; class Lighting28 { height = 0; overcast = 0.85; sunAngle = -11; sunOrMoon = 0.5; diffuse[] = {0.129,0.18,0.271}; diffuseCloud[] = {0.03225,0.045,0.06775}; ambient[] = {{0.129,0.18,0.271},1}; ambientCloud[] = {{0.129,0.18,0.271},1}; ambientMid[] = {{0.129,0.184,0.267},0.8624}; ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.129,0.184,0.267},0.8624}; groundReflection[] = {{0.125,0.176,0.263},0.758912}; groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.125,0.176,0.263},0.758912}; bidirect[] = {0.0117,0.0117,0.0117}; bidirectCloud[] = {0.0117,0.0117,0.0117}; sky[] = {{0.212,0.302,0.51},1}; skyAroundSun[] = {0.2,0.25,0.45}; fogColor[] = {0.122,0.169,0.255}; apertureMin = 6; apertureStandard = 6; apertureMax = 18; standardAvgLum = 4; desiredLuminanceCoef = 1; desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 1; luminanceRectCoef = 1; luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.5; rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.01388,0.035}; mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005}; cloudsColor[] = {{1,1,1},11.016}; swBrightness = 1; }; class Lighting29 { height = 0; overcast = 0.85; sunAngle = -10; sunOrMoon = 1; diffuse[] = {0.129,0.18,0.271}; diffuseCloud[] = {0.03225,0.045,0.06775}; ambient[] = {{0.129,0.18,0.271},1}; ambientCloud[] = {{0.129,0.18,0.271},1}; ambientMid[] = {{0.129,0.184,0.267},0.8624}; ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.129,0.184,0.267},0.8624}; groundReflection[] = {{0.125,0.176,0.263},0.758912}; groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.125,0.176,0.263},0.758912}; bidirect[] = {0.0117,0.0117,0.0117}; bidirectCloud[] = {0.0117,0.0117,0.0117}; sky[] = {{0.212,0.302,0.51},1}; skyAroundSun[] = {{0.2,0.25,0.45},4.734908}; fogColor[] = {0.122,0.169,0.255}; apertureMin = 6; apertureStandard = 6; apertureMax = 18; standardAvgLum = 4; desiredLuminanceCoef = 1; desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 1; luminanceRectCoef = 1; luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.5; rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.01388,0.035}; mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005}; cloudsColor[] = {{1,1,1},11.016}; swBrightness = 1; }; class Lighting30 { height = 0; overcast = 0.85; sunAngle = -5; sunOrMoon = 1; diffuse[] = {{0.157,0.212,0.306},0.5625}; diffuseCloud[] = {{0.03925,0.053,0.0765},0.39375}; ambient[] = {{0.157,0.212,0.306},3.22}; ambientCloud[] = {{0.157,0.212,0.306},3.22}; ambientMid[] = {{0.157,0.208,0.298},3.96704}; ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.157,0.208,0.298},3.96704}; groundReflection[] = {{0.149,0.204,0.29},3.649677}; groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.149,0.204,0.29},3.649677}; bidirect[] = {0.0117,0.0117,0.0117}; bidirectCloud[] = {0.0117,0.0117,0.0117}; sky[] = {{0.2,0.298,0.541},4.6}; skyAroundSun[] = {{0.7,0.35,0.28},7.636949}; fogColor[] = {{0.141,0.192,0.282},3.96704}; apertureMin = 6; apertureStandard = 6; apertureMax = 18; standardAvgLum = 4; desiredLuminanceCoef = 1; desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 1; luminanceRectCoef = 1; luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.5; rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.01388,0.035}; mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005}; cloudsColor[] = {{1,1,1},11.016}; swBrightness = 1; }; class Lighting31 { height = 0; overcast = 0.85; sunAngle = -2; sunOrMoon = 1; diffuse[] = {{0.184,0.247,0.341},0.9375}; diffuseCloud[] = {{0.046,0.06175,0.08525},0.65625}; ambient[] = {{0.184,0.247,0.341},6.9}; ambientCloud[] = {{0.184,0.247,0.341},6.9}; ambientMid[] = {{0.184,0.243,0.329},5.95056}; ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.184,0.243,0.329},5.95056}; groundReflection[] = {{0.176,0.231,0.322},5.593526}; groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.176,0.231,0.322},5.593526}; bidirect[] = {0.0117,0.0117,0.0117}; bidirectCloud[] = {0.0117,0.0117,0.0117}; sky[] = {{0.188,0.29,0.576},6.9}; skyAroundSun[] = {{1.8,0.42,0.2},12.31766}; fogColor[] = {{0.165,0.22,0.31},5.95056}; apertureMin = 7; apertureStandard = 7; apertureMax = 20; standardAvgLum = 20; desiredLuminanceCoef = 1; desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 1; luminanceRectCoef = 1; luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.5; rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.038,0.0675}; mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005}; cloudsColor[] = {{1,1,1},11.016}; swBrightness = 1; }; class Lighting32 { height = 0; overcast = 0.85; sunAngle = 0; sunOrMoon = 1; diffuse[] = {{0.216,0.286,0.384},1.125}; diffuseCloud[] = {{0.054,0.0715,0.096},0.7875}; ambient[] = {{0.216,0.286,0.384},7.8}; ambientCloud[] = {{0.216,0.286,0.384},7.8}; ambientMid[] = {{0.22,0.278,0.365},6.72672}; ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.22,0.278,0.365},6.72672}; groundReflection[] = {{0.204,0.267,0.353},6.457651}; groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.204,0.267,0.353},6.457651}; bidirect[] = {0.0117,0.0117,0.0117}; bidirectCloud[] = {0.0117,0.0117,0.0117}; sky[] = {{0.173,0.282,0.612},7.8}; skyAroundSun[] = {{2,0.42,0.2},13.38876}; fogColor[] = {{0.188,0.247,0.341},6.72672}; apertureMin = 8; apertureStandard = 8; apertureMax = 22; standardAvgLum = 45; desiredLuminanceCoef = 1; desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 1; luminanceRectCoef = 1; luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.5; rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.038,0.0675}; mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005}; cloudsColor[] = {{1,1,1},11.016}; swBrightness = 1; }; class Lighting33 { height = 0; overcast = 0.85; sunAngle = 2; sunOrMoon = 1; diffuse[] = {{0.255,0.325,0.42},1.68}; diffuseCloud[] = {{0.06375,0.08125,0.105},1.176}; ambient[] = {{0.255,0.325,0.42},8.4}; ambientCloud[] = {{0.255,0.325,0.42},8.4}; ambientMid[] = {{0.259,0.314,0.396},7.24416}; ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.259,0.314,0.396},7.24416}; groundReflection[] = {{0.239,0.294,0.376},7.099277}; groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.239,0.294,0.376},7.099277}; bidirect[] = {0.0117,0.0117,0.0117}; bidirectCloud[] = {0.0117,0.0117,0.0117}; sky[] = {{0.157,0.275,0.651},8.4}; skyAroundSun[] = {{2.2,0.8,0.2},13.38876}; fogColor[] = {{0.216,0.275,0.373},7.24416}; apertureMin = 8; apertureStandard = 8; apertureMax = 24; standardAvgLum = 50; desiredLuminanceCoef = 1; desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 1; luminanceRectCoef = 1; luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.5; rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.038,0.0675}; mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005}; cloudsColor[] = {{1,1,1},11.016}; swBrightness = 1; }; class Lighting34 { height = 0; overcast = 0.85; sunAngle = 6; sunOrMoon = 1; diffuse[] = {{0.298,0.365,0.451},2.55}; diffuseCloud[] = {{0.0745,0.09125,0.11275},1.785}; ambient[] = {{0.298,0.365,0.451},9.6}; ambientCloud[] = {{0.298,0.365,0.451},9.6}; ambientMid[] = {{0.302,0.349,0.416},8.27904}; ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.302,0.349,0.416},8.27904}; groundReflection[] = {{0.275,0.318,0.384},8.11346}; groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.275,0.318,0.384},8.11346}; bidirect[] = {0.0117,0.0117,0.0117}; bidirectCloud[] = {0.0117,0.0117,0.0117}; sky[] = {{0.145,0.263,0.686},9.6}; skyAroundSun[] = {{0.4,0.32,0.6},13.38876}; fogColor[] = {{0.243,0.306,0.408},8.27904}; apertureMin = 8; apertureStandard = 14; apertureMax = 26; standardAvgLum = 100; desiredLuminanceCoef = 1; desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 1; luminanceRectCoef = 1; luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.5; rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.027,0.045}; mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005}; cloudsColor[] = {{1,1,1},11.016}; swBrightness = 1; }; class Lighting35 { height = 0; overcast = 0.85; sunAngle = 12; sunOrMoon = 1; diffuse[] = {{0.376,0.431,0.506},3.075}; diffuseCloud[] = {{0.094,0.10775,0.1265},2.1525}; ambient[] = {{0.376,0.431,0.506},10.9}; ambientCloud[] = {{0.376,0.431,0.506},10.9}; ambientMid[] = {{0.38,0.408,0.447},9.6138}; ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.38,0.408,0.447},9.6138}; groundReflection[] = {{0.329,0.361,0.396},9.421524}; groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.329,0.361,0.396},9.421524}; bidirect[] = {0.0117,0.0117,0.0117}; bidirectCloud[] = {0.0117,0.0117,0.0117}; sky[] = {{0.129,0.259,0.722},10.9}; skyAroundSun[] = {{0.13,0.25,0.8},13.524}; fogColor[] = {{0.286,0.353,0.463},9.6138}; apertureMin = 20; apertureStandard = 22; apertureMax = 35; standardAvgLum = 250; desiredLuminanceCoef = 1; desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 1; luminanceRectCoef = 1; luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.5; rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.018,0.04}; mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005}; cloudsColor[] = {{1,1,1},12.24}; swBrightness = 1; }; class Lighting36 { height = 0; overcast = 0.85; sunAngle = 24; sunOrMoon = 1; diffuse[] = {{0.447,0.494,0.557},3.95}; diffuseCloud[] = {{0,0,0},2.765}; ambient[] = {{0.447,0.494,0.557},13.8}; ambientCloud[] = {{0.447,0.494,0.557},13.8}; ambientMid[] = {{0.455,0.467,0.475},12.44208}; ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.455,0.467,0.475},12.44208}; groundReflection[] = {{0.388,0.396,0.408},12.19324}; groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.388,0.396,0.408},12.19324}; bidirect[] = {0.0117,0.0117,0.0117}; bidirectCloud[] = {0.0117,0.0117,0.0117}; sky[] = {{0.118,0.251,0.753},13.8}; skyAroundSun[] = {{0.115,0.245,0.8},13.662}; fogColor[] = {{0.333,0.404,0.518},12.44208}; apertureMin = 45; apertureStandard = 50; apertureMax = 80; standardAvgLum = 800; desiredLuminanceCoef = 1; desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 1; luminanceRectCoef = 1; luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.5; rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.01388,0.035}; mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005}; cloudsColor[] = {{1,1,1},14.4}; swBrightness = 1; }; class Lighting37 { height = 0; overcast = 0.85; sunAngle = 45; sunOrMoon = 1; diffuse[] = {{0.506,0.553,0.608},4.25}; diffuseCloud[] = {0.1265,0.13825,0.152}; ambient[] = {{0.506,0.553,0.608},14.8}; ambientCloud[] = {{0.506,0.553,0.608},14.8}; ambientMid[] = {{0.514,0.518,0.514},13.34368}; ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.514,0.518,0.514},13.34368}; groundReflection[] = {{0.435,0.439,0.439},13.07681}; groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.435,0.439,0.439},13.07681}; bidirect[] = {0.0117,0.0117,0.0117}; bidirectCloud[] = {0.0117,0.0117,0.0117}; sky[] = {{0.02,0.12,0.8},13.8}; skyAroundSun[] = {{0.02,0.12,0.8},13.8}; fogColor[] = {{0.369,0.447,0.565},13.34368}; apertureMin = 70; apertureStandard = 100; apertureMax = 120; standardAvgLum = 8000; desiredLuminanceCoef = 1; desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 1; luminanceRectCoef = 1; luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.5; rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.01388,0.035}; mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005}; cloudsColor[] = {{1,1,1},14.8}; swBrightness = 1; }; class Lighting38 { height = 0; overcast = 0.85; sunAngle = 90; sunOrMoon = 1; diffuse[] = {{0.549,0.596,0.651},4.25}; diffuseCloud[] = {0.13725,0.149,0.16275}; ambient[] = {{0.549,0.596,0.651},14.8}; ambientCloud[] = {{0.549,0.596,0.651},14.8}; ambientMid[] = {{0.557,0.557,0.585},14.21392}; ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.557,0.557,0.585},14.21392}; groundReflection[] = {{0.471,0.471,0.463},13.92964}; groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.471,0.471,0.463},13.92964}; bidirect[] = {0.0117,0.0117,0.0117}; bidirectCloud[] = {0.0117,0.0117,0.0117}; sky[] = {{0.02,0.12,0.8},13.8}; skyAroundSun[] = {{0.02,0.12,0.8},13.8}; fogColor[] = {{0.4,0.48,0.6},15}; apertureMin = 70; apertureStandard = 110; apertureMax = 120; standardAvgLum = 8000; desiredLuminanceCoef = 1; desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 1; luminanceRectCoef = 1; luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.5; rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.01388,0.035}; mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005}; cloudsColor[] = {{1,1,1},14.8}; swBrightness = 1; }; class Lighting39 { height = -0.1; overcast = 0.8; sunAngle = -24; sunOrMoon = 0; diffuse[] = {{0.6,0.8,1},2.8}; diffuseCloud[] = {{0.6,0.8,1},2.8}; ambient[] = {{0.4,0.9,1},0.84}; ambientCloud[] = {{0.4,0.9,1},0.84}; ambientMid[] = {{0.24,0.63,1},0.9072}; ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.24,0.63,1},0.9072}; groundReflection[] = {{0.24,0.63,1},0.870912}; groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.24,0.63,1},0.870912}; bidirect[] = {0,0,0}; bidirectCloud[] = {0,0,0}; sky[] = {0,0.2355,0.2335}; skyAroundSun[] = {0,0.2355,0.2335}; fogColor[] = {{0.09,0.137,0.22},0.0275}; apertureMin = 6; apertureStandard = 6; apertureMax = 18; standardAvgLum = 4; desiredLuminanceCoef = 0; desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 0; luminanceRectCoef = 1; luminanceRectCoefCloud = 1; rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.01388,0.035}; mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005}; cloudsColor[] = {{1,1,1},11.016}; swBrightness = 1; }; class Lighting40 { height = -0.1; overcast = 0.8; sunAngle = -5; sunOrMoon = 1; diffuse[] = {{0.6,0.8,1},2.1}; diffuseCloud[] = {{0.6,0.8,1},2.1}; ambient[] = {{0.4,0.9,1},3.68}; ambientCloud[] = {{0.4,0.9,1},3.68}; ambientMid[] = {{0.24,0.63,1},3.9744}; ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.24,0.63,1},3.9744}; groundReflection[] = {{0.24,0.63,1},3.815424}; groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.24,0.63,1},3.815424}; bidirect[] = {0,0,0}; bidirectCloud[] = {0,0,0}; sky[] = {{0,0.2235,0.2705},4.232}; skyAroundSun[] = {{0,0.2235,0.2705},7.636949}; fogColor[] = {{0.106,0.161,0.267},4.715}; apertureMin = 6; apertureStandard = 6; apertureMax = 18; standardAvgLum = 4; desiredLuminanceCoef = 0; desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 0; luminanceRectCoef = 1; luminanceRectCoefCloud = 1; rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.01388,0.035}; mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005}; cloudsColor[] = {{1,1,1},11.016}; swBrightness = 1; }; class Lighting41 { height = -0.1; overcast = 0.8; sunAngle = -2; sunOrMoon = 1; diffuse[] = {{0.6,0.8,1},3.5}; diffuseCloud[] = {{0.6,0.8,1},3.5}; ambient[] = {{0.4,0.9,1},5.52}; ambientCloud[] = {{0.4,0.9,1},5.52}; ambientMid[] = {{0.24,0.63,1},5.9616}; ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.24,0.63,1},5.9616}; groundReflection[] = {{0.24,0.63,1},5.723136}; groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.24,0.63,1},5.723136}; bidirect[] = {0,0,0}; bidirectCloud[] = {0,0,0}; sky[] = {{0,0.2175,0.288},6.348}; skyAroundSun[] = {{0,0.2175,0.288},12.31766}; fogColor[] = {{0.11,0.169,0.286},7.0725}; apertureMin = 7; apertureStandard = 8; apertureMax = 20; standardAvgLum = 20; desiredLuminanceCoef = 0; desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 0; luminanceRectCoef = 1; luminanceRectCoefCloud = 1; rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.038,0.0675}; mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005}; cloudsColor[] = {{1,1,1},11.016}; swBrightness = 1; }; class Lighting42 { height = -0.1; overcast = 0.8; sunAngle = 0; sunOrMoon = 1; diffuse[] = {{0.6,0.8,1},4.2}; diffuseCloud[] = {{0.6,0.8,1},4.2}; ambient[] = {{0.4,0.9,1},6.24}; ambientCloud[] = {{0.4,0.9,1},6.24}; ambientMid[] = {{0.24,0.63,1},6.7392}; ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.24,0.63,1},6.7392}; groundReflection[] = {{0.24,0.63,1},6.469632}; groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.24,0.63,1},6.469632}; bidirect[] = {0,0,0}; bidirectCloud[] = {0,0,0}; sky[] = {{0,0.2115,0.306},7.176}; skyAroundSun[] = {{0,0.2115,0.306},13.38876}; fogColor[] = {{0.118,0.18,0.31},7.995}; apertureMin = 8; apertureStandard = 9; apertureMax = 22; standardAvgLum = 45; desiredLuminanceCoef = 0; desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 0; luminanceRectCoef = 1; luminanceRectCoefCloud = 1; rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.038,0.0675}; mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005}; cloudsColor[] = {{1,1,1},11.016}; swBrightness = 1; }; class Lighting43 { height = -0.1; overcast = 0.8; sunAngle = 45; sunOrMoon = 1; diffuse[] = {{0.6,0.8,1},12.04}; diffuseCloud[] = {{0.6,0.8,1},12.04}; ambient[] = {{0.4,0.9,1},11.84}; ambientCloud[] = {{0.4,0.9,1},11.84}; ambientMid[] = {{0.36,0.72,1},11.4848}; ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.36,0.72,1},11.4848}; groundReflection[] = {{0.36,0.72,1},11.02541}; groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.36,0.72,1},11.02541}; bidirect[] = {0,0,0}; bidirectCloud[] = {0,0,0}; sky[] = {{0,0.09,0.4},13.8}; skyAroundSun[] = {{0,0.09,0.4},13.8}; fogColor[] = {{0.3,0.44,0.74},16.5}; apertureMin = 12; apertureStandard = 18; apertureMax = 25; standardAvgLum = 150; desiredLuminanceCoef = 0; desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 0; luminanceRectCoef = 1; luminanceRectCoefCloud = 1; rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.01388,0.035}; mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005}; cloudsColor[] = {{1,1,1},14.8}; swBrightness = 1; }; class Lighting44 { height = -0.1; overcast = 0.8; sunAngle = 90; sunOrMoon = 1; diffuse[] = {{0.6,0.8,1},12.04}; diffuseCloud[] = {{0.6,0.8,1},12.04}; ambient[] = {{0.4,0.9,1},11.84}; ambientCloud[] = {{0.4,0.9,1},11.84}; ambientMid[] = {{0.36,0.72,1},11.4848}; ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.36,0.72,1},11.4848}; groundReflection[] = {{0.36,0.72,1},11.02541}; groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.36,0.72,1},11.02541}; bidirect[] = {0,0,0}; bidirectCloud[] = {0,0,0}; sky[] = {{0,0.09,0.4},13.8}; skyAroundSun[] = {{0,0.09,0.4},13.8}; fogColor[] = {{0.3,0.44,0.74},16.5}; apertureMin = 12; apertureStandard = 18; apertureMax = 25; standardAvgLum = 150; desiredLuminanceCoef = 0; desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 0; luminanceRectCoef = 1; luminanceRectCoefCloud = 1; rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.01388,0.035}; mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005}; cloudsColor[] = {{1,1,1},14.8}; swBrightness = 1; }; }; }; }; }; Layers Spoiler class Layers { class oga_wild_grass { material = "oga\oga_gao_terrain\data\oga_wild_grass.rvmat"; }; class oga_rock { material = "oga\oga_gao_terrain\data\oga_rock.rvmat"; }; class oga_marsh { material = "oga\oga_gao_terrain\data\oga_marsh.rvmat"; }; class oga_concrete { material = "oga\oga_gao_terrain\data\oga_concrete.rvmat"; }; }; class Legend { picture = "maplegend.png"; class Colors { oga_wild_grass[] = {{ 139, 220, 80}}; oga_rock[] = {{ 79, 81, 78}}; oga_marsh[] = {{ 119, 121, 118}}; oga_concrete[] = {{ 26, 0, 253}}; }; }; cfgSurfaces Spoiler class Default; class oga_wild_grass : Default { files = "oga_wild_grass_*"; character = "gao_tropicalgroundclutter"; soundEnviron = "forest_exp"; soundHit = "soft_ground"; rough = 0.08; maxSpeedCoef = 0.9; dust = 0.75; lucidity = 2; }; class oga_rock : Default { files = "oga_rock_*"; character = "Empty"; soundEnviron = "dirt"; soundHit = "soft_ground"; rough = 0.08; maxSpeedCoef = 0.9; dust = 0.75; lucidity = 2; }; class oga_marsh : Default { files = "oga_marsh_*"; character = "Empty"; soundEnviron = "dirt"; soundHit = "soft_ground"; rough = 0.08; maxSpeedCoef = 0.9; dust = 0.75; lucidity = 2; }; class oga_concrete : Default { files = "oga_concrete_*"; character = "Empty"; soundEnviron = "concrete"; soundHit = "soft_ground"; rough = 0.08; maxSpeedCoef = 0.9; dust = 0.75; lucidity = 2; }; }; class CfgSurfaceCharacters { class gao_tropicalgroundclutter { probability[] = {0.1,0.1,0.1,0.3,0.1}; names[] = {"gaoc_grass_tropic","gaoc_forest_fern","gaoc_forest_roots","gaoc_grassbunch_hi","gaoc_grass_mimosa"}; }; cfgClutter Spoiler class DefaultClutter; class Clutter { class gaoc_grass_tropic: defaultclutter { model = "A3\vegetation_f_exp\clutter\grass\c_grass_tropic.p3d"; affectedByWind = 0.0; swLighting = "false"; scaleMin = 1.0; scaleMax = 1.5; }; class gaoc_forest_fern: defaultclutter { model = "A3\vegetation_f_exp\clutter\forest\c_forest_fern.p3d"; affectedByWind = 0.0; swLighting = "false"; scaleMin = 0.8; scaleMax = 1.5; }; class gaoc_forest_roots: defaultclutter { model = "A3\vegetation_f_exp\clutter\forest\c_forest_roots.p3d"; affectedByWind = 0.0; swLighting = "false"; scaleMin = 0.3; scaleMax = 0.7; }; class gaoc_GrassBunch_HI: defaultclutter { model = "A3\vegetation_f_exp\Clutter\grass\c_GrassBunch_HI.p3d"; affectedByWind = 0.65; swLighting = "true"; scaleMin = 1.0; scaleMax = 5.5; }; class gaoc_grasstall: defaultclutter { model = "A3\vegetation_f_exp\Clutter\grass\c_Grass_mimosa.p3d"; affectedByWind = 0.6; swLighting = "true"; scaleMin = 0.7; scaleMax = 5.0; }; }; Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RoF 241 Posted November 20, 2017 oga_wild_grass etc, are the textures called that as well in the rvmat? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ODST General 0 Posted November 20, 2017 Yep I renamed them the other day Spoiler ambient[] = {0.9,0.9,0.9,1}; diffuse[] = {0.9,0.9,0.9,1}; forcedDiffuse[] = {0.02,0.02,0.02,1}; specular[] = {0.0,0.0,0.0,0}; specularPower = 1; emmisive[] = {0,0,0,0}; PixelShaderID = "NormalMapDiffuse"; VertexShaderID = "NormalMapDiffuseAlpha"; class Stage1 { texture = "oga\OGA_gao_terrain\data\oga_wild_grass_nopx.paa"; uvSource = "tex"; class uvTransform { aside[] = {10,0,0}; up[] = {0,10,0}; dir[] = {0,0,10}; pos[] = {0,0,0}; }; }; class Stage2 { texture = "oga\OGA_gao_terrain\data\oga_wild_grass_co.paa"; uvSource = "tex"; class uvTransform { aside[] = {10,0,0}; up[] = {0,10,0}; dir[] = {0,0,10}; pos[] = {0,0,0}; }; }; Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RoF 241 Posted November 20, 2017 That is slightly wrong ambient[] = {1,1,1,1}; diffuse[] = {1,1,1,1}; forcedDiffuse[] = {0,0,0,0}; specular[] = {0.0,0.0,0.0,0}; specularPower = 1; emmisive[] = {0,0,0,0}; also its best to keep to lowercase for everything you do, arma sometimes hates uppercase letters. So change the file paths in the rvmats to lowercase. Remember if you rename layers or textures names etc, you have to re export layers. OK a few things to check, you are using pboproject? I know you said you have the paid tools, but sometimes people pay just for the apex objects and dont use pboproject lol. layers.cfg / cfgSurfaces layers.cfg looks fine, all nice lowercase! In your layers you have class oga_wild_grass, but you also have it in your cfgSurfaces. So maybe try changing the surfaces one, to the Atlas guide way class oga_wild_grass_surface. cfgClutter cfgClutter looks ok, you tagged them which is the main thing. The Atlas guide does it like gaoc_TerrainName_grass_tropic, this is so if someone is running 2 of your maps, you don't get conflicts from having 2 gaoc_grass_tropic, as they would both have TerrainName, making them unique. Also maybe its me... but I can't find a #include "cfgClutter.hpp" in your config.cpp ??? If you don't include your clutter file, hows it going to find the clutter! But maybe I'm just not spotting it..... Config.cpp Ok it looks like you don't inherits from stratis / Altis. That's not the best way to do it. You would be better of using the Atlas guide config.cpp which is smaller and inherits from stratis. That way you can just add the bits in you need, anything else it loads from stratis. Again I can't see a #include "cfgClutter.hpp", which is where you are most likely going wrong Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ODST General 0 Posted November 20, 2017 Thank you again for the responses. Ok so I updated the rvmat with the recommended changes, I am using PboProject, I did add the _surface to the cfgSurfaces as well. I have yet to update the names on the gaoc_grass_tropic, will do so when I get home from work. Ok so I had removed the include for clutter thinking I may have implemented it wrong. I did that after the clutter disappeared, I have since re-implemented it and updated generated new layers and exported again with no luck still. I will post my config with it re added below. Also I tried reverting the the inherits back to Stratis but came out with a bunch of errors so I will just leave that until after work to play around with tonight. Config Spoiler class CfgPatches { class oga_gao_terrain { units[] = {}; weapons[] = {}; requiredVersion = 1; requiredAddons[] = { }; }; class CfgWorldList { class oga_gao_terrain{}; }; class cfgSurfaces { #include "cfgSurfaces.hpp" }; class cfgClutter { #include "cfgClutter.hpp" }; class CfgWorlds { class DefaultWorld { class Weather { class Overcast; }; }; class CAWorld: DefaultWorld { author = "ODSTGeneral"; class Grid{}; class DayLightingBrightAlmost; class DayLightingRainy; class Weather: Weather { class Lighting; class Overcast: Overcast { class Weather1; class Weather2; class Weather3; class Weather4; class Weather5; class Weather6; }; }; }; class DefaultLighting; class oga_gao_terrain: CAWorld { cutscenes[] = {}; description = "Gao (ALPHA Release)"; worldName = "oga\oga_gao_terrain\oga_gao_terrain.wrp"; author = "ODST General"; icon = ""; previewVideo = ""; pictureMap = "OGA\OGA_gao_terrain\data\pictureshot_oga.paa"; pictureShot = "OGA\OGA_gao_terrain\data\pictureshot_oga.paa"; loadingTexts[] = {"Gao is a lush, jungled planet; viewed from space, the planet is largely mottled green fading to gray at both poles, which are covered by large deserts.","Gao was known to the Forerunners as Edod","Gao battle-jumpers were first deployed during the Insurrection when the Gao Republic went to war against UNSC and CMA forces on Gao."," The Gao Republic has historically resented the UEG's control and openly supported the insurrectionists.","Much frustration and many tears went into this map....many tears."}; newRoadsShape = "oga\oga_gao_terrain\data\roads\roads.shp"; centerPosition[] = { 2560, 2560 }; ilsDirection[] = { 0, 0.08, 1 }; ilsPosition[] = { 0, 0 }; ilsTaxiIn[] = {}; ilsTaxiOff[] = {}; drawTaxiway = false; class SecondaryAirports{}; class ReplaceObjects{}; class Sea { seaTexture = "a3\data_f\seatexture_co.paa"; seaMaterial = "#water"; shoreMaterial = "#shore"; shoreFoamMaterial = "#shorefoam"; shoreWetMaterial = "#shorewet"; WaterMapScale = 20; WaterGrid = 50; MaxTide = 0; MaxWave = 0; SeaWaveXScale = "1.0/50"; SeaWaveZScale = "1.0/50"; SeaWaveHScale = 1.0; SeaWaveXDuration = 5000; SeaWaveZDuration = 10000; }; class Sounds { sounds[] = {}; }; class Animation { vehicles[] = {}; }; class Subdivision{}; class Names{}; class Underwater { /// fog color is changed based on the depth under the water surface /// normal fog color -> water color -> deep water color /// ^ /// noWaterFog -> fullWaterFog -> deepWaterFog /// depth under the water, where water color starts (can be negative = distance above water) noWaterFog = -0.3; /// depth under the water, where water color is at full strength and deep water color starts fullWaterFog = 0.1; /// depth under the water, where deep water color is at full strength deepWaterFog = 10; /// distance of the water fog (fog far) waterFogDistance = 20; /// distance of the water fog (fog near) waterFogDistanceNear = 0; /// color of the water fog at fullWaterFog depth waterColor[] = {0.02,0.08,0.12}; /// color of the water fog at deepWaterFog depth deepWaterColor[] = {0.01,0.06,0.14}; /// skyTopColor (zenith) at fullWaterFog depth (reflections on water surface?) surfaceColor[] = {0.20,0.30,0.25}; /// skyTopColor (zenith) at deepWaterFog depth (reflections on water surface?) deepSurfaceColor[] = {0.10,0.18,0.22}; }; class SeaWaterShaderPars { // coefficient used to multiply move value of refractions refractionMoveCoef = 0.01; // minimal water surface opacity, when we are looking from above the water surface down minWaterOpacity = 0.65; // coef used to multiply square root of distance of pixel from water surface when coputing final opacity of water surface // waterOpacity = MinWaterOpacity + sqrt(distance)*WaterOpacityDistCoef; waterOpacityDistCoef = 0.07; // opacity of water surface when we are under water underwaterOpacity = 0.2; // distance from object, where we start to fade the water surface to full opacity waterOpacityFadeStart = 100; // length of water surface opacity fading waterOpacityFadeLength = 20; }; class Grid: Grid { offsetX = 0; offsetY = 1024; class Zoom1 { zoomMax = 0.15; format = "XY"; formatX = "000"; formatY = "000"; stepX = 100; stepY = -100; }; class Zoom2 { zoomMax = 0.85; format = "XY"; formatX = "00"; formatY = "00"; stepX = 1000; stepY = -1000; }; class Zoom3 { zoomMax = 1e+030; format = "XY"; formatX = "0"; formatY = "0"; stepX = 10000; stepY = -10000; }; }; class Lighting: DefaultLighting { groundReflection[] = {0.132,0.133,0.122}; moonObjectColorFull[] = {460,440,400,1.0}; moonHaloObjectColorFull[] = {465,477,475,1.0}; moonsetObjectColor[] = {375,350,325,1.0}; moonsetHaloObjectColor[] = {515,517,525,1.0}; class ThunderBoltLight { diffuse[] = {2120,3170,5550}; ambient[] = {0.001,0.001,0.001}; intensity = 120000; class Attenuation { start = 0.0; constant = 0.0; linear = 0.0; quadratic = 1.0; }; }; starEmissivity = 30.0; }; class DayLightingBrightAlmost: DayLightingBrightAlmost { deepNight[] = {-15,{0.005,0.01,0.01},{0.0,0.002,0.003},{0.0,0.0,0.0},{0.0,0.0,0.0},{0.0,0.002,0.003},{0.0,0.002,0.003},0}; fullNight[] = {-5,{0.182,0.213,0.25},{0.05,0.111,0.221},{0.04,0.034,0.004},{0.039,0.049,0.072},{0.082,0.128,0.185},{0.283,0.35,0.431},0}; sunMoon[] = {-3.75,{0.377,0.441,0.518},{0.103,0.227,0.453},{0.04,0.034,0.004},{0.039,0.049,0.072},{0.174,0.274,0.395},{0.582,0.72,0.887},0.5}; earlySun[] = {-2.5,{0.675,0.69,0.784},{0.22,0.322,0.471},{0.04,0.034,0.004},{0.039,0.049,0.072},{0.424,0.549,0.745},{0.698,0.753,0.894},1}; sunrise[] = {0,{0.675,0.69,0.784},{0.478,0.51,0.659},{0.2,0.19,0.07},{0.124,0.161,0.236},{{0.847,0.855,0.965},0.2},{{0.933,0.949,0.996},2},1}; earlyMorning[] = {3,{{0.844,0.61,0.469},0.8},{0.424,0.557,0.651},{{1,0.45,0.2},1},{0.12,0.26,0.38},{{0.428,0.579,0.743},2},{{0.844,0.61,0.469},2.7},1}; midMorning[] = {8,{{0.822,0.75,0.646},3.8},{{0.383,0.58,0.858},1.3},{{1.3,0.9,0.61},2.8},{{0.12,0.18,0.28},0.5},{{0.322,0.478,0.675},3.5},{{1.0,0.929,0.815},4.7},1}; morning[] = {16,{{1,0.95,0.91},12.2},{{0.12,0.18,0.28},9.2},{{1,0.95,0.91},11.2},{{0.12,0.18,0.28},8.5},{{0.14,0.18,0.24},11.0},{{0.5,0.6,0.9},13.2},1}; noon[] = {45,{{0.98,0.94,0.94},13.8},{{0.2,0.27,0.35},10.8},{{0.98,0.94,0.94},13.8},{{0.2,0.27,0.35},10.8},{{0.5,0.64,1.0},12.0},{{0.5,0.5,0.5},14.8},1,0.5,0.4,0.5,0.4}; }; class DayLightingRainy: DayLightingRainy { deepNight[] = {-15,{0.005,0.01,0.01},{0.0,0.002,0.003},{0.0,0.0,0.0},{0.0,0.0,0.0},{0.0,0.002,0.003},{0.0,0.002,0.003},0}; fullNight[] = {-5,{0.023,0.023,0.023},{0.02,0.02,0.02},{0.023,0.023,0.023},{0.02,0.02,0.02},{0.01,0.01,0.02},{0.08,0.06,0.06},0}; sunMoon[] = {-3.75,{0.04,0.04,0.05},{0.04,0.04,0.05},{0.04,0.04,0.05},{0.04,0.04,0.05},{0.04,0.035,0.04},{0.11,0.08,0.09},0.5}; earlySun[] = {-2.5,{0.0689,0.0689,0.0804},{0.06,0.06,0.07},{0.0689,0.0689,0.0804},{0.06,0.06,0.07},{0.08,0.07,0.08},{0.14,0.1,0.12},0.5}; earlyMorning[] = {3,{{1,1,1},"(-4)+3.95"},{{1,1,1},"(-4)+3.0"},{{1,1,1},"(-4)+3.95"},{{1,1,1},"(-4)+3.0"},{{1,1,1},"(-4)+4"},{{1,1,1},"(-4)+5.5"},1}; morning[] = {16,{{1,1,1},"(-4)+5.7"},{{1,1,1},"(-4)+4.5"},{{1,1,1},"(-4)+5.7"},{{1,1,1},"(-4)+4.5"},{{1,1,1},"(-4)+7"},{{1,1,1},"(-4)+8"},1}; lateMorning[] = {25,{{1,1,1},"(-4)+10.45"},{{1,1,1},"(-4)+9.75"},{{1,1,1},"(-4)+10.45"},{{1,1,1},"(-4)+9.75"},{{1,1,1},"(-4)+12"},{{1,1,1},"(-4)+12.75"},1}; noon[] = {45,{{1,1,1},10.0},{{1,1,1},9.0},{{1,1,1},9.0},{{1,1,1},8.0},{{0.5,0.64,1},12.0},{{0.5,0.5,0.5},14.8},1}; }; class Weather: Weather { class LightingNew { class Lighting0 { height = 0; overcast = 0.25; sunAngle = -24; sunOrMoon = 0; diffuse[] = {{0.14,0.19,0.3},4}; diffuseCloud[] = {{0.14,0.19,0.3},0.2}; ambient[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},1}; ambientCloud[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},0.05}; ambientMid[] = {{0.1384,0.1912,0.2984},0.88}; ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.1384,0.1912,0.2984},0.044}; groundReflection[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},0.8448}; groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},0.04224}; bidirect[] = {0.025,0.025,0.023}; bidirectCloud[] = {0.0125,0.0125,0.0115}; sky[] = {0.231,0.314,0.467}; skyAroundSun[] = {0.2,0.25,0.45}; fogColor[] = {{0.09,0.137,0.22},0.025}; apertureMin = 6; apertureStandard = 6; apertureMax = 18; standardAvgLum = 4; desiredLuminanceCoef = 1; desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 1; luminanceRectCoef = 1; luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.5; rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.01388,0.035}; mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005}; cloudsColor[] = {{0.5,0.65,1},11.016}; swBrightness = 1; }; class Lighting1 { height = 0; overcast = 0.25; sunAngle = -12; sunOrMoon = 0; diffuse[] = {0.1,0.18,0.3}; diffuseCloud[] = {0.1,0.18,0.3}; ambient[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},1}; ambientCloud[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},1}; ambientMid[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},0.88}; ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},0.88}; groundReflection[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},0.8448}; groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},0.8448}; bidirect[] = {0,0,0}; bidirectCloud[] = {0,0,0}; sky[] = {{0.212,0.302,0.51},1}; skyAroundSun[] = {0.2,0.25,0.45}; fogColor[] = {{0.662,0.447,0.192},0.025}; apertureMin = 6; apertureStandard = 6; apertureMax = 18; standardAvgLum = 4; desiredLuminanceCoef = 1; desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 1; luminanceRectCoef = 1; luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.5; rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.01388,0.035}; mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005}; cloudsColor[] = {{1,1,1},11.016}; swBrightness = 1; }; class Lighting2 { height = 0; overcast = 0.25; sunAngle = -11; sunOrMoon = 0.5; diffuse[] = {0.1,0.18,0.3}; diffuseCloud[] = {0.1,0.18,0.3}; ambient[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},1}; ambientCloud[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},1}; ambientMid[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},0.88}; ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},0.88}; groundReflection[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},0.8448}; groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},0.8448}; bidirect[] = {0,0,0}; bidirectCloud[] = {0,0,0}; sky[] = {{0.212,0.302,0.51},1}; skyAroundSun[] = {0.2,0.25,0.45}; fogColor[] = {{0.662,0.447,0.192},0.025}; apertureMin = 6; apertureStandard = 6; apertureMax = 18; standardAvgLum = 4; desiredLuminanceCoef = 1; desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 1; luminanceRectCoef = 1; luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.5; rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.01388,0.035}; mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005}; cloudsColor[] = {{1,1,1},11.016}; swBrightness = 1; }; class Lighting3 { height = 0; overcast = 0.25; sunAngle = -10; sunOrMoon = 1; diffuse[] = {0.1,0.18,0.3}; diffuseCloud[] = {0.1,0.18,0.3}; ambient[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},1}; ambientCloud[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},1}; ambientMid[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},0.88}; ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},0.88}; groundReflection[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},0.8448}; groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},0.8448}; bidirect[] = {0,0,0}; bidirectCloud[] = {0,0,0}; sky[] = {{0.212,0.302,0.51},1}; skyAroundSun[] = {{0.2,0.25,0.45},4.734908}; fogColor[] = {{0.662,0.447,0.192},0.025}; apertureMin = 6; apertureStandard = 6; apertureMax = 18; standardAvgLum = 4; desiredLuminanceCoef = 1; desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 1; luminanceRectCoef = 1; luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.5; rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.01388,0.035}; mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005}; cloudsColor[] = {{1,1,1},11.016}; swBrightness = 1; }; class Lighting4 { height = 0; overcast = 0.25; sunAngle = -5; sunOrMoon = 1; diffuse[] = {{0.16,0.18,0.28},3}; diffuseCloud[] = {{0.16,0.18,0.28},3}; ambient[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},4.6}; ambientCloud[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},4.6}; ambientMid[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},4.048}; ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},4.048}; groundReflection[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},3.88608}; groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},3.88608}; bidirect[] = {0.0115,0.012,0.0125}; bidirectCloud[] = {0.0115,0.012,0.0125}; sky[] = {{0.2,0.298,0.541},4.6}; skyAroundSun[] = {{0.7,0.35,0.28},7.636949}; fogColor[] = {{0.662,0.447,0.192},0.025}; apertureMin = 6; apertureStandard = 6; apertureMax = 18; standardAvgLum = 4; desiredLuminanceCoef = 1; desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 1; luminanceRectCoef = 1; luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.5; rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.01388,0.035}; mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005}; cloudsColor[] = {{1,1,1},11.016}; swBrightness = 1; }; class Lighting5 { height = 0; overcast = 0.25; sunAngle = -2; sunOrMoon = 1; diffuse[] = {{0.25,0.21,0.2},5}; diffuseCloud[] = {{0.25,0.21,0.2},5}; ambient[] = {{0.196,0.275,0.42},6.9}; ambientCloud[] = {{0.196,0.275,0.42},6.9}; ambientMid[] = {{0.196,0.275,0.42},6.072}; ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.196,0.275,0.42},6.072}; groundReflection[] = {{0.196,0.275,0.42},5.82912}; groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.196,0.275,0.42},5.82912}; bidirect[] = {0.023,0.024,0.025}; bidirectCloud[] = {0.023,0.024,0.025}; sky[] = {{0.188,0.29,0.576},6.9}; skyAroundSun[] = {{1.8,0.42,0.2},12.31766}; fogColor[] = {{0.11,0.169,0.286},7.0725}; apertureMin = 7; apertureStandard = 8; apertureMax = 20; standardAvgLum = 20; desiredLuminanceCoef = 1; desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 1; luminanceRectCoef = 1; luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.5; rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.038,0.0675}; mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005}; cloudsColor[] = {{1,1,1},11.016}; swBrightness = 1; }; class Lighting6 { height = 0; overcast = 0.25; sunAngle = 0; sunOrMoon = 1; diffuse[] = {{0.75,0.38,0.22},6}; diffuseCloud[] = {{0.75,0.38,0.22},6}; ambient[] = {{0.2497,0.31,0.467},7.8}; ambientCloud[] = {{0.2497,0.31,0.467},7.8}; ambientMid[] = {{0.2541,0.314,0.467},6.864}; ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.2541,0.314,0.467},6.864}; groundReflection[] = {{0.235,0.318,0.467},6.58944}; groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.235,0.318,0.467},6.58944}; bidirect[] = {0.023,0.024,0.025}; bidirectCloud[] = {0.023,0.024,0.025}; sky[] = {{0.173,0.282,0.612},7.8}; skyAroundSun[] = {{2,0.42,0.2},13.38876}; fogColor[] = {{0.118,0.18,0.31},7.995}; apertureMin = 8; apertureStandard = 9; apertureMax = 22; standardAvgLum = 45; desiredLuminanceCoef = 1; desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 1; luminanceRectCoef = 1; luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.5; rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.038,0.0675}; mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005}; cloudsColor[] = {{1,1,1},11.016}; swBrightness = 1; }; class Lighting7 { height = 0; overcast = 0.25; sunAngle = 2; sunOrMoon = 1; diffuse[] = {{0.95,0.42,0.22},8.4}; diffuseCloud[] = {{0.95,0.42,0.22},8.4}; ambient[] = {{0.306,0.357,0.463},8.4}; ambientCloud[] = {{0.306,0.357,0.463},8.4}; ambientMid[] = {{0.365,0.361,0.396},7.392}; ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.365,0.361,0.396},7.392}; groundReflection[] = {{0.416,0.38,0.388},7.09632}; groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.416,0.38,0.388},7.09632}; bidirect[] = {0.023,0.024,0.025}; bidirectCloud[] = {0.023,0.024,0.025}; sky[] = {{0.157,0.275,0.651},8.4}; skyAroundSun[] = {{2.2,0.8,0.2},13.38876}; fogColor[] = {{0.87,0.694,0.486},8.61}; apertureMin = 8; apertureStandard = 10; apertureMax = 24; standardAvgLum = 50; desiredLuminanceCoef = 1; desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 1; luminanceRectCoef = 1; luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.5; rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.038,0.0675}; mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005}; cloudsColor[] = {{1,1,1},11.016}; swBrightness = 1; }; class Lighting8 { height = 0; overcast = 0.25; sunAngle = 6; sunOrMoon = 1; diffuse[] = {{0.95,0.55,0.35},10.2}; diffuseCloud[] = {{0.95,0.55,0.35},10.2}; ambient[] = {{0.337,0.404,0.525},9.6}; ambientCloud[] = {{0.337,0.404,0.525},9.6}; ambientMid[] = {{0.412,0.408,0.443},8.448}; ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.412,0.408,0.443},8.448}; groundReflection[] = {{0.475,0.435,0.431},8.11008}; groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.475,0.435,0.431},8.11008}; bidirect[] = {0.01375,0.0132,0.01265}; bidirectCloud[] = {0.01375,0.0132,0.01265}; sky[] = {{0.145,0.263,0.686},9.6}; skyAroundSun[] = {{0.4,0.32,0.6},13.38876}; fogColor[] = {{0.09,0.137,0.22},9.84}; apertureMin = 8; apertureStandard = 16; apertureMax = 26; standardAvgLum = 100; desiredLuminanceCoef = 1; desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 1; luminanceRectCoef = 1; luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.5; rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.027,0.045}; mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005}; cloudsColor[] = {{1,1,1},11.016}; swBrightness = 1; }; class Lighting9 { height = 0; overcast = 0.25; sunAngle = 12; sunOrMoon = 1; diffuse[] = {{1,0.65,0.45},12.3}; diffuseCloud[] = {{1,0.65,0.45},12.3}; ambient[] = {{0.388,0.471,0.612},10.9}; ambientCloud[] = {{0.388,0.471,0.612},10.9}; ambientMid[] = {{0.482,0.475,0.506},9.81}; ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.482,0.475,0.506},9.81}; groundReflection[] = {{0.557,0.51,0.494},9.4176}; groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.557,0.51,0.494},9.4176}; bidirect[] = {0.01875,0.018,0.01725}; bidirectCloud[] = {0.01875,0.018,0.01725}; sky[] = {{0.129,0.259,0.722},10.9}; skyAroundSun[] = {{0.13,0.25,0.8},13.524}; fogColor[] = {{0.09,0.137,0.22},11.1725}; apertureMin = 20; apertureStandard = 25; apertureMax = 35; standardAvgLum = 250; desiredLuminanceCoef = 1; desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 1; luminanceRectCoef = 1; luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.5; rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.018,0.04}; mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005}; cloudsColor[] = {{1,1,1},12.24}; swBrightness = 1; }; class Lighting10 { height = 0; overcast = 0.25; sunAngle = 24; sunOrMoon = 1; diffuse[] = {{1,0.75,0.62},15.8}; diffuseCloud[] = {{1,0.75,0.62},15.8}; ambient[] = {{0.435,0.533,0.698},13.8}; ambientCloud[] = {{0.435,0.533,0.698},13.8}; ambientMid[] = {{0.545,0.541,0.569},12.696}; ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.545,0.541,0.569},12.696}; groundReflection[] = {{0.635,0.58,0.557},12.18816}; groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.635,0.58,0.557},12.18816}; bidirect[] = {0.025,0.024,0.018}; bidirectCloud[] = {0.025,0.024,0.018}; sky[] = {{0.118,0.251,0.753},13.8}; skyAroundSun[] = {{0.115,0.245,0.8},13.662}; fogColor[] = {{0.09,0.137,0.22},14.145}; apertureMin = 45; apertureStandard = 60; apertureMax = 80; standardAvgLum = 800; desiredLuminanceCoef = 1; desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 1; luminanceRectCoef = 1; luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.5; rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.01388,0.035}; mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005}; cloudsColor[] = {{1,1,1},14.4}; swBrightness = 1; }; class Lighting11 { height = 0; overcast = 0.25; sunAngle = 45; sunOrMoon = 1; diffuse[] = {{1,0.87,0.85},17.2}; diffuseCloud[] = {{1,0.87,0.85},17.2}; ambient[] = {{0.498,0.602,0.77},14.8}; ambientCloud[] = {{0.498,0.602,0.77},14.8}; ambientMid[] = {{0.635,0.635,0.663},14.504}; ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.635,0.635,0.663},14.504}; groundReflection[] = {{0.745,0.671,0.643},14.21392}; groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.745,0.671,0.643},14.21392}; bidirect[] = {0.025,0.024,0.018}; bidirectCloud[] = {0.025,0.024,0.018}; sky[] = {{0.02,0.12,0.8},13.8}; skyAroundSun[] = {{0.02,0.12,0.8},13.8}; fogColor[] = {{0.09,0.137,0.22},15}; apertureMin = 70; apertureStandard = 120; apertureMax = 120; standardAvgLum = 8000; desiredLuminanceCoef = 1; desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 1; luminanceRectCoef = 1; luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.5; rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.01388,0.035}; mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005}; cloudsColor[] = {{1,1,1},14.8}; swBrightness = 1; }; class Lighting12 { height = 0; overcast = 0.25; sunAngle = 90; sunOrMoon = 1; diffuse[] = {{1,0.87,0.85},17.2}; diffuseCloud[] = {{1,0.87,0.85},17.2}; ambient[] = {{0.498,0.602,0.77},14.8}; ambientCloud[] = {{0.498,0.602,0.77},14.8}; ambientMid[] = {{0.635,0.635,0.663},14.504}; ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.635,0.635,0.663},14.504}; groundReflection[] = {{0.745,0.671,0.643},14.21392}; groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.745,0.671,0.643},14.21392}; bidirect[] = {0.025,0.024,0.018}; bidirectCloud[] = {0.025,0.024,0.018}; sky[] = {{0.02,0.12,0.8},13.8}; skyAroundSun[] = {{0.02,0.12,0.8},13.8}; fogColor[] = {{0.09,0.137,0.22},15}; apertureMin = 70; apertureStandard = 120; apertureMax = 120; standardAvgLum = 8000; desiredLuminanceCoef = 1; desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 1; luminanceRectCoef = 1; luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.5; rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.01388,0.035}; mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005}; cloudsColor[] = {{1,1,1},14.8}; swBrightness = 1; }; class Lighting13 { height = 0; overcast = 0.6; sunAngle = -24; sunOrMoon = 0; diffuse[] = {{0.14,0.19,0.3},4}; diffuseCloud[] = {{0.14,0.19,0.3},3}; ambient[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},1}; ambientCloud[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},1}; ambientMid[] = {{0.1384,0.1912,0.2984},0.88}; ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.1384,0.1912,0.2984},0.88}; groundReflection[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},0.8448}; groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},0.8448}; bidirect[] = {0.025,0.025,0.023}; bidirectCloud[] = {0.0245,0.0245,0.02254}; sky[] = {0.231,0.314,0.467}; skyAroundSun[] = {0.2,0.25,0.45}; fogColor[] = {{0.09,0.137,0.22},0.025}; apertureMin = 6; apertureStandard = 6; apertureMax = 18; standardAvgLum = 4; desiredLuminanceCoef = 1; desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 1; luminanceRectCoef = 1; luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.5; rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.01388,0.035}; mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005}; cloudsColor[] = {{0.5,0.65,1},11.016}; swBrightness = 1; }; class Lighting14 { height = 0; overcast = 0.6; sunAngle = -12; sunOrMoon = 0; diffuse[] = {0.1,0.18,0.3}; diffuseCloud[] = {0.1,0.18,0.3}; ambient[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},1}; ambientCloud[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},1}; ambientMid[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},0.88}; ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},0.88}; groundReflection[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},0.8448}; groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},0.8448}; bidirect[] = {0,0,0}; bidirectCloud[] = {0,0,0}; sky[] = {{0.212,0.302,0.51},1}; skyAroundSun[] = {0.2,0.25,0.45}; fogColor[] = {{0.09,0.137,0.22},0.025}; apertureMin = 6; apertureStandard = 6; apertureMax = 18; standardAvgLum = 4; desiredLuminanceCoef = 1; desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 1; luminanceRectCoef = 1; luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.5; rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.01388,0.035}; mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005}; cloudsColor[] = {{1,1,1},11.016}; swBrightness = 1; }; class Lighting15 { height = 0; overcast = 0.6; sunAngle = -11; sunOrMoon = 0.5; diffuse[] = {0.1,0.18,0.3}; diffuseCloud[] = {0.1,0.18,0.3}; ambient[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},1}; ambientCloud[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},1}; ambientMid[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},0.88}; ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},0.88}; groundReflection[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},0.8448}; groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},0.8448}; bidirect[] = {0,0,0}; bidirectCloud[] = {0,0,0}; sky[] = {{0.212,0.302,0.51},1}; skyAroundSun[] = {0.2,0.25,0.45}; fogColor[] = {{0.094,0.141,0.231},0.025}; apertureMin = 6; apertureStandard = 6; apertureMax = 18; standardAvgLum = 4; desiredLuminanceCoef = 1; desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 1; luminanceRectCoef = 1; luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.5; rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.01388,0.035}; mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005}; cloudsColor[] = {{1,1,1},11.016}; swBrightness = 1; }; class Lighting16 { height = 0; overcast = 0.6; sunAngle = -10; sunOrMoon = 1; diffuse[] = {0.1,0.18,0.3}; diffuseCloud[] = {0.1,0.18,0.3}; ambient[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},1}; ambientCloud[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},1}; ambientMid[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},0.88}; ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},0.88}; groundReflection[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},0.8448}; groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},0.8448}; bidirect[] = {0,0,0}; bidirectCloud[] = {0,0,0}; sky[] = {{0.212,0.302,0.51},1}; skyAroundSun[] = {{0.2,0.25,0.45},4.734908}; fogColor[] = {{0.094,0.141,0.231},0.025}; apertureMin = 6; apertureStandard = 6; apertureMax = 18; standardAvgLum = 4; desiredLuminanceCoef = 1; desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 1; luminanceRectCoef = 1; luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.5; rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.01388,0.035}; mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005}; cloudsColor[] = {{1,1,1},11.016}; swBrightness = 1; }; class Lighting17 { height = 0; overcast = 0.6; sunAngle = -5; sunOrMoon = 1; diffuse[] = {{0.16,0.18,0.28},2.25}; diffuseCloud[] = {{0.16,0.18,0.28},1.6875}; ambient[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},4.6}; ambientCloud[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},4.6}; ambientMid[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},4.048}; ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},4.048}; groundReflection[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},3.88608}; groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},3.88608}; bidirect[] = {0.0115,0.012,0.0125}; bidirectCloud[] = {0.01127,0.01176,0.01225}; sky[] = {{0.2,0.298,0.541},4.6}; skyAroundSun[] = {{0.7,0.35,0.28},7.636949}; fogColor[] = {{0.106,0.161,0.267},4.715}; apertureMin = 6; apertureStandard = 6; apertureMax = 18; standardAvgLum = 4; desiredLuminanceCoef = 1; desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 1; luminanceRectCoef = 1; luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.5; rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.01388,0.035}; mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005}; cloudsColor[] = {{1,1,1},11.016}; swBrightness = 1; }; class Lighting18 { height = 0; overcast = 0.6; sunAngle = -2; sunOrMoon = 1; diffuse[] = {{0.25,0.21,0.2},3.75}; diffuseCloud[] = {{0.25,0.21,0.2},2.8125}; ambient[] = {{0.196,0.275,0.42},6.9}; ambientCloud[] = {{0.196,0.275,0.42},6.9}; ambientMid[] = {{0.196,0.275,0.42},6.072}; ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.196,0.275,0.42},6.072}; groundReflection[] = {{0.196,0.275,0.42},5.82912}; groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.196,0.275,0.42},5.82912}; bidirect[] = {0.023,0.024,0.025}; bidirectCloud[] = {0.023,0.024,0.025}; sky[] = {{0.188,0.29,0.576},6.9}; skyAroundSun[] = {{1.8,0.42,0.2},12.31766}; fogColor[] = {{0.11,0.169,0.286},7.0725}; apertureMin = 7; apertureStandard = 8; apertureMax = 20; standardAvgLum = 20; desiredLuminanceCoef = 1; desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 1; luminanceRectCoef = 1; luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.5; rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.038,0.0675}; mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005}; cloudsColor[] = {{1,1,1},11.016}; swBrightness = 1; }; class Lighting19 { height = 0; overcast = 0.6; sunAngle = 0; sunOrMoon = 1; diffuse[] = {{0.75,0.38,0.22},4.5}; diffuseCloud[] = {{0.75,0.38,0.22},3.375}; ambient[] = {{0.2497,0.31,0.467},7.8}; ambientCloud[] = {{0.2497,0.31,0.467},7.8}; ambientMid[] = {{0.2541,0.314,0.467},6.864}; ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.2541,0.314,0.467},6.864}; groundReflection[] = {{0.235,0.318,0.467},6.58944}; groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.235,0.318,0.467},6.58944}; bidirect[] = {0.023,0.024,0.025}; bidirectCloud[] = {0.023,0.024,0.025}; sky[] = {{0.173,0.282,0.612},7.8}; skyAroundSun[] = {{2,0.42,0.2},13.38876}; fogColor[] = {{0.118,0.18,0.31},7.995}; apertureMin = 8; apertureStandard = 9; apertureMax = 22; standardAvgLum = 45; desiredLuminanceCoef = 1; desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 1; luminanceRectCoef = 1; luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.5; rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.038,0.0675}; mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005}; cloudsColor[] = {{1,1,1},11.016}; swBrightness = 1; }; class Lighting20 { height = 0; overcast = 0.6; sunAngle = 2; sunOrMoon = 1; diffuse[] = {{0.95,0.42,0.22},6.72}; diffuseCloud[] = {{0.95,0.42,0.22},5.04}; ambient[] = {{0.306,0.357,0.463},8.4}; ambientCloud[] = {{0.306,0.357,0.463},8.4}; ambientMid[] = {{0.365,0.361,0.396},7.392}; ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.365,0.361,0.396},7.392}; groundReflection[] = {{0.416,0.38,0.388},7.09632}; groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.416,0.38,0.388},7.09632}; bidirect[] = {0.023,0.024,0.025}; bidirectCloud[] = {0.023,0.024,0.025}; sky[] = {{0.157,0.275,0.651},8.4}; skyAroundSun[] = {{2.2,0.8,0.2},13.38876}; fogColor[] = {{0.125,0.192,0.329},8.61}; apertureMin = 8; apertureStandard = 10; apertureMax = 24; standardAvgLum = 50; desiredLuminanceCoef = 1; desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 1; luminanceRectCoef = 1; luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.5; rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.038,0.0675}; mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005}; cloudsColor[] = {{1,1,1},11.016}; swBrightness = 1; }; class Lighting21 { height = 0; overcast = 0.6; sunAngle = 6; sunOrMoon = 1; diffuse[] = {{0.95,0.55,0.35},10.2}; diffuseCloud[] = {{0.95,0.55,0.35},7.65}; ambient[] = {{0.337,0.404,0.525},9.6}; ambientCloud[] = {{0.337,0.404,0.525},9.6}; ambientMid[] = {{0.412,0.408,0.443},8.448}; ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.412,0.408,0.443},8.448}; groundReflection[] = {{0.475,0.435,0.431},8.11008}; groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.475,0.435,0.431},8.11008}; bidirect[] = {0.01375,0.0132,0.01265}; bidirectCloud[] = {0.01375,0.0132,0.01265}; sky[] = {{0.145,0.263,0.686},9.6}; skyAroundSun[] = {{0.4,0.32,0.6},13.38876}; fogColor[] = {{0.133,0.204,0.357},9.84}; apertureMin = 8; apertureStandard = 16; apertureMax = 26; standardAvgLum = 100; desiredLuminanceCoef = 1; desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 1; luminanceRectCoef = 1; luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.5; rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.027,0.045}; mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005}; cloudsColor[] = {{1,1,1},11.016}; swBrightness = 1; }; class Lighting22 { height = 0; overcast = 0.6; sunAngle = 12; sunOrMoon = 1; diffuse[] = {{1,0.65,0.45},12.3}; diffuseCloud[] = {{1,0.65,0.45},9.225}; ambient[] = {{0.388,0.471,0.612},10.9}; ambientCloud[] = {{0.388,0.471,0.612},10.9}; ambientMid[] = {{0.482,0.475,0.506},9.81}; ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.482,0.475,0.506},9.81}; groundReflection[] = {{0.557,0.51,0.494},9.4176}; groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.557,0.51,0.494},9.4176}; bidirect[] = {0.01875,0.018,0.01725}; bidirectCloud[] = {0.01875,0.018,0.01725}; sky[] = {{0.129,0.259,0.722},10.9}; skyAroundSun[] = {{0.13,0.25,0.8},13.524}; fogColor[] = {{0.145,0.224,0.396},11.1725}; apertureMin = 20; apertureStandard = 25; apertureMax = 35; standardAvgLum = 250; desiredLuminanceCoef = 1; desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 1; luminanceRectCoef = 1; luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.5; rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.018,0.04}; mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005}; cloudsColor[] = {{1,1,1},12.24}; swBrightness = 1; }; class Lighting23 { height = 0; overcast = 0.6; sunAngle = 24; sunOrMoon = 1; diffuse[] = {{1,0.75,0.62},15.8}; diffuseCloud[] = {{1,0.75,0.62},11.85}; ambient[] = {{0.435,0.533,0.698},13.8}; ambientCloud[] = {{0.435,0.533,0.698},13.8}; ambientMid[] = {{0.545,0.541,0.569},12.696}; ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.545,0.541,0.569},12.696}; groundReflection[] = {{0.635,0.58,0.557},12.18816}; groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.635,0.58,0.557},12.18816}; bidirect[] = {0.025,0.024,0.018}; bidirectCloud[] = {0.025,0.024,0.018}; sky[] = {{0.118,0.251,0.753},13.8}; skyAroundSun[] = {{0.115,0.245,0.8},13.662}; fogColor[] = {{0.15,0.251,0.488},14.145}; apertureMin = 45; apertureStandard = 60; apertureMax = 80; standardAvgLum = 800; desiredLuminanceCoef = 1; desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 1; luminanceRectCoef = 1; luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.5; rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.01388,0.035}; mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005}; cloudsColor[] = {{1,1,1},14.4}; swBrightness = 1; }; class Lighting24 { height = 0; overcast = 0.6; sunAngle = 45; sunOrMoon = 1; diffuse[] = {{1,0.87,0.85},17}; diffuseCloud[] = {{1,0.87,0.85},12.75}; ambient[] = {{0.498,0.602,0.77},14.8}; ambientCloud[] = {{0.498,0.602,0.77},14.8}; ambientMid[] = {{0.635,0.635,0.663},13.616}; ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.635,0.635,0.663},13.616}; groundReflection[] = {{0.745,0.671,0.643},14.21392}; groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.745,0.671,0.643},14.21392}; bidirect[] = {0.025,0.024,0.018}; bidirectCloud[] = {0.025,0.024,0.018}; sky[] = {{0.02,0.12,0.8},13.8}; skyAroundSun[] = {{0.02,0.12,0.8},13.8}; fogColor[] = {{0.3,0.44,0.74},13.9564}; apertureMin = 70; apertureStandard = 120; apertureMax = 120; standardAvgLum = 8000; desiredLuminanceCoef = 1; desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 1; luminanceRectCoef = 1; luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.5; rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.01388,0.035}; mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005}; cloudsColor[] = {{1,1,1},14.8}; swBrightness = 1; }; class Lighting25 { height = 0; overcast = 0.6; sunAngle = 90; sunOrMoon = 1; diffuse[] = {{1,0.87,0.85},17}; diffuseCloud[] = {{1,0.87,0.85},13.94}; ambient[] = {{0.498,0.602,0.77},14.8}; ambientCloud[] = {{0.498,0.602,0.77},14.8}; ambientMid[] = {{0.635,0.635,0.663},14.504}; ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.635,0.635,0.663},14.504}; groundReflection[] = {{0.745,0.671,0.643},14.21392}; groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.745,0.671,0.643},14.21392}; bidirect[] = {0.025,0.024,0.018}; bidirectCloud[] = {0.025,0.024,0.018}; sky[] = {{0.02,0.12,0.8},13.8}; skyAroundSun[] = {{0.02,0.12,0.8},13.8}; fogColor[] = {{0.3,0.44,0.74},15}; apertureMin = 70; apertureStandard = 120; apertureMax = 120; standardAvgLum = 8000; desiredLuminanceCoef = 1; desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 1; luminanceRectCoef = 1; luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.5; rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.01388,0.035}; mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005}; cloudsColor[] = {{1,1,1},14.8}; swBrightness = 1; }; class Lighting26 { height = 0; overcast = 0.85; sunAngle = -24; sunOrMoon = 0; diffuse[] = {{0.09,0.137,0.22},1}; diffuseCloud[] = {{0,0,0},0.75}; ambient[] = {{0.09,0.137,0.22},1}; ambientCloud[] = {{0.09,0.137,0.22},1}; ambientMid[] = {{0.09,0.137,0.22},0.8624}; ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.09,0.137,0.22},0.8624}; groundReflection[] = {{0.09,0.137,0.22},0.758912}; groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.09,0.137,0.22},0.758912}; bidirect[] = {0.0117,0.0117,0.0117}; bidirectCloud[] = {0.0117,0.0117,0.0117}; sky[] = {0.231,0.314,0.467}; skyAroundSun[] = {0.2,0.25,0.45}; fogColor[] = {0.09,0.137,0.22}; apertureMin = 6; apertureStandard = 6; apertureMax = 18; standardAvgLum = 4; desiredLuminanceCoef = 1; desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 1; luminanceRectCoef = 1; luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.5; rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.01388,0.035}; mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005}; cloudsColor[] = {{1,1,1},11.016}; swBrightness = 1; }; class Lighting27 { height = 0; overcast = 0.85; sunAngle = -12; sunOrMoon = 0; diffuse[] = {0.16954,0.239,0.37673}; diffuseCloud[] = {0.042385,0.05975,0.094183}; ambient[] = {{0.16954,0.239,0.37673},1}; ambientCloud[] = {{0.16954,0.239,0.37673},1}; ambientMid[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},0.8624}; ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},0.8624}; groundReflection[] = {{0.14705,0.20315,0.31705},0.758912}; groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.14705,0.20315,0.31705},0.758912}; bidirect[] = {0.0117,0.0117,0.0117}; bidirectCloud[] = {0.0117,0.0117,0.0117}; sky[] = {{0.212,0.302,0.51},1}; skyAroundSun[] = {0.2,0.25,0.45}; fogColor[] = {0.122,0.169,0.255}; apertureMin = 6; apertureStandard = 6; apertureMax = 18; standardAvgLum = 4; desiredLuminanceCoef = 1; desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 1; luminanceRectCoef = 1; luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.5; rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.01388,0.035}; mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005}; cloudsColor[] = {{1,1,1},11.016}; swBrightness = 1; }; class Lighting28 { height = 0; overcast = 0.85; sunAngle = -11; sunOrMoon = 0.5; diffuse[] = {0.129,0.18,0.271}; diffuseCloud[] = {0.03225,0.045,0.06775}; ambient[] = {{0.129,0.18,0.271},1}; ambientCloud[] = {{0.129,0.18,0.271},1}; ambientMid[] = {{0.129,0.184,0.267},0.8624}; ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.129,0.184,0.267},0.8624}; groundReflection[] = {{0.125,0.176,0.263},0.758912}; groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.125,0.176,0.263},0.758912}; bidirect[] = {0.0117,0.0117,0.0117}; bidirectCloud[] = {0.0117,0.0117,0.0117}; sky[] = {{0.212,0.302,0.51},1}; skyAroundSun[] = {0.2,0.25,0.45}; fogColor[] = {0.122,0.169,0.255}; apertureMin = 6; apertureStandard = 6; apertureMax = 18; standardAvgLum = 4; desiredLuminanceCoef = 1; desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 1; luminanceRectCoef = 1; luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.5; rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.01388,0.035}; mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005}; cloudsColor[] = {{1,1,1},11.016}; swBrightness = 1; }; class Lighting29 { height = 0; overcast = 0.85; sunAngle = -10; sunOrMoon = 1; diffuse[] = {0.129,0.18,0.271}; diffuseCloud[] = {0.03225,0.045,0.06775}; ambient[] = {{0.129,0.18,0.271},1}; ambientCloud[] = {{0.129,0.18,0.271},1}; ambientMid[] = {{0.129,0.184,0.267},0.8624}; ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.129,0.184,0.267},0.8624}; groundReflection[] = {{0.125,0.176,0.263},0.758912}; groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.125,0.176,0.263},0.758912}; bidirect[] = {0.0117,0.0117,0.0117}; bidirectCloud[] = {0.0117,0.0117,0.0117}; sky[] = {{0.212,0.302,0.51},1}; skyAroundSun[] = {{0.2,0.25,0.45},4.734908}; fogColor[] = {0.122,0.169,0.255}; apertureMin = 6; apertureStandard = 6; apertureMax = 18; standardAvgLum = 4; desiredLuminanceCoef = 1; desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 1; luminanceRectCoef = 1; luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.5; rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.01388,0.035}; mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005}; cloudsColor[] = {{1,1,1},11.016}; swBrightness = 1; }; class Lighting30 { height = 0; overcast = 0.85; sunAngle = -5; sunOrMoon = 1; diffuse[] = {{0.157,0.212,0.306},0.5625}; diffuseCloud[] = {{0.03925,0.053,0.0765},0.39375}; ambient[] = {{0.157,0.212,0.306},3.22}; ambientCloud[] = {{0.157,0.212,0.306},3.22}; ambientMid[] = {{0.157,0.208,0.298},3.96704}; ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.157,0.208,0.298},3.96704}; groundReflection[] = {{0.149,0.204,0.29},3.649677}; groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.149,0.204,0.29},3.649677}; bidirect[] = {0.0117,0.0117,0.0117}; bidirectCloud[] = {0.0117,0.0117,0.0117}; sky[] = {{0.2,0.298,0.541},4.6}; skyAroundSun[] = {{0.7,0.35,0.28},7.636949}; fogColor[] = {{0.141,0.192,0.282},3.96704}; apertureMin = 6; apertureStandard = 6; apertureMax = 18; standardAvgLum = 4; desiredLuminanceCoef = 1; desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 1; luminanceRectCoef = 1; luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.5; rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.01388,0.035}; mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005}; cloudsColor[] = {{1,1,1},11.016}; swBrightness = 1; }; class Lighting31 { height = 0; overcast = 0.85; sunAngle = -2; sunOrMoon = 1; diffuse[] = {{0.184,0.247,0.341},0.9375}; diffuseCloud[] = {{0.046,0.06175,0.08525},0.65625}; ambient[] = {{0.184,0.247,0.341},6.9}; ambientCloud[] = {{0.184,0.247,0.341},6.9}; ambientMid[] = {{0.184,0.243,0.329},5.95056}; ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.184,0.243,0.329},5.95056}; groundReflection[] = {{0.176,0.231,0.322},5.593526}; groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.176,0.231,0.322},5.593526}; bidirect[] = {0.0117,0.0117,0.0117}; bidirectCloud[] = {0.0117,0.0117,0.0117}; sky[] = {{0.188,0.29,0.576},6.9}; skyAroundSun[] = {{1.8,0.42,0.2},12.31766}; fogColor[] = {{0.165,0.22,0.31},5.95056}; apertureMin = 7; apertureStandard = 7; apertureMax = 20; standardAvgLum = 20; desiredLuminanceCoef = 1; desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 1; luminanceRectCoef = 1; luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.5; rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.038,0.0675}; mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005}; cloudsColor[] = {{1,1,1},11.016}; swBrightness = 1; }; class Lighting32 { height = 0; overcast = 0.85; sunAngle = 0; sunOrMoon = 1; diffuse[] = {{0.216,0.286,0.384},1.125}; diffuseCloud[] = {{0.054,0.0715,0.096},0.7875}; ambient[] = {{0.216,0.286,0.384},7.8}; ambientCloud[] = {{0.216,0.286,0.384},7.8}; ambientMid[] = {{0.22,0.278,0.365},6.72672}; ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.22,0.278,0.365},6.72672}; groundReflection[] = {{0.204,0.267,0.353},6.457651}; groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.204,0.267,0.353},6.457651}; bidirect[] = {0.0117,0.0117,0.0117}; bidirectCloud[] = {0.0117,0.0117,0.0117}; sky[] = {{0.173,0.282,0.612},7.8}; skyAroundSun[] = {{2,0.42,0.2},13.38876}; fogColor[] = {{0.188,0.247,0.341},6.72672}; apertureMin = 8; apertureStandard = 8; apertureMax = 22; standardAvgLum = 45; desiredLuminanceCoef = 1; desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 1; luminanceRectCoef = 1; luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.5; rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.038,0.0675}; mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005}; cloudsColor[] = {{1,1,1},11.016}; swBrightness = 1; }; class Lighting33 { height = 0; overcast = 0.85; sunAngle = 2; sunOrMoon = 1; diffuse[] = {{0.255,0.325,0.42},1.68}; diffuseCloud[] = {{0.06375,0.08125,0.105},1.176}; ambient[] = {{0.255,0.325,0.42},8.4}; ambientCloud[] = {{0.255,0.325,0.42},8.4}; ambientMid[] = {{0.259,0.314,0.396},7.24416}; ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.259,0.314,0.396},7.24416}; groundReflection[] = {{0.239,0.294,0.376},7.099277}; groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.239,0.294,0.376},7.099277}; bidirect[] = {0.0117,0.0117,0.0117}; bidirectCloud[] = {0.0117,0.0117,0.0117}; sky[] = {{0.157,0.275,0.651},8.4}; skyAroundSun[] = {{2.2,0.8,0.2},13.38876}; fogColor[] = {{0.216,0.275,0.373},7.24416}; apertureMin = 8; apertureStandard = 8; apertureMax = 24; standardAvgLum = 50; desiredLuminanceCoef = 1; desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 1; luminanceRectCoef = 1; luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.5; rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.038,0.0675}; mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005}; cloudsColor[] = {{1,1,1},11.016}; swBrightness = 1; }; class Lighting34 { height = 0; overcast = 0.85; sunAngle = 6; sunOrMoon = 1; diffuse[] = {{0.298,0.365,0.451},2.55}; diffuseCloud[] = {{0.0745,0.09125,0.11275},1.785}; ambient[] = {{0.298,0.365,0.451},9.6}; ambientCloud[] = {{0.298,0.365,0.451},9.6}; ambientMid[] = {{0.302,0.349,0.416},8.27904}; ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.302,0.349,0.416},8.27904}; groundReflection[] = {{0.275,0.318,0.384},8.11346}; groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.275,0.318,0.384},8.11346}; bidirect[] = {0.0117,0.0117,0.0117}; bidirectCloud[] = {0.0117,0.0117,0.0117}; sky[] = {{0.145,0.263,0.686},9.6}; skyAroundSun[] = {{0.4,0.32,0.6},13.38876}; fogColor[] = {{0.243,0.306,0.408},8.27904}; apertureMin = 8; apertureStandard = 14; apertureMax = 26; standardAvgLum = 100; desiredLuminanceCoef = 1; desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 1; luminanceRectCoef = 1; luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.5; rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.027,0.045}; mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005}; cloudsColor[] = {{1,1,1},11.016}; swBrightness = 1; }; class Lighting35 { height = 0; overcast = 0.85; sunAngle = 12; sunOrMoon = 1; diffuse[] = {{0.376,0.431,0.506},3.075}; diffuseCloud[] = {{0.094,0.10775,0.1265},2.1525}; ambient[] = {{0.376,0.431,0.506},10.9}; ambientCloud[] = {{0.376,0.431,0.506},10.9}; ambientMid[] = {{0.38,0.408,0.447},9.6138}; ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.38,0.408,0.447},9.6138}; groundReflection[] = {{0.329,0.361,0.396},9.421524}; groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.329,0.361,0.396},9.421524}; bidirect[] = {0.0117,0.0117,0.0117}; bidirectCloud[] = {0.0117,0.0117,0.0117}; sky[] = {{0.129,0.259,0.722},10.9}; skyAroundSun[] = {{0.13,0.25,0.8},13.524}; fogColor[] = {{0.286,0.353,0.463},9.6138}; apertureMin = 20; apertureStandard = 22; apertureMax = 35; standardAvgLum = 250; desiredLuminanceCoef = 1; desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 1; luminanceRectCoef = 1; luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.5; rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.018,0.04}; mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005}; cloudsColor[] = {{1,1,1},12.24}; swBrightness = 1; }; class Lighting36 { height = 0; overcast = 0.85; sunAngle = 24; sunOrMoon = 1; diffuse[] = {{0.447,0.494,0.557},3.95}; diffuseCloud[] = {{0,0,0},2.765}; ambient[] = {{0.447,0.494,0.557},13.8}; ambientCloud[] = {{0.447,0.494,0.557},13.8}; ambientMid[] = {{0.455,0.467,0.475},12.44208}; ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.455,0.467,0.475},12.44208}; groundReflection[] = {{0.388,0.396,0.408},12.19324}; groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.388,0.396,0.408},12.19324}; bidirect[] = {0.0117,0.0117,0.0117}; bidirectCloud[] = {0.0117,0.0117,0.0117}; sky[] = {{0.118,0.251,0.753},13.8}; skyAroundSun[] = {{0.115,0.245,0.8},13.662}; fogColor[] = {{0.333,0.404,0.518},12.44208}; apertureMin = 45; apertureStandard = 50; apertureMax = 80; standardAvgLum = 800; desiredLuminanceCoef = 1; desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 1; luminanceRectCoef = 1; luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.5; rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.01388,0.035}; mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005}; cloudsColor[] = {{1,1,1},14.4}; swBrightness = 1; }; class Lighting37 { height = 0; overcast = 0.85; sunAngle = 45; sunOrMoon = 1; diffuse[] = {{0.506,0.553,0.608},4.25}; diffuseCloud[] = {0.1265,0.13825,0.152}; ambient[] = {{0.506,0.553,0.608},14.8}; ambientCloud[] = {{0.506,0.553,0.608},14.8}; ambientMid[] = {{0.514,0.518,0.514},13.34368}; ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.514,0.518,0.514},13.34368}; groundReflection[] = {{0.435,0.439,0.439},13.07681}; groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.435,0.439,0.439},13.07681}; bidirect[] = {0.0117,0.0117,0.0117}; bidirectCloud[] = {0.0117,0.0117,0.0117}; sky[] = {{0.02,0.12,0.8},13.8}; skyAroundSun[] = {{0.02,0.12,0.8},13.8}; fogColor[] = {{0.369,0.447,0.565},13.34368}; apertureMin = 70; apertureStandard = 100; apertureMax = 120; standardAvgLum = 8000; desiredLuminanceCoef = 1; desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 1; luminanceRectCoef = 1; luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.5; rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.01388,0.035}; mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005}; cloudsColor[] = {{1,1,1},14.8}; swBrightness = 1; }; class Lighting38 { height = 0; overcast = 0.85; sunAngle = 90; sunOrMoon = 1; diffuse[] = {{0.549,0.596,0.651},4.25}; diffuseCloud[] = {0.13725,0.149,0.16275}; ambient[] = {{0.549,0.596,0.651},14.8}; ambientCloud[] = {{0.549,0.596,0.651},14.8}; ambientMid[] = {{0.557,0.557,0.585},14.21392}; ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.557,0.557,0.585},14.21392}; groundReflection[] = {{0.471,0.471,0.463},13.92964}; groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.471,0.471,0.463},13.92964}; bidirect[] = {0.0117,0.0117,0.0117}; bidirectCloud[] = {0.0117,0.0117,0.0117}; sky[] = {{0.02,0.12,0.8},13.8}; skyAroundSun[] = {{0.02,0.12,0.8},13.8}; fogColor[] = {{0.4,0.48,0.6},15}; apertureMin = 70; apertureStandard = 110; apertureMax = 120; standardAvgLum = 8000; desiredLuminanceCoef = 1; desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 1; luminanceRectCoef = 1; luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.5; rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.01388,0.035}; mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005}; cloudsColor[] = {{1,1,1},14.8}; swBrightness = 1; }; class Lighting39 { height = -0.1; overcast = 0.8; sunAngle = -24; sunOrMoon = 0; diffuse[] = {{0.6,0.8,1},2.8}; diffuseCloud[] = {{0.6,0.8,1},2.8}; ambient[] = {{0.4,0.9,1},0.84}; ambientCloud[] = {{0.4,0.9,1},0.84}; ambientMid[] = {{0.24,0.63,1},0.9072}; ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.24,0.63,1},0.9072}; groundReflection[] = {{0.24,0.63,1},0.870912}; groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.24,0.63,1},0.870912}; bidirect[] = {0,0,0}; bidirectCloud[] = {0,0,0}; sky[] = {0,0.2355,0.2335}; skyAroundSun[] = {0,0.2355,0.2335}; fogColor[] = {{0.09,0.137,0.22},0.0275}; apertureMin = 6; apertureStandard = 6; apertureMax = 18; standardAvgLum = 4; desiredLuminanceCoef = 0; desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 0; luminanceRectCoef = 1; luminanceRectCoefCloud = 1; rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.01388,0.035}; mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005}; cloudsColor[] = {{1,1,1},11.016}; swBrightness = 1; }; class Lighting40 { height = -0.1; overcast = 0.8; sunAngle = -5; sunOrMoon = 1; diffuse[] = {{0.6,0.8,1},2.1}; diffuseCloud[] = {{0.6,0.8,1},2.1}; ambient[] = {{0.4,0.9,1},3.68}; ambientCloud[] = {{0.4,0.9,1},3.68}; ambientMid[] = {{0.24,0.63,1},3.9744}; ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.24,0.63,1},3.9744}; groundReflection[] = {{0.24,0.63,1},3.815424}; groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.24,0.63,1},3.815424}; bidirect[] = {0,0,0}; bidirectCloud[] = {0,0,0}; sky[] = {{0,0.2235,0.2705},4.232}; skyAroundSun[] = {{0,0.2235,0.2705},7.636949}; fogColor[] = {{0.106,0.161,0.267},4.715}; apertureMin = 6; apertureStandard = 6; apertureMax = 18; standardAvgLum = 4; desiredLuminanceCoef = 0; desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 0; luminanceRectCoef = 1; luminanceRectCoefCloud = 1; rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.01388,0.035}; mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005}; cloudsColor[] = {{1,1,1},11.016}; swBrightness = 1; }; class Lighting41 { height = -0.1; overcast = 0.8; sunAngle = -2; sunOrMoon = 1; diffuse[] = {{0.6,0.8,1},3.5}; diffuseCloud[] = {{0.6,0.8,1},3.5}; ambient[] = {{0.4,0.9,1},5.52}; ambientCloud[] = {{0.4,0.9,1},5.52}; ambientMid[] = {{0.24,0.63,1},5.9616}; ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.24,0.63,1},5.9616}; groundReflection[] = {{0.24,0.63,1},5.723136}; groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.24,0.63,1},5.723136}; bidirect[] = {0,0,0}; bidirectCloud[] = {0,0,0}; sky[] = {{0,0.2175,0.288},6.348}; skyAroundSun[] = {{0,0.2175,0.288},12.31766}; fogColor[] = {{0.11,0.169,0.286},7.0725}; apertureMin = 7; apertureStandard = 8; apertureMax = 20; standardAvgLum = 20; desiredLuminanceCoef = 0; desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 0; luminanceRectCoef = 1; luminanceRectCoefCloud = 1; rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.038,0.0675}; mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005}; cloudsColor[] = {{1,1,1},11.016}; swBrightness = 1; }; class Lighting42 { height = -0.1; overcast = 0.8; sunAngle = 0; sunOrMoon = 1; diffuse[] = {{0.6,0.8,1},4.2}; diffuseCloud[] = {{0.6,0.8,1},4.2}; ambient[] = {{0.4,0.9,1},6.24}; ambientCloud[] = {{0.4,0.9,1},6.24}; ambientMid[] = {{0.24,0.63,1},6.7392}; ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.24,0.63,1},6.7392}; groundReflection[] = {{0.24,0.63,1},6.469632}; groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.24,0.63,1},6.469632}; bidirect[] = {0,0,0}; bidirectCloud[] = {0,0,0}; sky[] = {{0,0.2115,0.306},7.176}; skyAroundSun[] = {{0,0.2115,0.306},13.38876}; fogColor[] = {{0.118,0.18,0.31},7.995}; apertureMin = 8; apertureStandard = 9; apertureMax = 22; standardAvgLum = 45; desiredLuminanceCoef = 0; desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 0; luminanceRectCoef = 1; luminanceRectCoefCloud = 1; rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.038,0.0675}; mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005}; cloudsColor[] = {{1,1,1},11.016}; swBrightness = 1; }; class Lighting43 { height = -0.1; overcast = 0.8; sunAngle = 45; sunOrMoon = 1; diffuse[] = {{0.6,0.8,1},12.04}; diffuseCloud[] = {{0.6,0.8,1},12.04}; ambient[] = {{0.4,0.9,1},11.84}; ambientCloud[] = {{0.4,0.9,1},11.84}; ambientMid[] = {{0.36,0.72,1},11.4848}; ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.36,0.72,1},11.4848}; groundReflection[] = {{0.36,0.72,1},11.02541}; groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.36,0.72,1},11.02541}; bidirect[] = {0,0,0}; bidirectCloud[] = {0,0,0}; sky[] = {{0,0.09,0.4},13.8}; skyAroundSun[] = {{0,0.09,0.4},13.8}; fogColor[] = {{0.3,0.44,0.74},16.5}; apertureMin = 12; apertureStandard = 18; apertureMax = 25; standardAvgLum = 150; desiredLuminanceCoef = 0; desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 0; luminanceRectCoef = 1; luminanceRectCoefCloud = 1; rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.01388,0.035}; mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005}; cloudsColor[] = {{1,1,1},14.8}; swBrightness = 1; }; class Lighting44 { height = -0.1; overcast = 0.8; sunAngle = 90; sunOrMoon = 1; diffuse[] = {{0.6,0.8,1},12.04}; diffuseCloud[] = {{0.6,0.8,1},12.04}; ambient[] = {{0.4,0.9,1},11.84}; ambientCloud[] = {{0.4,0.9,1},11.84}; ambientMid[] = {{0.36,0.72,1},11.4848}; ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.36,0.72,1},11.4848}; groundReflection[] = {{0.36,0.72,1},11.02541}; groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.36,0.72,1},11.02541}; bidirect[] = {0,0,0}; bidirectCloud[] = {0,0,0}; sky[] = {{0,0.09,0.4},13.8}; skyAroundSun[] = {{0,0.09,0.4},13.8}; fogColor[] = {{0.3,0.44,0.74},16.5}; apertureMin = 12; apertureStandard = 18; apertureMax = 25; standardAvgLum = 150; desiredLuminanceCoef = 0; desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 0; luminanceRectCoef = 1; luminanceRectCoefCloud = 1; rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.01388,0.035}; mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005}; cloudsColor[] = {{1,1,1},14.8}; swBrightness = 1; }; }; }; }; }; Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Cosmo_D41 117 Posted November 20, 2017 Might have to do something with the position where you include your clutter and surfaces. As they are right at the start. I have my clutterclass within the class cfgWorlds and after i definded the class for my map. surfaces comes at the very end of my configs. For references this might be helpfull: https://pmc.editing.wiki/doku.php?id=arma3:terrain:clutter It also says clutter hast to be within not before cfgWorlds and your map. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RoF 241 Posted November 20, 2017 ^ Atlas guide config.cpp shows where to put it as well Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ODST General 0 Posted November 21, 2017 Ok I have updated that....and still nothing :| Spoiler class CfgPatches { class oga_gao_terrain { units[] = {}; weapons[] = {}; requiredVersion = 1; requiredAddons[] = {"A3_Map_Stratis","OPTRE_UNSC_Structure_class","A3_Roads_F","A3_Plants_F","A3_Rocks_F_Sharp","A3_Plants_F_Bush","OPTRE_Plants","A3_Rocks_F","A3_Structures_F_Households_Stone_Small","A3_Structures_F_Walls","A3_Structures_F_Civ_Offices","A3_Structures_F_Households_Stone_Shed","A3_Structures_F_Households_Stone_Big","A3_Structures_F_Households_WIP","A3_Structures_F_Households_Addons","A3_Structures_F_Ind_SolarPowerPlant","OPTRE_UNSC_Structure_Misc","A3_Structures_F_Households_House_Small01","A3_Structures_F_Naval_Piers","A3_Structures_F_Mil_Cargo","A3_Structures_F_Households_Slum","A3_Structures_F_Ind_Shed","OPTRE_UNSC_Structure_Containers","A3_Structures_F_Ind_Tank","A3_Structures_F_Households_House_Small03","A3_Structures_F_Households_House_Small02","A3_Structures_F_Mil_BagBunker","A3_Structures_F_Mil_Fortification","A3_Structures_F_Civ_Constructions","A3_Structures_F_Civ_Garbage","A3_Structures_F_Civ_Pavements","A3_Structures_F_Civ_Lamps","A3_Structures_F_Civ_Market","A3_Structures_F_EPC_Civ_Accessories","A3_Structures_F_Households_House_Big01","A3_Structures_F_EPC_Civ_Tourism","A3_Structures_F_Ind_Transmitter_Tower","A3_Structures_F_Mil_Helipads","A3_Structures_F_Ind_ReservoirTank","OPTRE_UNSC_Structure_Farm","A3_Structures_F_Wrecks","A3_Structures_F_Households_House_Big02","A3_Structures_F_Dominants_WIP","A3_Structures_F_Mil_Offices","A3_Structures_F_Ind_DieselPowerPlant","OPTRE_UNSC_Structure_Buildings","A3_Structures_F_Dominants_Castle","A3_Structures_F_Mil_Barracks","A3_Structures_F_Ind_Windmill","A3_Structures_F_Ind_FuelStation_Small","A3_Structures_F_Ind_CarService","A3_Signs_F","A3_Structures_F_Items_Vessels","A3_Structures_F_Furniture","A3_Structures_F_Ind_Pipes","A3_Structures_F_Ind_PowerLines","A3_Structures_F_Heli_Ind_Machines","A3_Structures_F_Ind_ConcreteMixingPlant","OPTRE_UNSC_Structure_Military","A3_Structures_F_Ind_Factory","A3_Structures_F_Bridges","A3_Structures_F_Training","A3_Structures_F_Ind_WindPowerPlant","OPTRE_UNSC_Structure_Walls","OPTRE_UNSC_Structure_CityObjects","OPTRE_Buildings_Street_Objects","OPTRE_Buildings_City_Lights","OPTRE_UNSC_Structure_Towers","A3_Structures_F_Mil_Radar","OPTRE_UNSC_Structure_Highway","A3_Structures_F_EPC_Civ_Playground","A3_Structures_F_Civ_PlayGround","OPTRE_UNSC_Structure_Elevator","A3_Structures_F_Ind_AirPort","A3_Structures_F_EPB_Civ_Accessories","A3_Structures_F_EPC_Dominants_GhostHotel","A3_Structures_F_Civ_Camping","A3_Structures_F_EPC_Civ_Camping","A3_Structures_F_EPC_Dominants_Stadium","A3_Structures_F_Civ_SportsGrounds","A3_Structures_F_Civ_Statues","A3_Structures_F_Mil_TentHangar","A3_Structures_F_Mil_Bunker","A3_Structures_F_Research"}; version = "0.4"; }; }; class CfgWorldList { class oga_gao_terrain{}; }; #include "cfgClutter.hpp" class CfgWorlds { class DefaultWorld { class Weather { class Overcast; }; }; class CAWorld: DefaultWorld { author = "ODSTGeneral"; class Grid{}; class DayLightingBrightAlmost; class DayLightingRainy; class Weather: Weather { class Lighting; class Overcast: Overcast { class Weather1; class Weather2; class Weather3; class Weather4; class Weather5; class Weather6; }; }; }; class DefaultLighting; class oga_gao_terrain: CAWorld { cutscenes[] = {}; description = "Gao (ALPHA Release)"; worldName = "oga\oga_gao_terrain\oga_gao_terrain.wrp"; author = "ODST General"; icon = ""; previewVideo = ""; pictureMap = "OGA\OGA_gao_terrain\data\pictureshot_oga.paa"; pictureShot = "OGA\OGA_gao_terrain\data\pictureshot_oga.paa"; loadingTexts[] = {"Gao is a lush, jungled planet; viewed from space, the planet is largely mottled green fading to gray at both poles, which are covered by large deserts.","Gao was known to the Forerunners as Edod","Gao battle-jumpers were first deployed during the Insurrection when the Gao Republic went to war against UNSC and CMA forces on Gao."," The Gao Republic has historically resented the UEG's control and openly supported the insurrectionists.","Much frustration and many tears went into this map....many tears."}; newRoadsShape = "oga\oga_gao_terrain\data\roads\roads.shp"; centerPosition[] = { 2560, 2560 }; ilsDirection[] = { 0, 0.08, 1 }; ilsPosition[] = { 0, 0 }; ilsTaxiIn[] = {}; ilsTaxiOff[] = {}; drawTaxiway = false; class SecondaryAirports{}; class ReplaceObjects{}; class Sea { seaTexture = "a3\data_f\seatexture_co.paa"; seaMaterial = "#water"; shoreMaterial = "#shore"; shoreFoamMaterial = "#shorefoam"; shoreWetMaterial = "#shorewet"; WaterMapScale = 20; WaterGrid = 50; MaxTide = 0; MaxWave = 0; SeaWaveXScale = "1.0/50"; SeaWaveZScale = "1.0/50"; SeaWaveHScale = 1.0; SeaWaveXDuration = 5000; SeaWaveZDuration = 10000; }; class Sounds { sounds[] = {}; }; class Animation { vehicles[] = {}; }; class Subdivision{}; #include "cfgClutter.hpp" class Names { #include "OGA_Gao_terrain.hpp" }; class Underwater { /// fog color is changed based on the depth under the water surface /// normal fog color -> water color -> deep water color /// ^ /// noWaterFog -> fullWaterFog -> deepWaterFog /// depth under the water, where water color starts (can be negative = distance above water) noWaterFog = -0.3; /// depth under the water, where water color is at full strength and deep water color starts fullWaterFog = 0.1; /// depth under the water, where deep water color is at full strength deepWaterFog = 10; /// distance of the water fog (fog far) waterFogDistance = 20; /// distance of the water fog (fog near) waterFogDistanceNear = 0; /// color of the water fog at fullWaterFog depth waterColor[] = {0.02,0.08,0.12}; /// color of the water fog at deepWaterFog depth deepWaterColor[] = {0.01,0.06,0.14}; /// skyTopColor (zenith) at fullWaterFog depth (reflections on water surface?) surfaceColor[] = {0.20,0.30,0.25}; /// skyTopColor (zenith) at deepWaterFog depth (reflections on water surface?) deepSurfaceColor[] = {0.10,0.18,0.22}; }; class SeaWaterShaderPars { // coefficient used to multiply move value of refractions refractionMoveCoef = 0.01; // minimal water surface opacity, when we are looking from above the water surface down minWaterOpacity = 0.65; // coef used to multiply square root of distance of pixel from water surface when coputing final opacity of water surface // waterOpacity = MinWaterOpacity + sqrt(distance)*WaterOpacityDistCoef; waterOpacityDistCoef = 0.07; // opacity of water surface when we are under water underwaterOpacity = 0.2; // distance from object, where we start to fade the water surface to full opacity waterOpacityFadeStart = 100; // length of water surface opacity fading waterOpacityFadeLength = 20; }; class Grid: Grid { offsetX = 0; offsetY = 1024; class Zoom1 { zoomMax = 0.15; format = "XY"; formatX = "000"; formatY = "000"; stepX = 100; stepY = -100; }; class Zoom2 { zoomMax = 0.85; format = "XY"; formatX = "00"; formatY = "00"; stepX = 1000; stepY = -1000; }; class Zoom3 { zoomMax = 1e+030; format = "XY"; formatX = "0"; formatY = "0"; stepX = 10000; stepY = -10000; }; }; class Lighting: DefaultLighting { groundReflection[] = {0.132,0.133,0.122}; moonObjectColorFull[] = {460,440,400,1.0}; moonHaloObjectColorFull[] = {465,477,475,1.0}; moonsetObjectColor[] = {375,350,325,1.0}; moonsetHaloObjectColor[] = {515,517,525,1.0}; class ThunderBoltLight { diffuse[] = {2120,3170,5550}; ambient[] = {0.001,0.001,0.001}; intensity = 120000; class Attenuation { start = 0.0; constant = 0.0; linear = 0.0; quadratic = 1.0; }; }; starEmissivity = 30.0; }; class DayLightingBrightAlmost: DayLightingBrightAlmost { deepNight[] = {-15,{0.005,0.01,0.01},{0.0,0.002,0.003},{0.0,0.0,0.0},{0.0,0.0,0.0},{0.0,0.002,0.003},{0.0,0.002,0.003},0}; fullNight[] = {-5,{0.182,0.213,0.25},{0.05,0.111,0.221},{0.04,0.034,0.004},{0.039,0.049,0.072},{0.082,0.128,0.185},{0.283,0.35,0.431},0}; sunMoon[] = {-3.75,{0.377,0.441,0.518},{0.103,0.227,0.453},{0.04,0.034,0.004},{0.039,0.049,0.072},{0.174,0.274,0.395},{0.582,0.72,0.887},0.5}; earlySun[] = {-2.5,{0.675,0.69,0.784},{0.22,0.322,0.471},{0.04,0.034,0.004},{0.039,0.049,0.072},{0.424,0.549,0.745},{0.698,0.753,0.894},1}; sunrise[] = {0,{0.675,0.69,0.784},{0.478,0.51,0.659},{0.2,0.19,0.07},{0.124,0.161,0.236},{{0.847,0.855,0.965},0.2},{{0.933,0.949,0.996},2},1}; earlyMorning[] = {3,{{0.844,0.61,0.469},0.8},{0.424,0.557,0.651},{{1,0.45,0.2},1},{0.12,0.26,0.38},{{0.428,0.579,0.743},2},{{0.844,0.61,0.469},2.7},1}; midMorning[] = {8,{{0.822,0.75,0.646},3.8},{{0.383,0.58,0.858},1.3},{{1.3,0.9,0.61},2.8},{{0.12,0.18,0.28},0.5},{{0.322,0.478,0.675},3.5},{{1.0,0.929,0.815},4.7},1}; morning[] = {16,{{1,0.95,0.91},12.2},{{0.12,0.18,0.28},9.2},{{1,0.95,0.91},11.2},{{0.12,0.18,0.28},8.5},{{0.14,0.18,0.24},11.0},{{0.5,0.6,0.9},13.2},1}; noon[] = {45,{{0.98,0.94,0.94},13.8},{{0.2,0.27,0.35},10.8},{{0.98,0.94,0.94},13.8},{{0.2,0.27,0.35},10.8},{{0.5,0.64,1.0},12.0},{{0.5,0.5,0.5},14.8},1,0.5,0.4,0.5,0.4}; }; class DayLightingRainy: DayLightingRainy { deepNight[] = {-15,{0.005,0.01,0.01},{0.0,0.002,0.003},{0.0,0.0,0.0},{0.0,0.0,0.0},{0.0,0.002,0.003},{0.0,0.002,0.003},0}; fullNight[] = {-5,{0.023,0.023,0.023},{0.02,0.02,0.02},{0.023,0.023,0.023},{0.02,0.02,0.02},{0.01,0.01,0.02},{0.08,0.06,0.06},0}; sunMoon[] = {-3.75,{0.04,0.04,0.05},{0.04,0.04,0.05},{0.04,0.04,0.05},{0.04,0.04,0.05},{0.04,0.035,0.04},{0.11,0.08,0.09},0.5}; earlySun[] = {-2.5,{0.0689,0.0689,0.0804},{0.06,0.06,0.07},{0.0689,0.0689,0.0804},{0.06,0.06,0.07},{0.08,0.07,0.08},{0.14,0.1,0.12},0.5}; earlyMorning[] = {3,{{1,1,1},"(-4)+3.95"},{{1,1,1},"(-4)+3.0"},{{1,1,1},"(-4)+3.95"},{{1,1,1},"(-4)+3.0"},{{1,1,1},"(-4)+4"},{{1,1,1},"(-4)+5.5"},1}; morning[] = {16,{{1,1,1},"(-4)+5.7"},{{1,1,1},"(-4)+4.5"},{{1,1,1},"(-4)+5.7"},{{1,1,1},"(-4)+4.5"},{{1,1,1},"(-4)+7"},{{1,1,1},"(-4)+8"},1}; lateMorning[] = {25,{{1,1,1},"(-4)+10.45"},{{1,1,1},"(-4)+9.75"},{{1,1,1},"(-4)+10.45"},{{1,1,1},"(-4)+9.75"},{{1,1,1},"(-4)+12"},{{1,1,1},"(-4)+12.75"},1}; noon[] = {45,{{1,1,1},10.0},{{1,1,1},9.0},{{1,1,1},9.0},{{1,1,1},8.0},{{0.5,0.64,1},12.0},{{0.5,0.5,0.5},14.8},1}; }; class Weather: Weather { class LightingNew { class Lighting0 { height = 0; overcast = 0.25; sunAngle = -24; sunOrMoon = 0; diffuse[] = {{0.14,0.19,0.3},4}; diffuseCloud[] = {{0.14,0.19,0.3},0.2}; ambient[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},1}; ambientCloud[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},0.05}; ambientMid[] = {{0.1384,0.1912,0.2984},0.88}; ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.1384,0.1912,0.2984},0.044}; groundReflection[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},0.8448}; groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},0.04224}; bidirect[] = {0.025,0.025,0.023}; bidirectCloud[] = {0.0125,0.0125,0.0115}; sky[] = {0.231,0.314,0.467}; skyAroundSun[] = {0.2,0.25,0.45}; fogColor[] = {{0.09,0.137,0.22},0.025}; apertureMin = 6; apertureStandard = 6; apertureMax = 18; standardAvgLum = 4; desiredLuminanceCoef = 1; desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 1; luminanceRectCoef = 1; luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.5; rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.01388,0.035}; mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005}; cloudsColor[] = {{0.5,0.65,1},11.016}; swBrightness = 1; }; class Lighting1 { height = 0; overcast = 0.25; sunAngle = -12; sunOrMoon = 0; diffuse[] = {0.1,0.18,0.3}; diffuseCloud[] = {0.1,0.18,0.3}; ambient[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},1}; ambientCloud[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},1}; ambientMid[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},0.88}; ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},0.88}; groundReflection[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},0.8448}; groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},0.8448}; bidirect[] = {0,0,0}; bidirectCloud[] = {0,0,0}; sky[] = {{0.212,0.302,0.51},1}; skyAroundSun[] = {0.2,0.25,0.45}; fogColor[] = {{0.662,0.447,0.192},0.025}; apertureMin = 6; apertureStandard = 6; apertureMax = 18; standardAvgLum = 4; desiredLuminanceCoef = 1; desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 1; luminanceRectCoef = 1; luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.5; rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.01388,0.035}; mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005}; cloudsColor[] = {{1,1,1},11.016}; swBrightness = 1; }; class Lighting2 { height = 0; overcast = 0.25; sunAngle = -11; sunOrMoon = 0.5; diffuse[] = {0.1,0.18,0.3}; diffuseCloud[] = {0.1,0.18,0.3}; ambient[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},1}; ambientCloud[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},1}; ambientMid[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},0.88}; ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},0.88}; groundReflection[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},0.8448}; groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},0.8448}; bidirect[] = {0,0,0}; bidirectCloud[] = {0,0,0}; sky[] = {{0.212,0.302,0.51},1}; skyAroundSun[] = {0.2,0.25,0.45}; fogColor[] = {{0.662,0.447,0.192},0.025}; apertureMin = 6; apertureStandard = 6; apertureMax = 18; standardAvgLum = 4; desiredLuminanceCoef = 1; desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 1; luminanceRectCoef = 1; luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.5; rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.01388,0.035}; mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005}; cloudsColor[] = {{1,1,1},11.016}; swBrightness = 1; }; class Lighting3 { height = 0; overcast = 0.25; sunAngle = -10; sunOrMoon = 1; diffuse[] = {0.1,0.18,0.3}; diffuseCloud[] = {0.1,0.18,0.3}; ambient[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},1}; ambientCloud[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},1}; ambientMid[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},0.88}; ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},0.88}; groundReflection[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},0.8448}; groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},0.8448}; bidirect[] = {0,0,0}; bidirectCloud[] = {0,0,0}; sky[] = {{0.212,0.302,0.51},1}; skyAroundSun[] = {{0.2,0.25,0.45},4.734908}; fogColor[] = {{0.662,0.447,0.192},0.025}; apertureMin = 6; apertureStandard = 6; apertureMax = 18; standardAvgLum = 4; desiredLuminanceCoef = 1; desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 1; luminanceRectCoef = 1; luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.5; rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.01388,0.035}; mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005}; cloudsColor[] = {{1,1,1},11.016}; swBrightness = 1; }; class Lighting4 { height = 0; overcast = 0.25; sunAngle = -5; sunOrMoon = 1; diffuse[] = {{0.16,0.18,0.28},3}; diffuseCloud[] = {{0.16,0.18,0.28},3}; ambient[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},4.6}; ambientCloud[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},4.6}; ambientMid[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},4.048}; ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},4.048}; groundReflection[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},3.88608}; groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},3.88608}; bidirect[] = {0.0115,0.012,0.0125}; bidirectCloud[] = {0.0115,0.012,0.0125}; sky[] = {{0.2,0.298,0.541},4.6}; skyAroundSun[] = {{0.7,0.35,0.28},7.636949}; fogColor[] = {{0.662,0.447,0.192},0.025}; apertureMin = 6; apertureStandard = 6; apertureMax = 18; standardAvgLum = 4; desiredLuminanceCoef = 1; desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 1; luminanceRectCoef = 1; luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.5; rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.01388,0.035}; mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005}; cloudsColor[] = {{1,1,1},11.016}; swBrightness = 1; }; class Lighting5 { height = 0; overcast = 0.25; sunAngle = -2; sunOrMoon = 1; diffuse[] = {{0.25,0.21,0.2},5}; diffuseCloud[] = {{0.25,0.21,0.2},5}; ambient[] = {{0.196,0.275,0.42},6.9}; ambientCloud[] = {{0.196,0.275,0.42},6.9}; ambientMid[] = {{0.196,0.275,0.42},6.072}; ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.196,0.275,0.42},6.072}; groundReflection[] = {{0.196,0.275,0.42},5.82912}; groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.196,0.275,0.42},5.82912}; bidirect[] = {0.023,0.024,0.025}; bidirectCloud[] = {0.023,0.024,0.025}; sky[] = {{0.188,0.29,0.576},6.9}; skyAroundSun[] = {{1.8,0.42,0.2},12.31766}; fogColor[] = {{0.11,0.169,0.286},7.0725}; apertureMin = 7; apertureStandard = 8; apertureMax = 20; standardAvgLum = 20; desiredLuminanceCoef = 1; desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 1; luminanceRectCoef = 1; luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.5; rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.038,0.0675}; mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005}; cloudsColor[] = {{1,1,1},11.016}; swBrightness = 1; }; class Lighting6 { height = 0; overcast = 0.25; sunAngle = 0; sunOrMoon = 1; diffuse[] = {{0.75,0.38,0.22},6}; diffuseCloud[] = {{0.75,0.38,0.22},6}; ambient[] = {{0.2497,0.31,0.467},7.8}; ambientCloud[] = {{0.2497,0.31,0.467},7.8}; ambientMid[] = {{0.2541,0.314,0.467},6.864}; ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.2541,0.314,0.467},6.864}; groundReflection[] = {{0.235,0.318,0.467},6.58944}; groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.235,0.318,0.467},6.58944}; bidirect[] = {0.023,0.024,0.025}; bidirectCloud[] = {0.023,0.024,0.025}; sky[] = {{0.173,0.282,0.612},7.8}; skyAroundSun[] = {{2,0.42,0.2},13.38876}; fogColor[] = {{0.118,0.18,0.31},7.995}; apertureMin = 8; apertureStandard = 9; apertureMax = 22; standardAvgLum = 45; desiredLuminanceCoef = 1; desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 1; luminanceRectCoef = 1; luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.5; rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.038,0.0675}; mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005}; cloudsColor[] = {{1,1,1},11.016}; swBrightness = 1; }; class Lighting7 { height = 0; overcast = 0.25; sunAngle = 2; sunOrMoon = 1; diffuse[] = {{0.95,0.42,0.22},8.4}; diffuseCloud[] = {{0.95,0.42,0.22},8.4}; ambient[] = {{0.306,0.357,0.463},8.4}; ambientCloud[] = {{0.306,0.357,0.463},8.4}; ambientMid[] = {{0.365,0.361,0.396},7.392}; ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.365,0.361,0.396},7.392}; groundReflection[] = {{0.416,0.38,0.388},7.09632}; groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.416,0.38,0.388},7.09632}; bidirect[] = {0.023,0.024,0.025}; bidirectCloud[] = {0.023,0.024,0.025}; sky[] = {{0.157,0.275,0.651},8.4}; skyAroundSun[] = {{2.2,0.8,0.2},13.38876}; fogColor[] = {{0.87,0.694,0.486},8.61}; apertureMin = 8; apertureStandard = 10; apertureMax = 24; standardAvgLum = 50; desiredLuminanceCoef = 1; desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 1; luminanceRectCoef = 1; luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.5; rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.038,0.0675}; mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005}; cloudsColor[] = {{1,1,1},11.016}; swBrightness = 1; }; class Lighting8 { height = 0; overcast = 0.25; sunAngle = 6; sunOrMoon = 1; diffuse[] = {{0.95,0.55,0.35},10.2}; diffuseCloud[] = {{0.95,0.55,0.35},10.2}; ambient[] = {{0.337,0.404,0.525},9.6}; ambientCloud[] = {{0.337,0.404,0.525},9.6}; ambientMid[] = {{0.412,0.408,0.443},8.448}; ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.412,0.408,0.443},8.448}; groundReflection[] = {{0.475,0.435,0.431},8.11008}; groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.475,0.435,0.431},8.11008}; bidirect[] = {0.01375,0.0132,0.01265}; bidirectCloud[] = {0.01375,0.0132,0.01265}; sky[] = {{0.145,0.263,0.686},9.6}; skyAroundSun[] = {{0.4,0.32,0.6},13.38876}; fogColor[] = {{0.09,0.137,0.22},9.84}; apertureMin = 8; apertureStandard = 16; apertureMax = 26; standardAvgLum = 100; desiredLuminanceCoef = 1; desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 1; luminanceRectCoef = 1; luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.5; rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.027,0.045}; mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005}; cloudsColor[] = {{1,1,1},11.016}; swBrightness = 1; }; class Lighting9 { height = 0; overcast = 0.25; sunAngle = 12; sunOrMoon = 1; diffuse[] = {{1,0.65,0.45},12.3}; diffuseCloud[] = {{1,0.65,0.45},12.3}; ambient[] = {{0.388,0.471,0.612},10.9}; ambientCloud[] = {{0.388,0.471,0.612},10.9}; ambientMid[] = {{0.482,0.475,0.506},9.81}; ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.482,0.475,0.506},9.81}; groundReflection[] = {{0.557,0.51,0.494},9.4176}; groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.557,0.51,0.494},9.4176}; bidirect[] = {0.01875,0.018,0.01725}; bidirectCloud[] = {0.01875,0.018,0.01725}; sky[] = {{0.129,0.259,0.722},10.9}; skyAroundSun[] = {{0.13,0.25,0.8},13.524}; fogColor[] = {{0.09,0.137,0.22},11.1725}; apertureMin = 20; apertureStandard = 25; apertureMax = 35; standardAvgLum = 250; desiredLuminanceCoef = 1; desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 1; luminanceRectCoef = 1; luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.5; rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.018,0.04}; mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005}; cloudsColor[] = {{1,1,1},12.24}; swBrightness = 1; }; class Lighting10 { height = 0; overcast = 0.25; sunAngle = 24; sunOrMoon = 1; diffuse[] = {{1,0.75,0.62},15.8}; diffuseCloud[] = {{1,0.75,0.62},15.8}; ambient[] = {{0.435,0.533,0.698},13.8}; ambientCloud[] = {{0.435,0.533,0.698},13.8}; ambientMid[] = {{0.545,0.541,0.569},12.696}; ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.545,0.541,0.569},12.696}; groundReflection[] = {{0.635,0.58,0.557},12.18816}; groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.635,0.58,0.557},12.18816}; bidirect[] = {0.025,0.024,0.018}; bidirectCloud[] = {0.025,0.024,0.018}; sky[] = {{0.118,0.251,0.753},13.8}; skyAroundSun[] = {{0.115,0.245,0.8},13.662}; fogColor[] = {{0.09,0.137,0.22},14.145}; apertureMin = 45; apertureStandard = 60; apertureMax = 80; standardAvgLum = 800; desiredLuminanceCoef = 1; desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 1; luminanceRectCoef = 1; luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.5; rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.01388,0.035}; mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005}; cloudsColor[] = {{1,1,1},14.4}; swBrightness = 1; }; class Lighting11 { height = 0; overcast = 0.25; sunAngle = 45; sunOrMoon = 1; diffuse[] = {{1,0.87,0.85},17.2}; diffuseCloud[] = {{1,0.87,0.85},17.2}; ambient[] = {{0.498,0.602,0.77},14.8}; ambientCloud[] = {{0.498,0.602,0.77},14.8}; ambientMid[] = {{0.635,0.635,0.663},14.504}; ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.635,0.635,0.663},14.504}; groundReflection[] = {{0.745,0.671,0.643},14.21392}; groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.745,0.671,0.643},14.21392}; bidirect[] = {0.025,0.024,0.018}; bidirectCloud[] = {0.025,0.024,0.018}; sky[] = {{0.02,0.12,0.8},13.8}; skyAroundSun[] = {{0.02,0.12,0.8},13.8}; fogColor[] = {{0.09,0.137,0.22},15}; apertureMin = 70; apertureStandard = 120; apertureMax = 120; standardAvgLum = 8000; desiredLuminanceCoef = 1; desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 1; luminanceRectCoef = 1; luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.5; rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.01388,0.035}; mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005}; cloudsColor[] = {{1,1,1},14.8}; swBrightness = 1; }; class Lighting12 { height = 0; overcast = 0.25; sunAngle = 90; sunOrMoon = 1; diffuse[] = {{1,0.87,0.85},17.2}; diffuseCloud[] = {{1,0.87,0.85},17.2}; ambient[] = {{0.498,0.602,0.77},14.8}; ambientCloud[] = {{0.498,0.602,0.77},14.8}; ambientMid[] = {{0.635,0.635,0.663},14.504}; ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.635,0.635,0.663},14.504}; groundReflection[] = {{0.745,0.671,0.643},14.21392}; groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.745,0.671,0.643},14.21392}; bidirect[] = {0.025,0.024,0.018}; bidirectCloud[] = {0.025,0.024,0.018}; sky[] = {{0.02,0.12,0.8},13.8}; skyAroundSun[] = {{0.02,0.12,0.8},13.8}; fogColor[] = {{0.09,0.137,0.22},15}; apertureMin = 70; apertureStandard = 120; apertureMax = 120; standardAvgLum = 8000; desiredLuminanceCoef = 1; desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 1; luminanceRectCoef = 1; luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.5; rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.01388,0.035}; mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005}; cloudsColor[] = {{1,1,1},14.8}; swBrightness = 1; }; class Lighting13 { height = 0; overcast = 0.6; sunAngle = -24; sunOrMoon = 0; diffuse[] = {{0.14,0.19,0.3},4}; diffuseCloud[] = {{0.14,0.19,0.3},3}; ambient[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},1}; ambientCloud[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},1}; ambientMid[] = {{0.1384,0.1912,0.2984},0.88}; ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.1384,0.1912,0.2984},0.88}; groundReflection[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},0.8448}; groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},0.8448}; bidirect[] = {0.025,0.025,0.023}; bidirectCloud[] = {0.0245,0.0245,0.02254}; sky[] = {0.231,0.314,0.467}; skyAroundSun[] = {0.2,0.25,0.45}; fogColor[] = {{0.09,0.137,0.22},0.025}; apertureMin = 6; apertureStandard = 6; apertureMax = 18; standardAvgLum = 4; desiredLuminanceCoef = 1; desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 1; luminanceRectCoef = 1; luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.5; rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.01388,0.035}; mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005}; cloudsColor[] = {{0.5,0.65,1},11.016}; swBrightness = 1; }; class Lighting14 { height = 0; overcast = 0.6; sunAngle = -12; sunOrMoon = 0; diffuse[] = {0.1,0.18,0.3}; diffuseCloud[] = {0.1,0.18,0.3}; ambient[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},1}; ambientCloud[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},1}; ambientMid[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},0.88}; ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},0.88}; groundReflection[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},0.8448}; groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},0.8448}; bidirect[] = {0,0,0}; bidirectCloud[] = {0,0,0}; sky[] = {{0.212,0.302,0.51},1}; skyAroundSun[] = {0.2,0.25,0.45}; fogColor[] = {{0.09,0.137,0.22},0.025}; apertureMin = 6; apertureStandard = 6; apertureMax = 18; standardAvgLum = 4; desiredLuminanceCoef = 1; desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 1; luminanceRectCoef = 1; luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.5; rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.01388,0.035}; mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005}; cloudsColor[] = {{1,1,1},11.016}; swBrightness = 1; }; class Lighting15 { height = 0; overcast = 0.6; sunAngle = -11; sunOrMoon = 0.5; diffuse[] = {0.1,0.18,0.3}; diffuseCloud[] = {0.1,0.18,0.3}; ambient[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},1}; ambientCloud[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},1}; ambientMid[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},0.88}; ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},0.88}; groundReflection[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},0.8448}; groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},0.8448}; bidirect[] = {0,0,0}; bidirectCloud[] = {0,0,0}; sky[] = {{0.212,0.302,0.51},1}; skyAroundSun[] = {0.2,0.25,0.45}; fogColor[] = {{0.094,0.141,0.231},0.025}; apertureMin = 6; apertureStandard = 6; apertureMax = 18; standardAvgLum = 4; desiredLuminanceCoef = 1; desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 1; luminanceRectCoef = 1; luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.5; rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.01388,0.035}; mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005}; cloudsColor[] = {{1,1,1},11.016}; swBrightness = 1; }; class Lighting16 { height = 0; overcast = 0.6; sunAngle = -10; sunOrMoon = 1; diffuse[] = {0.1,0.18,0.3}; diffuseCloud[] = {0.1,0.18,0.3}; ambient[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},1}; ambientCloud[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},1}; ambientMid[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},0.88}; ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},0.88}; groundReflection[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},0.8448}; groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},0.8448}; bidirect[] = {0,0,0}; bidirectCloud[] = {0,0,0}; sky[] = {{0.212,0.302,0.51},1}; skyAroundSun[] = {{0.2,0.25,0.45},4.734908}; fogColor[] = {{0.094,0.141,0.231},0.025}; apertureMin = 6; apertureStandard = 6; apertureMax = 18; standardAvgLum = 4; desiredLuminanceCoef = 1; desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 1; luminanceRectCoef = 1; luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.5; rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.01388,0.035}; mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005}; cloudsColor[] = {{1,1,1},11.016}; swBrightness = 1; }; class Lighting17 { height = 0; overcast = 0.6; sunAngle = -5; sunOrMoon = 1; diffuse[] = {{0.16,0.18,0.28},2.25}; diffuseCloud[] = {{0.16,0.18,0.28},1.6875}; ambient[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},4.6}; ambientCloud[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},4.6}; ambientMid[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},4.048}; ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},4.048}; groundReflection[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},3.88608}; groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},3.88608}; bidirect[] = {0.0115,0.012,0.0125}; bidirectCloud[] = {0.01127,0.01176,0.01225}; sky[] = {{0.2,0.298,0.541},4.6}; skyAroundSun[] = {{0.7,0.35,0.28},7.636949}; fogColor[] = {{0.106,0.161,0.267},4.715}; apertureMin = 6; apertureStandard = 6; apertureMax = 18; standardAvgLum = 4; desiredLuminanceCoef = 1; desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 1; luminanceRectCoef = 1; luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.5; rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.01388,0.035}; mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005}; cloudsColor[] = {{1,1,1},11.016}; swBrightness = 1; }; class Lighting18 { height = 0; overcast = 0.6; sunAngle = -2; sunOrMoon = 1; diffuse[] = {{0.25,0.21,0.2},3.75}; diffuseCloud[] = {{0.25,0.21,0.2},2.8125}; ambient[] = {{0.196,0.275,0.42},6.9}; ambientCloud[] = {{0.196,0.275,0.42},6.9}; ambientMid[] = {{0.196,0.275,0.42},6.072}; ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.196,0.275,0.42},6.072}; groundReflection[] = {{0.196,0.275,0.42},5.82912}; groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.196,0.275,0.42},5.82912}; bidirect[] = {0.023,0.024,0.025}; bidirectCloud[] = {0.023,0.024,0.025}; sky[] = {{0.188,0.29,0.576},6.9}; skyAroundSun[] = {{1.8,0.42,0.2},12.31766}; fogColor[] = {{0.11,0.169,0.286},7.0725}; apertureMin = 7; apertureStandard = 8; apertureMax = 20; standardAvgLum = 20; desiredLuminanceCoef = 1; desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 1; luminanceRectCoef = 1; luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.5; rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.038,0.0675}; mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005}; cloudsColor[] = {{1,1,1},11.016}; swBrightness = 1; }; class Lighting19 { height = 0; overcast = 0.6; sunAngle = 0; sunOrMoon = 1; diffuse[] = {{0.75,0.38,0.22},4.5}; diffuseCloud[] = {{0.75,0.38,0.22},3.375}; ambient[] = {{0.2497,0.31,0.467},7.8}; ambientCloud[] = {{0.2497,0.31,0.467},7.8}; ambientMid[] = {{0.2541,0.314,0.467},6.864}; ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.2541,0.314,0.467},6.864}; groundReflection[] = {{0.235,0.318,0.467},6.58944}; groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.235,0.318,0.467},6.58944}; bidirect[] = {0.023,0.024,0.025}; bidirectCloud[] = {0.023,0.024,0.025}; sky[] = {{0.173,0.282,0.612},7.8}; skyAroundSun[] = {{2,0.42,0.2},13.38876}; fogColor[] = {{0.118,0.18,0.31},7.995}; apertureMin = 8; apertureStandard = 9; apertureMax = 22; standardAvgLum = 45; desiredLuminanceCoef = 1; desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 1; luminanceRectCoef = 1; luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.5; rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.038,0.0675}; mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005}; cloudsColor[] = {{1,1,1},11.016}; swBrightness = 1; }; class Lighting20 { height = 0; overcast = 0.6; sunAngle = 2; sunOrMoon = 1; diffuse[] = {{0.95,0.42,0.22},6.72}; diffuseCloud[] = {{0.95,0.42,0.22},5.04}; ambient[] = {{0.306,0.357,0.463},8.4}; ambientCloud[] = {{0.306,0.357,0.463},8.4}; ambientMid[] = {{0.365,0.361,0.396},7.392}; ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.365,0.361,0.396},7.392}; groundReflection[] = {{0.416,0.38,0.388},7.09632}; groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.416,0.38,0.388},7.09632}; bidirect[] = {0.023,0.024,0.025}; bidirectCloud[] = {0.023,0.024,0.025}; sky[] = {{0.157,0.275,0.651},8.4}; skyAroundSun[] = {{2.2,0.8,0.2},13.38876}; fogColor[] = {{0.125,0.192,0.329},8.61}; apertureMin = 8; apertureStandard = 10; apertureMax = 24; standardAvgLum = 50; desiredLuminanceCoef = 1; desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 1; luminanceRectCoef = 1; luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.5; rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.038,0.0675}; mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005}; cloudsColor[] = {{1,1,1},11.016}; swBrightness = 1; }; class Lighting21 { height = 0; overcast = 0.6; sunAngle = 6; sunOrMoon = 1; diffuse[] = {{0.95,0.55,0.35},10.2}; diffuseCloud[] = {{0.95,0.55,0.35},7.65}; ambient[] = {{0.337,0.404,0.525},9.6}; ambientCloud[] = {{0.337,0.404,0.525},9.6}; ambientMid[] = {{0.412,0.408,0.443},8.448}; ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.412,0.408,0.443},8.448}; groundReflection[] = {{0.475,0.435,0.431},8.11008}; groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.475,0.435,0.431},8.11008}; bidirect[] = {0.01375,0.0132,0.01265}; bidirectCloud[] = {0.01375,0.0132,0.01265}; sky[] = {{0.145,0.263,0.686},9.6}; skyAroundSun[] = {{0.4,0.32,0.6},13.38876}; fogColor[] = {{0.133,0.204,0.357},9.84}; apertureMin = 8; apertureStandard = 16; apertureMax = 26; standardAvgLum = 100; desiredLuminanceCoef = 1; desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 1; luminanceRectCoef = 1; luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.5; rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.027,0.045}; mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005}; cloudsColor[] = {{1,1,1},11.016}; swBrightness = 1; }; class Lighting22 { height = 0; overcast = 0.6; sunAngle = 12; sunOrMoon = 1; diffuse[] = {{1,0.65,0.45},12.3}; diffuseCloud[] = {{1,0.65,0.45},9.225}; ambient[] = {{0.388,0.471,0.612},10.9}; ambientCloud[] = {{0.388,0.471,0.612},10.9}; ambientMid[] = {{0.482,0.475,0.506},9.81}; ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.482,0.475,0.506},9.81}; groundReflection[] = {{0.557,0.51,0.494},9.4176}; groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.557,0.51,0.494},9.4176}; bidirect[] = {0.01875,0.018,0.01725}; bidirectCloud[] = {0.01875,0.018,0.01725}; sky[] = {{0.129,0.259,0.722},10.9}; skyAroundSun[] = {{0.13,0.25,0.8},13.524}; fogColor[] = {{0.145,0.224,0.396},11.1725}; apertureMin = 20; apertureStandard = 25; apertureMax = 35; standardAvgLum = 250; desiredLuminanceCoef = 1; desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 1; luminanceRectCoef = 1; luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.5; rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.018,0.04}; mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005}; cloudsColor[] = {{1,1,1},12.24}; swBrightness = 1; }; class Lighting23 { height = 0; overcast = 0.6; sunAngle = 24; sunOrMoon = 1; diffuse[] = {{1,0.75,0.62},15.8}; diffuseCloud[] = {{1,0.75,0.62},11.85}; ambient[] = {{0.435,0.533,0.698},13.8}; ambientCloud[] = {{0.435,0.533,0.698},13.8}; ambientMid[] = {{0.545,0.541,0.569},12.696}; ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.545,0.541,0.569},12.696}; groundReflection[] = {{0.635,0.58,0.557},12.18816}; groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.635,0.58,0.557},12.18816}; bidirect[] = {0.025,0.024,0.018}; bidirectCloud[] = {0.025,0.024,0.018}; sky[] = {{0.118,0.251,0.753},13.8}; skyAroundSun[] = {{0.115,0.245,0.8},13.662}; fogColor[] = {{0.15,0.251,0.488},14.145}; apertureMin = 45; apertureStandard = 60; apertureMax = 80; standardAvgLum = 800; desiredLuminanceCoef = 1; desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 1; luminanceRectCoef = 1; luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.5; rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.01388,0.035}; mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005}; cloudsColor[] = {{1,1,1},14.4}; swBrightness = 1; }; class Lighting24 { height = 0; overcast = 0.6; sunAngle = 45; sunOrMoon = 1; diffuse[] = {{1,0.87,0.85},17}; diffuseCloud[] = {{1,0.87,0.85},12.75}; ambient[] = {{0.498,0.602,0.77},14.8}; ambientCloud[] = {{0.498,0.602,0.77},14.8}; ambientMid[] = {{0.635,0.635,0.663},13.616}; ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.635,0.635,0.663},13.616}; groundReflection[] = {{0.745,0.671,0.643},14.21392}; groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.745,0.671,0.643},14.21392}; bidirect[] = {0.025,0.024,0.018}; bidirectCloud[] = {0.025,0.024,0.018}; sky[] = {{0.02,0.12,0.8},13.8}; skyAroundSun[] = {{0.02,0.12,0.8},13.8}; fogColor[] = {{0.3,0.44,0.74},13.9564}; apertureMin = 70; apertureStandard = 120; apertureMax = 120; standardAvgLum = 8000; desiredLuminanceCoef = 1; desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 1; luminanceRectCoef = 1; luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.5; rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.01388,0.035}; mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005}; cloudsColor[] = {{1,1,1},14.8}; swBrightness = 1; }; class Lighting25 { height = 0; overcast = 0.6; sunAngle = 90; sunOrMoon = 1; diffuse[] = {{1,0.87,0.85},17}; diffuseCloud[] = {{1,0.87,0.85},13.94}; ambient[] = {{0.498,0.602,0.77},14.8}; ambientCloud[] = {{0.498,0.602,0.77},14.8}; ambientMid[] = {{0.635,0.635,0.663},14.504}; ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.635,0.635,0.663},14.504}; groundReflection[] = {{0.745,0.671,0.643},14.21392}; groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.745,0.671,0.643},14.21392}; bidirect[] = {0.025,0.024,0.018}; bidirectCloud[] = {0.025,0.024,0.018}; sky[] = {{0.02,0.12,0.8},13.8}; skyAroundSun[] = {{0.02,0.12,0.8},13.8}; fogColor[] = {{0.3,0.44,0.74},15}; apertureMin = 70; apertureStandard = 120; apertureMax = 120; standardAvgLum = 8000; desiredLuminanceCoef = 1; desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 1; luminanceRectCoef = 1; luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.5; rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.01388,0.035}; mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005}; cloudsColor[] = {{1,1,1},14.8}; swBrightness = 1; }; class Lighting26 { height = 0; overcast = 0.85; sunAngle = -24; sunOrMoon = 0; diffuse[] = {{0.09,0.137,0.22},1}; diffuseCloud[] = {{0,0,0},0.75}; ambient[] = {{0.09,0.137,0.22},1}; ambientCloud[] = {{0.09,0.137,0.22},1}; ambientMid[] = {{0.09,0.137,0.22},0.8624}; ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.09,0.137,0.22},0.8624}; groundReflection[] = {{0.09,0.137,0.22},0.758912}; groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.09,0.137,0.22},0.758912}; bidirect[] = {0.0117,0.0117,0.0117}; bidirectCloud[] = {0.0117,0.0117,0.0117}; sky[] = {0.231,0.314,0.467}; skyAroundSun[] = {0.2,0.25,0.45}; fogColor[] = {0.09,0.137,0.22}; apertureMin = 6; apertureStandard = 6; apertureMax = 18; standardAvgLum = 4; desiredLuminanceCoef = 1; desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 1; luminanceRectCoef = 1; luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.5; rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.01388,0.035}; mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005}; cloudsColor[] = {{1,1,1},11.016}; swBrightness = 1; }; class Lighting27 { height = 0; overcast = 0.85; sunAngle = -12; sunOrMoon = 0; diffuse[] = {0.16954,0.239,0.37673}; diffuseCloud[] = {0.042385,0.05975,0.094183}; ambient[] = {{0.16954,0.239,0.37673},1}; ambientCloud[] = {{0.16954,0.239,0.37673},1}; ambientMid[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},0.8624}; ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},0.8624}; groundReflection[] = {{0.14705,0.20315,0.31705},0.758912}; groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.14705,0.20315,0.31705},0.758912}; bidirect[] = {0.0117,0.0117,0.0117}; bidirectCloud[] = {0.0117,0.0117,0.0117}; sky[] = {{0.212,0.302,0.51},1}; skyAroundSun[] = {0.2,0.25,0.45}; fogColor[] = {0.122,0.169,0.255}; apertureMin = 6; apertureStandard = 6; apertureMax = 18; standardAvgLum = 4; desiredLuminanceCoef = 1; desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 1; luminanceRectCoef = 1; luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.5; rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.01388,0.035}; mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005}; cloudsColor[] = {{1,1,1},11.016}; swBrightness = 1; }; class Lighting28 { height = 0; overcast = 0.85; sunAngle = -11; sunOrMoon = 0.5; diffuse[] = {0.129,0.18,0.271}; diffuseCloud[] = {0.03225,0.045,0.06775}; ambient[] = {{0.129,0.18,0.271},1}; ambientCloud[] = {{0.129,0.18,0.271},1}; ambientMid[] = {{0.129,0.184,0.267},0.8624}; ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.129,0.184,0.267},0.8624}; groundReflection[] = {{0.125,0.176,0.263},0.758912}; groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.125,0.176,0.263},0.758912}; bidirect[] = {0.0117,0.0117,0.0117}; bidirectCloud[] = {0.0117,0.0117,0.0117}; sky[] = {{0.212,0.302,0.51},1}; skyAroundSun[] = {0.2,0.25,0.45}; fogColor[] = {0.122,0.169,0.255}; apertureMin = 6; apertureStandard = 6; apertureMax = 18; standardAvgLum = 4; desiredLuminanceCoef = 1; desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 1; luminanceRectCoef = 1; luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.5; rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.01388,0.035}; mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005}; cloudsColor[] = {{1,1,1},11.016}; swBrightness = 1; }; class Lighting29 { height = 0; overcast = 0.85; sunAngle = -10; sunOrMoon = 1; diffuse[] = {0.129,0.18,0.271}; diffuseCloud[] = {0.03225,0.045,0.06775}; ambient[] = {{0.129,0.18,0.271},1}; ambientCloud[] = {{0.129,0.18,0.271},1}; ambientMid[] = {{0.129,0.184,0.267},0.8624}; ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.129,0.184,0.267},0.8624}; groundReflection[] = {{0.125,0.176,0.263},0.758912}; groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.125,0.176,0.263},0.758912}; bidirect[] = {0.0117,0.0117,0.0117}; bidirectCloud[] = {0.0117,0.0117,0.0117}; sky[] = {{0.212,0.302,0.51},1}; skyAroundSun[] = {{0.2,0.25,0.45},4.734908}; fogColor[] = {0.122,0.169,0.255}; apertureMin = 6; apertureStandard = 6; apertureMax = 18; standardAvgLum = 4; desiredLuminanceCoef = 1; desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 1; luminanceRectCoef = 1; luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.5; rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.01388,0.035}; mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005}; cloudsColor[] = {{1,1,1},11.016}; swBrightness = 1; }; class Lighting30 { height = 0; overcast = 0.85; sunAngle = -5; sunOrMoon = 1; diffuse[] = {{0.157,0.212,0.306},0.5625}; diffuseCloud[] = {{0.03925,0.053,0.0765},0.39375}; ambient[] = {{0.157,0.212,0.306},3.22}; ambientCloud[] = {{0.157,0.212,0.306},3.22}; ambientMid[] = {{0.157,0.208,0.298},3.96704}; ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.157,0.208,0.298},3.96704}; groundReflection[] = {{0.149,0.204,0.29},3.649677}; groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.149,0.204,0.29},3.649677}; bidirect[] = {0.0117,0.0117,0.0117}; bidirectCloud[] = {0.0117,0.0117,0.0117}; sky[] = {{0.2,0.298,0.541},4.6}; skyAroundSun[] = {{0.7,0.35,0.28},7.636949}; fogColor[] = {{0.141,0.192,0.282},3.96704}; apertureMin = 6; apertureStandard = 6; apertureMax = 18; standardAvgLum = 4; desiredLuminanceCoef = 1; desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 1; luminanceRectCoef = 1; luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.5; rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.01388,0.035}; mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005}; cloudsColor[] = {{1,1,1},11.016}; swBrightness = 1; }; class Lighting31 { height = 0; overcast = 0.85; sunAngle = -2; sunOrMoon = 1; diffuse[] = {{0.184,0.247,0.341},0.9375}; diffuseCloud[] = {{0.046,0.06175,0.08525},0.65625}; ambient[] = {{0.184,0.247,0.341},6.9}; ambientCloud[] = {{0.184,0.247,0.341},6.9}; ambientMid[] = {{0.184,0.243,0.329},5.95056}; ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.184,0.243,0.329},5.95056}; groundReflection[] = {{0.176,0.231,0.322},5.593526}; groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.176,0.231,0.322},5.593526}; bidirect[] = {0.0117,0.0117,0.0117}; bidirectCloud[] = {0.0117,0.0117,0.0117}; sky[] = {{0.188,0.29,0.576},6.9}; skyAroundSun[] = {{1.8,0.42,0.2},12.31766}; fogColor[] = {{0.165,0.22,0.31},5.95056}; apertureMin = 7; apertureStandard = 7; apertureMax = 20; standardAvgLum = 20; desiredLuminanceCoef = 1; desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 1; luminanceRectCoef = 1; luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.5; rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.038,0.0675}; mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005}; cloudsColor[] = {{1,1,1},11.016}; swBrightness = 1; }; class Lighting32 { height = 0; overcast = 0.85; sunAngle = 0; sunOrMoon = 1; diffuse[] = {{0.216,0.286,0.384},1.125}; diffuseCloud[] = {{0.054,0.0715,0.096},0.7875}; ambient[] = {{0.216,0.286,0.384},7.8}; ambientCloud[] = {{0.216,0.286,0.384},7.8}; ambientMid[] = {{0.22,0.278,0.365},6.72672}; ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.22,0.278,0.365},6.72672}; groundReflection[] = {{0.204,0.267,0.353},6.457651}; groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.204,0.267,0.353},6.457651}; bidirect[] = {0.0117,0.0117,0.0117}; bidirectCloud[] = {0.0117,0.0117,0.0117}; sky[] = {{0.173,0.282,0.612},7.8}; skyAroundSun[] = {{2,0.42,0.2},13.38876}; fogColor[] = {{0.188,0.247,0.341},6.72672}; apertureMin = 8; apertureStandard = 8; apertureMax = 22; standardAvgLum = 45; desiredLuminanceCoef = 1; desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 1; luminanceRectCoef = 1; luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.5; rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.038,0.0675}; mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005}; cloudsColor[] = {{1,1,1},11.016}; swBrightness = 1; }; class Lighting33 { height = 0; overcast = 0.85; sunAngle = 2; sunOrMoon = 1; diffuse[] = {{0.255,0.325,0.42},1.68}; diffuseCloud[] = {{0.06375,0.08125,0.105},1.176}; ambient[] = {{0.255,0.325,0.42},8.4}; ambientCloud[] = {{0.255,0.325,0.42},8.4}; ambientMid[] = {{0.259,0.314,0.396},7.24416}; ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.259,0.314,0.396},7.24416}; groundReflection[] = {{0.239,0.294,0.376},7.099277}; groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.239,0.294,0.376},7.099277}; bidirect[] = {0.0117,0.0117,0.0117}; bidirectCloud[] = {0.0117,0.0117,0.0117}; sky[] = {{0.157,0.275,0.651},8.4}; skyAroundSun[] = {{2.2,0.8,0.2},13.38876}; fogColor[] = {{0.216,0.275,0.373},7.24416}; apertureMin = 8; apertureStandard = 8; apertureMax = 24; standardAvgLum = 50; desiredLuminanceCoef = 1; desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 1; luminanceRectCoef = 1; luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.5; rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.038,0.0675}; mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005}; cloudsColor[] = {{1,1,1},11.016}; swBrightness = 1; }; class Lighting34 { height = 0; overcast = 0.85; sunAngle = 6; sunOrMoon = 1; diffuse[] = {{0.298,0.365,0.451},2.55}; diffuseCloud[] = {{0.0745,0.09125,0.11275},1.785}; ambient[] = {{0.298,0.365,0.451},9.6}; ambientCloud[] = {{0.298,0.365,0.451},9.6}; ambientMid[] = {{0.302,0.349,0.416},8.27904}; ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.302,0.349,0.416},8.27904}; groundReflection[] = {{0.275,0.318,0.384},8.11346}; groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.275,0.318,0.384},8.11346}; bidirect[] = {0.0117,0.0117,0.0117}; bidirectCloud[] = {0.0117,0.0117,0.0117}; sky[] = {{0.145,0.263,0.686},9.6}; skyAroundSun[] = {{0.4,0.32,0.6},13.38876}; fogColor[] = {{0.243,0.306,0.408},8.27904}; apertureMin = 8; apertureStandard = 14; apertureMax = 26; standardAvgLum = 100; desiredLuminanceCoef = 1; desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 1; luminanceRectCoef = 1; luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.5; rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.027,0.045}; mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005}; cloudsColor[] = {{1,1,1},11.016}; swBrightness = 1; }; class Lighting35 { height = 0; overcast = 0.85; sunAngle = 12; sunOrMoon = 1; diffuse[] = {{0.376,0.431,0.506},3.075}; diffuseCloud[] = {{0.094,0.10775,0.1265},2.1525}; ambient[] = {{0.376,0.431,0.506},10.9}; ambientCloud[] = {{0.376,0.431,0.506},10.9}; ambientMid[] = {{0.38,0.408,0.447},9.6138}; ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.38,0.408,0.447},9.6138}; groundReflection[] = {{0.329,0.361,0.396},9.421524}; groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.329,0.361,0.396},9.421524}; bidirect[] = {0.0117,0.0117,0.0117}; bidirectCloud[] = {0.0117,0.0117,0.0117}; sky[] = {{0.129,0.259,0.722},10.9}; skyAroundSun[] = {{0.13,0.25,0.8},13.524}; fogColor[] = {{0.286,0.353,0.463},9.6138}; apertureMin = 20; apertureStandard = 22; apertureMax = 35; standardAvgLum = 250; desiredLuminanceCoef = 1; desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 1; luminanceRectCoef = 1; luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.5; rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.018,0.04}; mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005}; cloudsColor[] = {{1,1,1},12.24}; swBrightness = 1; }; class Lighting36 { height = 0; overcast = 0.85; sunAngle = 24; sunOrMoon = 1; diffuse[] = {{0.447,0.494,0.557},3.95}; diffuseCloud[] = {{0,0,0},2.765}; ambient[] = {{0.447,0.494,0.557},13.8}; ambientCloud[] = {{0.447,0.494,0.557},13.8}; ambientMid[] = {{0.455,0.467,0.475},12.44208}; ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.455,0.467,0.475},12.44208}; groundReflection[] = {{0.388,0.396,0.408},12.19324}; groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.388,0.396,0.408},12.19324}; bidirect[] = {0.0117,0.0117,0.0117}; bidirectCloud[] = {0.0117,0.0117,0.0117}; sky[] = {{0.118,0.251,0.753},13.8}; skyAroundSun[] = {{0.115,0.245,0.8},13.662}; fogColor[] = {{0.333,0.404,0.518},12.44208}; apertureMin = 45; apertureStandard = 50; apertureMax = 80; standardAvgLum = 800; desiredLuminanceCoef = 1; desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 1; luminanceRectCoef = 1; luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.5; rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.01388,0.035}; mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005}; cloudsColor[] = {{1,1,1},14.4}; swBrightness = 1; }; class Lighting37 { height = 0; overcast = 0.85; sunAngle = 45; sunOrMoon = 1; diffuse[] = {{0.506,0.553,0.608},4.25}; diffuseCloud[] = {0.1265,0.13825,0.152}; ambient[] = {{0.506,0.553,0.608},14.8}; ambientCloud[] = {{0.506,0.553,0.608},14.8}; ambientMid[] = {{0.514,0.518,0.514},13.34368}; ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.514,0.518,0.514},13.34368}; groundReflection[] = {{0.435,0.439,0.439},13.07681}; groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.435,0.439,0.439},13.07681}; bidirect[] = {0.0117,0.0117,0.0117}; bidirectCloud[] = {0.0117,0.0117,0.0117}; sky[] = {{0.02,0.12,0.8},13.8}; skyAroundSun[] = {{0.02,0.12,0.8},13.8}; fogColor[] = {{0.369,0.447,0.565},13.34368}; apertureMin = 70; apertureStandard = 100; apertureMax = 120; standardAvgLum = 8000; desiredLuminanceCoef = 1; desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 1; luminanceRectCoef = 1; luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.5; rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.01388,0.035}; mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005}; cloudsColor[] = {{1,1,1},14.8}; swBrightness = 1; }; class Lighting38 { height = 0; overcast = 0.85; sunAngle = 90; sunOrMoon = 1; diffuse[] = {{0.549,0.596,0.651},4.25}; diffuseCloud[] = {0.13725,0.149,0.16275}; ambient[] = {{0.549,0.596,0.651},14.8}; ambientCloud[] = {{0.549,0.596,0.651},14.8}; ambientMid[] = {{0.557,0.557,0.585},14.21392}; ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.557,0.557,0.585},14.21392}; groundReflection[] = {{0.471,0.471,0.463},13.92964}; groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.471,0.471,0.463},13.92964}; bidirect[] = {0.0117,0.0117,0.0117}; bidirectCloud[] = {0.0117,0.0117,0.0117}; sky[] = {{0.02,0.12,0.8},13.8}; skyAroundSun[] = {{0.02,0.12,0.8},13.8}; fogColor[] = {{0.4,0.48,0.6},15}; apertureMin = 70; apertureStandard = 110; apertureMax = 120; standardAvgLum = 8000; desiredLuminanceCoef = 1; desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 1; luminanceRectCoef = 1; luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.5; rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.01388,0.035}; mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005}; cloudsColor[] = {{1,1,1},14.8}; swBrightness = 1; }; class Lighting39 { height = -0.1; overcast = 0.8; sunAngle = -24; sunOrMoon = 0; diffuse[] = {{0.6,0.8,1},2.8}; diffuseCloud[] = {{0.6,0.8,1},2.8}; ambient[] = {{0.4,0.9,1},0.84}; ambientCloud[] = {{0.4,0.9,1},0.84}; ambientMid[] = {{0.24,0.63,1},0.9072}; ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.24,0.63,1},0.9072}; groundReflection[] = {{0.24,0.63,1},0.870912}; groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.24,0.63,1},0.870912}; bidirect[] = {0,0,0}; bidirectCloud[] = {0,0,0}; sky[] = {0,0.2355,0.2335}; skyAroundSun[] = {0,0.2355,0.2335}; fogColor[] = {{0.09,0.137,0.22},0.0275}; apertureMin = 6; apertureStandard = 6; apertureMax = 18; standardAvgLum = 4; desiredLuminanceCoef = 0; desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 0; luminanceRectCoef = 1; luminanceRectCoefCloud = 1; rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.01388,0.035}; mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005}; cloudsColor[] = {{1,1,1},11.016}; swBrightness = 1; }; class Lighting40 { height = -0.1; overcast = 0.8; sunAngle = -5; sunOrMoon = 1; diffuse[] = {{0.6,0.8,1},2.1}; diffuseCloud[] = {{0.6,0.8,1},2.1}; ambient[] = {{0.4,0.9,1},3.68}; ambientCloud[] = {{0.4,0.9,1},3.68}; ambientMid[] = {{0.24,0.63,1},3.9744}; ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.24,0.63,1},3.9744}; groundReflection[] = {{0.24,0.63,1},3.815424}; groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.24,0.63,1},3.815424}; bidirect[] = {0,0,0}; bidirectCloud[] = {0,0,0}; sky[] = {{0,0.2235,0.2705},4.232}; skyAroundSun[] = {{0,0.2235,0.2705},7.636949}; fogColor[] = {{0.106,0.161,0.267},4.715}; apertureMin = 6; apertureStandard = 6; apertureMax = 18; standardAvgLum = 4; desiredLuminanceCoef = 0; desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 0; luminanceRectCoef = 1; luminanceRectCoefCloud = 1; rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.01388,0.035}; mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005}; cloudsColor[] = {{1,1,1},11.016}; swBrightness = 1; }; class Lighting41 { height = -0.1; overcast = 0.8; sunAngle = -2; sunOrMoon = 1; diffuse[] = {{0.6,0.8,1},3.5}; diffuseCloud[] = {{0.6,0.8,1},3.5}; ambient[] = {{0.4,0.9,1},5.52}; ambientCloud[] = {{0.4,0.9,1},5.52}; ambientMid[] = {{0.24,0.63,1},5.9616}; ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.24,0.63,1},5.9616}; groundReflection[] = {{0.24,0.63,1},5.723136}; groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.24,0.63,1},5.723136}; bidirect[] = {0,0,0}; bidirectCloud[] = {0,0,0}; sky[] = {{0,0.2175,0.288},6.348}; skyAroundSun[] = {{0,0.2175,0.288},12.31766}; fogColor[] = {{0.11,0.169,0.286},7.0725}; apertureMin = 7; apertureStandard = 8; apertureMax = 20; standardAvgLum = 20; desiredLuminanceCoef = 0; desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 0; luminanceRectCoef = 1; luminanceRectCoefCloud = 1; rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.038,0.0675}; mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005}; cloudsColor[] = {{1,1,1},11.016}; swBrightness = 1; }; class Lighting42 { height = -0.1; overcast = 0.8; sunAngle = 0; sunOrMoon = 1; diffuse[] = {{0.6,0.8,1},4.2}; diffuseCloud[] = {{0.6,0.8,1},4.2}; ambient[] = {{0.4,0.9,1},6.24}; ambientCloud[] = {{0.4,0.9,1},6.24}; ambientMid[] = {{0.24,0.63,1},6.7392}; ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.24,0.63,1},6.7392}; groundReflection[] = {{0.24,0.63,1},6.469632}; groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.24,0.63,1},6.469632}; bidirect[] = {0,0,0}; bidirectCloud[] = {0,0,0}; sky[] = {{0,0.2115,0.306},7.176}; skyAroundSun[] = {{0,0.2115,0.306},13.38876}; fogColor[] = {{0.118,0.18,0.31},7.995}; apertureMin = 8; apertureStandard = 9; apertureMax = 22; standardAvgLum = 45; desiredLuminanceCoef = 0; desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 0; luminanceRectCoef = 1; luminanceRectCoefCloud = 1; rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.038,0.0675}; mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005}; cloudsColor[] = {{1,1,1},11.016}; swBrightness = 1; }; class Lighting43 { height = -0.1; overcast = 0.8; sunAngle = 45; sunOrMoon = 1; diffuse[] = {{0.6,0.8,1},12.04}; diffuseCloud[] = {{0.6,0.8,1},12.04}; ambient[] = {{0.4,0.9,1},11.84}; ambientCloud[] = {{0.4,0.9,1},11.84}; ambientMid[] = {{0.36,0.72,1},11.4848}; ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.36,0.72,1},11.4848}; groundReflection[] = {{0.36,0.72,1},11.02541}; groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.36,0.72,1},11.02541}; bidirect[] = {0,0,0}; bidirectCloud[] = {0,0,0}; sky[] = {{0,0.09,0.4},13.8}; skyAroundSun[] = {{0,0.09,0.4},13.8}; fogColor[] = {{0.3,0.44,0.74},16.5}; apertureMin = 12; apertureStandard = 18; apertureMax = 25; standardAvgLum = 150; desiredLuminanceCoef = 0; desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 0; luminanceRectCoef = 1; luminanceRectCoefCloud = 1; rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.01388,0.035}; mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005}; cloudsColor[] = {{1,1,1},14.8}; swBrightness = 1; }; class Lighting44 { height = -0.1; overcast = 0.8; sunAngle = 90; sunOrMoon = 1; diffuse[] = {{0.6,0.8,1},12.04}; diffuseCloud[] = {{0.6,0.8,1},12.04}; ambient[] = {{0.4,0.9,1},11.84}; ambientCloud[] = {{0.4,0.9,1},11.84}; ambientMid[] = {{0.36,0.72,1},11.4848}; ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.36,0.72,1},11.4848}; groundReflection[] = {{0.36,0.72,1},11.02541}; groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.36,0.72,1},11.02541}; bidirect[] = {0,0,0}; bidirectCloud[] = {0,0,0}; sky[] = {{0,0.09,0.4},13.8}; skyAroundSun[] = {{0,0.09,0.4},13.8}; fogColor[] = {{0.3,0.44,0.74},16.5}; apertureMin = 12; apertureStandard = 18; apertureMax = 25; standardAvgLum = 150; desiredLuminanceCoef = 0; desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 0; luminanceRectCoef = 1; luminanceRectCoefCloud = 1; rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.01388,0.035}; mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005}; cloudsColor[] = {{1,1,1},14.8}; swBrightness = 1; }; }; }; }; }; #include "cfgSurfaces.hpp" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Cosmo_D41 117 Posted November 21, 2017 Well no wonder, you forgot to delete the first #include "cfgclutter.hpp" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ODST General 0 Posted November 21, 2017 Well that is somewhat embarrassing, but sadly that was not the cause either. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RoF 241 Posted November 22, 2017 Pennyworth posted this last night on Discord Quote For all issues of missing clutter I'd recommend the following: 1) Place a unit down in the editor on your map and then load into your terrain 2) Hit escape to open the debug console 3) In one of the watch fields enter the following surfaceType getPos player. The surfaceType command will show you what surface is current underneath your character. Click one of the other watch fields so the one you just entered the code doesn't have a red background. 4) Go to the surface where the clutter isn't showing up and see what the above code prints on the next line in the watch field. 5) If you see something like #GdtBeach that corresponds to CfgSurfaces >> GdtBeach, and the game is correctly making the connection between your surface textures and CfgSurfaces. If you see Default then the game isn't correctly making that connection. If you saw Default then you can rule out CfgSurfaceCharacters and clutter in CfgWorlds completely. The issue is somewhere in your layers.cfg, CfgSurfaces, or RVMAT/texture name Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ODST General 0 Posted November 22, 2017 So it does say #Default, so I will take a closer look at those and see if maybe I am missing something obvious. Or at the very least play around and try to get lucky. Will update with results. Edit: So after looking into it I think it MAY be an incorrect file path in the .rvmat However when I attempt to correct the path it outputs these errors now. Warning: rapWarning: **********missing file(s)*************** Warning: OGA\OGA_gao_terrain\data\layers\P_000-000_L00.rvmat Line 81: oga_gao_terrain\data\oga_wild_grass_nopx.paa Warning: OGA\OGA_gao_terrain\data\layers\P_000-000_L00.rvmat Line 86: oga_gao_terrain\data\oga_wild_grass_co.paa rapWarning: **********missing file(s)*************** Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RoF 241 Posted November 22, 2017 You need to delete everything in the layers folder and re export them. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ODST General 0 Posted November 22, 2017 Yeah I had tried that, even tried deleting the wrp too. still getting that error back. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RoF 241 Posted November 22, 2017 Maybe your rvmat's wrong? OGA\OGA_gao_terrain\data\layers\P_000-000_L00.rvmat Line 81: oga_gao_terrain\data\oga_wild_grass_nopx.paa <-- no OGA\ Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ODST General 0 Posted November 23, 2017 Yeah I had removed it thinking maybe the file path was the issue....it was not. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites