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Waypoint activation & Headless Client woes

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Having spent some time creating a mission that featured lots of preplaced units and waypoints with waypoint activation syncing to triggers and other waypoints, I was less than thrilled when putting it on my unit's dedicated server with HC's to discover that it didn't work as expected thanks to the way that HC's are implemented.


Now I imagine I can overcome the initial "go" with a public variable and condition in the first waypoint, but how do I deal with the more intricate methodology needed for get out/transport unload etc?


Our unit heavily uses zeus for our operations and I'm trying to premake the missions so that all the zeus needs do is trigger an action, not have to plonk down units, set waypoints and what have you all in real time. For example one of the triggers had 3 chopper crews, 6 squads mounting up, flying in formation and landing and disembarking with the choppers flying off. That's quite a lot of stress for a zeus, especially as they may be trying to deal with other things as well at the same time.


Ideas gratefully received.

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