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Hello again! I'm stuck in removing an action from an RHSUSAF vehicle.


I've found the class herarchy in the editor: CfgVehicles >> RHS_C130J >> UserActions >> OpenMenu


Here's the content of "OpenMenu"


class OpenMenu
 				userActionID = 74;
				priority = 11.008;
 				displayName = "<t color='#FDDE00'>Open control panel</t>";
 				position = "pos_gunner";
 				radius = 10;
 				animPeriod = 2;
 				onlyForplayer = 1;
 				condition = "((call rhsusf_fnc_findPlayer) in this)";
 				statement = "[this] call rhs_fnc_c130j_openMenu";


description.ext doesn't support changing CfgVehicle classes, so I created an addon, but I stil have that action shown.


This is the content of my config.cpp


class CfgPatches
	class BRZ_PanelRem_C130_RHS
		units[] = {};
		weapons[] = {};
		requiredVersion = 0.1;
		requiredAddons[] = {};

class CfgVehicles
	class RHS_C130J: RHS_C130J_Base
		class UserActions
			delete OpenMenu;


What am I doing wrong? This is my first time messing with classes, so I kindly need your help.



Thank you!

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Sorry for bumping this but I would love to hear from you if you found a solution? I'm trying to do this too. 

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I tried your suggestion but copying "class OpenMenu" etc in config.cpp or Description.ext didn't do anything. I also tried overwriting it giving it a new userActionID and priority value but still nothing.

EDIT: The only solution for not opening the control panel is to put the code below in my init.sqf:

inGameUISetEventHandler ["Action", "if (_this select 4 == ""Open Control Panel"") then { private _return = TRUE; _return }"];

But it's not taking away that ugly yellow text "Open Control Panel" popping up behind the intro text in my mission. Even when I disable HUD the only thing showing is that context menu. It would be alright if the yellow text was hidden until you scrolled or something but nope.

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I dug it:

missionNamespace setVariable ["bis_fnc_moduleRemoteControl_unit", objNull];   // does the trick


Not sure you are not loosing some other features, somewhere in other RHS thingies. So, if you need to recover something:

missionNamespace setVariable ["bis_fnc_moduleRemoteControl_unit", player];


You can write  getin getOut EHs if needed.



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