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{Solved} See if IED is in Trigger

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Hello everyone,


i have a problem with a trigger condition.


What i want:

is a trigger that detect if an IED is in triggerrange (selectet by a classname like "IEDLandSmall_F",  there are about 4-5 different classnames).

so if the IED is in the trigger the trigger is activated, if the IED blow up the trigger should be deactivated.


with the "thislist" command the trigger didnt work (for testing i insert a hint in the activation / deactivation )


oh and the trigger is for an mission that´s running on a dedicated server.


i allready tried this stuff:

but sadly it didnt work for me.


What i specialy whant is an area where players can blow up IEDs that they have disarmed elsewere and get points for that.


Hope someone can help me with this.



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a repeatable trigger (+ server only if you want)


condition for armed IED presence:

{typeOf _x == "IEDLandSmall_Remote_Ammo" && _x inArea thisTrigger} count allMines > 0


condition for unarmed IED presence:

count ((getpos thisTrigger nearObjects ["groundWeaponHolder", triggerSize ]) select {((magazineCargo _x) select 0) == "IEDLandSmall_Remote_Mag"}) > 0

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Thanks for your help pierremgi !

sadly the first condition didnt worked:


if i leave the trigger like in the picture above, nothing happens. (i add hint´s to see if the trigger is working)


the second one gives me an error massage:



do you have an idea why it didnt worked?

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First condition works for me on "armed" IED, like when you place an IEd (IEDLandSmall_F) in editor.

Error in second (my bad!)

count ((getpos thisTrigger nearObjects ["groundWeaponHolder", (triggerArea thisTrigger Select 0) max  (triggerArea thisTrigger Select 1) ]) select {((magazineCargo _x) select 0) == "IEDLandSmall_Remote_Mag"}) > 0


works on deactivated IEDLandSmall_F


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Thanks again pierremgi !

First condition works great, it seems i just forgot to arm the IED (did to much testing in the last days i think).


The second condition works now also !

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