mcslavko 117 Posted October 7, 2017 Hi all I want to use the explosion and fire script (DKM) but I have a problem, the effect itself is short ... which parameter is responsible for the length of the fire and smoke effect? At this moment they both disappear together, and it would be good if the fire first extinguished before the smoke disappeared. thank you in advance for your help mentioned script: _t = _this ?format["%1", _t] == "scalar bool array string 0xfcffffef": exit ?count (getpos _t) > 0: goto "nobug" exit #nobug [_t] exec "\effects\kia_sparksandshock.sqs" ? "Air" countType [_t] == 1: _gl = "logic" createVehicle [getpos _t select 0,getpos _t select 1,0]; _gl setpos getpos _t; _gl setDir (getDir _t); [_gl,_t,3] exec "\effects\dustwaveA.sqs" ? "LandVehicle" countType [_t] == 1: [_t,3] exec "\effects\dustwave.sqs" ~1.5 ? "LandVehicle" countType [_t] == 1 && random 1.0001 > 0.5: _logic = "logic" createVehicle getpos nearestObject [_t,"crater"]; _logic setpos getpos nearestObject [_t,"crater"]; [_logic,0,0 + random 0.2,10 + random 5] exec "\effects\hotground.sqs" ~random 1.5 _h = .1 @ (getpos _t select 2) < 5 _f = "nmod_smoke" createvehicle getpos _t _s = "nmod_fire" createvehicle getpos _t _ar = [_f,_s] _timer = 0 _bsay = 1 _hsay = 1 _f inflame true _s inflame true _anumb = 1.3 private ["_sensor"]; _sensor = "EmptyDetector" createVehicle [0,0,0] _calcH = {private["_result"]; _sensor setpos [getpos _t select 0, getpos _t select 1]; _result = getpos _sensor select 2; _result}; _i = Random (3) _i = _i - (_i Mod 1) ? _i == 1: _t exec "\effects\fuelboom.sqs" #cycle goto "smoke" #explosion #smoke _f inflame true _s inflame true _anumb = 1.3 ? abs (call _calcH) <= 2.4: "deletevehicle _x" foreach _ar; exit ? (vehicle player != player): goto "skip" ? (player distance _f < 7) && _hsay == 1: player globalChat "Getting kind of hot here..."; _hsay = 0 ? (player distance _f < 4) && alive player: TitleText ["", "black faded",random 0.1] ? (player distance _f < 4) && _bsay == 1: player globalChat "Argh, I'm getting burned!"; _bsay = 0 ? (player distance _f < 4): player setDamage (damage player) + 0.01 #skip ? (getpos _t select 2 > 3): _anumb = getpos _t select 2 drop ["cl_fire" , "" , "Billboard" , 1 , 5 + random 5, [getpos _t select 0,getpos _t select 1,1.3] , [random 2 - random 2,random 2 - random 2,2 + random 2] , 1 , 1 , 1 , 0.2 , [random 0.09] , [[1,1,1,1],[1,1,1,0.75],[1,1,1,0.50],[0,0,0,0]] , [0,1] , 0 , 0.1 , "" , "" , ""] _f inflame true _s inflame true "_x setpos [getpos _t select 0, getpos _t select 1,_anumb]" foreach _ar ~_h _timer = _timer + _h ? _timer == 20 : _h = 1 ? _timer < 20 : goto "cycle" ? _timer < 120 : goto "smoke" "deletevehicle _x" foreach _ar exit Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ProfTournesol 956 Posted October 7, 2017 Hi mate, i can't test cause i don't have the necessary addon but replace the following lines at the end of the script : ? _timer == 20 : _h = 1 ? _timer < 20 : goto "cycle" ? _timer < 120 : goto "smoke" "deletevehicle _x" foreach _ar exit By : ? _timer == 20 : _h = 1 ? _timer < 20 : goto "cycle" ? _timer < 120 : goto "smoke" deletevehicle _s ? _timer < 240 : goto "smoke" deletevehicle _f exit If i understand well, "nmod_smoke" is the smoke and it's called here _f (which is weird, i would have called it _s), and "nmod_fire" is the fire and it's called _s. You should have the smoke last twice longer than the fire. You can change "120" and "240" by the values you prefer. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mcslavko 117 Posted October 7, 2017 thanks for help but unfortunately it doesn't work changing the value of "timer" doesn't change how long the effect lasts. Additionally, the spark effect and fire sound are still there Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ProfTournesol 956 Posted October 8, 2017 Ok, the best way would be to get that addon and try it by myself. Thats script is strangely written, it must have been changed a few times aleady. Could you point me to that addon (dl link ?). Thee must be some pbo, not only script. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mcslavko 117 Posted October 8, 2017 PBO unpacked, packed 7zip I send in the original version DKMM_RSC_Veh_burner.sqs Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ProfTournesol 956 Posted October 8, 2017 _t = _this ?format["%1", _t] == "scalar bool array string 0xfcffffef": exit ?count (getpos _t) > 0: goto "nobug" exit #nobug [_t] exec "\ffur_effects\kia_sparksandshock.sqs" ? "Air" countType [_t] == 1: _gl = "logic" createVehicle [getpos _t select 0,getpos _t select 1,0]; _gl setpos getpos _t; _gl setDir (getDir _t); [_gl,_t,3] exec "\ffur_effects\dustwaveA.sqs" ? "LandVehicle" countType [_t] == 1: [_t,3] exec "\ffur_effects\dustwave.sqs" ~1.5 ? "LandVehicle" countType [_t] == 1 && random 1.0001 > 0.5: _logic = "logic" createVehicle getpos nearestObject [_t,"crater"]; _logic setpos getpos nearestObject [_t,"crater"]; [_logic,0,0 + random 0.2,10 + random 5] exec "\ffur_effects\hotground.sqs" ~random 1.5 _h = .1 @ (getpos _t select 2) < 5 _f = "nmod_smoke" createvehicle getpos _t _s = "nmod_fire" createvehicle getpos _t _ar = [_f,_s] _timer = 0 _bsay = 1 _hsay = 1 _f inflame true _s inflame true _anumb = 1.3 private ["_sensor"]; _sensor = "EmptyDetector" createVehicle [0,0,0] _calcH = {private["_result"]; _sensor setpos [getpos _t select 0, getpos _t select 1]; _result = getpos _sensor select 2; _result}; _i = Random (3) _i = _i - (_i Mod 1) ? _i == 1: _t exec "\ffur_effects\fuelboom.sqs" #cycle _f inflame true _s inflame true #smokeandfire _anumb = 1.3 ? abs (call _calcH) <= 2.4: "deletevehicle _x" foreach _ar; exit ? (vehicle player != player): goto "skip" ? (player distance _f < 7) && _hsay == 1: player globalChat "Getting kind of hot here..."; _hsay = 0 ? (player distance _f < 4) && alive player: TitleText ["", "black faded",random 0.1] ? (player distance _f < 4) && _bsay == 1: player globalChat "Argh, I'm getting burned!"; _bsay = 0 ? (player distance _f < 4): player setDamage (damage player) + 0.01 #skip ? (getpos _t select 2 > 3): _anumb = getpos _t select 2 drop ["cl_fire" , "" , "Billboard" , 1 , 5 + random 5, [getpos _t select 0,getpos _t select 1,1.3] , [random 2 - random 2,random 2 - random 2,2 + random 2] , 1 , 1 , 1 , 0.2 , [random 0.09] , [[1,1,1,1],[1,1,1,0.75],[1,1,1,0.50],[0,0,0,0]] , [0,1] , 0 , 0.1 , "" , "" , ""] "_x setpos [getpos _t select 0, getpos _t select 1,_anumb]" foreach _ar ~_h _timer = _timer + _h ? _timer == 20 : _h = 1 ? _timer < 20 : goto "smokeandfire" ? _timer < 120 : goto "smokeandfire" _s inflame false #smokeonly _anumb = 1.3 ? abs (call _calcH) <= 2.4: "deletevehicle _x" foreach _ar; exit ? (getpos _t select 2 > 3): _anumb = getpos _t select 2 "_x setpos [getpos _t select 0, getpos _t select 1,_anumb]" foreach _ar ~_h _timer = _timer + _h ? _timer < 180 : goto "smokeonly" "deletevehicle _x" foreach _ar exit Hi, i modified the original script and it works well. You can adapt the value of the timer (120 and 180) to your needs. I also removed damage effect and sparking effect when the fire is over. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mcslavko 117 Posted October 8, 2017 unfortunately it doesn't work, value of the timer = 120 It turns out that it is responsible for the sparks and the sound of fire, the change of this value actually lengthens this time The fire effect disappears after a short time Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mcslavko 117 Posted October 8, 2017 Is there maybe somewhere this time the fire effect? drop ["cl_fire" , "" , "Billboard" , 1 , 5 + random 5, [getpos _t select 0,getpos _t select 1,1.3] , [random 2 - random 2,random 2 - random 2,2 + random 2] , 1 , 1 , 1 , 0.2 , [random 0.09] , [[1,1,1,1],[1,1,1,0.75],[1,1,1,0.50],[0,0,0,0]] , [0,1] , 0 , 0.1 , "" , "" , ""] Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ProfTournesol 956 Posted October 8, 2017 I'm sorry i don't understand what you exactly want. The script i posted works well, i tried it. It stops the fire and sparking and dammage effect when _timer reaches 120, then it stops the script when _timer reach 180. The sound you here doesn't come from the script but from the 'fire'/'smoke' (nmod_fire and nmod_smoke) objects created, inheriting from the camp fire object. It can be changed (removing the "fire" sound from the smoke object), but you have to edit ffur effect config.cpp and add : sound=""; like this : class nmod_smoke:nmod_fire { class Light { Shape="koulesvetlo"; color[]={1,0.54,0,1}; ambient[]={1,0.3,0,1}; position=""; size=0.25; brightness=0.6; sound=""; }; class Smoke { interval=0.3; cloudletDuration=30; cloudletAnimPeriod=1.0; cloudletSize=2.5; cloudletAlpha=0.7; cloudletGrowUp=3.5; cloudletFadeIn=0.01; cloudletFadeOut=8.0; cloudletAccY=0.5; cloudletMinYSpeed=0.5; cloudletMaxYSpeed=5.0; cloudletShape="cl_basic"; cloudletColor[]={0.2,0.2,0.2,0.1}; initT=1000; deltaT=429496679; maxT=0; density=0.5; size=0.1; initYSpeed=1.7; timeToLive=350; in=0; out=0; class Table { class T1 { maxT=0; color[]={0.2,0.2,0.2,0.8}; }; class T2 { maxT=900; color[]={0.3,0.3,0.3,0.6}; }; class T3 { maxT=1000; color[]={0.3,0.3,0.3,0.3}; }; }; }; }; Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mcslavko 117 Posted October 8, 2017 changing the _timer value only affects the fire sound effect and sparkling effect, but not the visual fire particle effect Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ProfTournesol 956 Posted October 8, 2017 Have you tried the script i posted above ? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mcslavko 117 Posted October 8, 2017 yes, I've tried this but still no impact on the fire particle effect time Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ProfTournesol 956 Posted October 8, 2017 This is what it gives to me. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mcslavko 117 Posted October 8, 2017 I have the same, try extending the time of visual/particle fire effect to 4 minutes (240 sec) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ProfTournesol 956 Posted October 8, 2017 Ok, i finally understood what the problem was : it's the fire object (nmod_fire) which has a limited time to live set to 150 (contrary to the smoke object which has a time to live set to 350). So you'll have to edit the config.cpp, find the following entry : class nmod_fire:All { reversed=0; hasDriver=0; picture="ivojak"; Weapons[]={}; magazines[]={}; type=1; threat[]={0.0,0.0,0.0}; maxSpeed=0; coefInside=2; coefInsideHeur=4.3000002; side=4; scope=0; simulation="fire"; sound="Fire"; icon="Unknown_object"; model="empty"; displayName=""; accuracy=0.2; typicalCargo[]={}; mapSize=0; cost=0; armor=20; class Light { Shape="koulesvetlo"; color[]={1.0,0.6,0.0,1.0}; ambient[]={0.7,0.2,0.0,0.0}; position=""; size=0.4; brightness=0.1; }; class Smoke { interval=0.08; cloudletDuration=0.8; cloudletAnimPeriod=0.4; cloudletSize=0.4; cloudletAlpha=0.8; cloudletGrowUp=0.5; cloudletFadeIn=0.05; cloudletFadeOut=0.7; cloudletAccY=1.5; cloudletMinYSpeed=0.3; cloudletMaxYSpeed=2.5; cloudletMaxXSpeed=0.0; cloudletShape="cl_fire"; cl_basic=0; cloudletColor[]={1,1,1,0}; initT=1000; deltaT=-500; density=0.9; size=0.51; in=0; out=0; initYSpeed=0.0; timetolive=150.0; class Table { class T1 { maxT=0; color[]={0.800000,0.800000,0.800000,0.7}; }; class T2 { maxT=900; color[]={0.820000,0.8500000,0.8500000,0.6}; }; class T3 { maxT=1000; color[]={0.9,0.90,0.9,"random 0.300000"}; }; class T4 { maxT=1000; color[]={0.8,0.8,0.8,0.2}; }; }; }; }; And change the timetolive parameter to 350, for example : timetolive=350.0; I tried it, it works flawlessly. Sorry for having been slow at understanding your problem 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mcslavko 117 Posted October 8, 2017 YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this is it! Thanks ProfTournesol for the in-depth analysis and problem solving! once again huge thanks! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mcslavko 117 Posted October 8, 2017 I've got another problem with the same script (as posted by ProfT). In #smokeandfire section it introduces effect of player getting burned by the fire, however it doesn't work in MP. How can I make it work? Everything else works fine, but burning only in SP. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ProfTournesol 956 Posted October 10, 2017 I cannot help you there, i suck at MP scripting. I hope someone will help you for this. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mcslavko 117 Posted October 10, 2017 I have the idea to move the script from "killed" to "init" by adding the script at the beginning of this line _t = _this Select 0 @ GetDammage _t >= 0.95 EH "killed" is local, "init" global. I hope it will work. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
zulu1 145 Posted October 10, 2017 Hi Slavko, In SP since there is only one player the variable "player" works. In MP you have more than one player and "player" will not work. You need to send an array of the player slot names through the script (ie. [p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, p7, p8, p9, p10]). The script will need some work and each mission may need a trigger to perform an "alive check". Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mcslavko 117 Posted October 10, 2017 The problem is that it is not a script to mission only to the EH main config, now I know that it will not work :( Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
zulu1 145 Posted October 10, 2017 The EH in the config should be OK. from what I see it is this part of the script that will not work in MP. ? (vehicle player != player): goto "skip" ? (player distance _f < 7) && _hsay == 1: player globalChat "Getting kind of hot here..."; _hsay = 0 ? (player distance _f < 4) && alive player: TitleText ["", "black faded",random 0.1] ? (player distance _f < 4) && _bsay == 1: player globalChat "Argh, I'm getting burned!"; _bsay = 0 ? (player distance _f < 4): player setDamage (damage player) + 0.01 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mcslavko 117 Posted October 10, 2017 I understand, but I have a problem to run the rest of the script in "init", shows the error: getdamage _t>=I#I 0.95': error getdamage: type array, expected object Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mcslavko 117 Posted October 10, 2017 it works! succeeded, it works in "init"! script start (based on WW4): I'll check if it works in MP _t = _this select 0 #alivecheck ~1 ?(isNull _t): exit ?(alive _t): goto "alivecheck" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites