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trees & clutter

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Hi all,

Does it make any sense to add trees & rocks in the clutter? Is it better to generate them with TP or is it ok to add them to the clutter, since this would allow to have a 100% correspondence between textures (for instance, of a forest) and the trees?


Any opinions welcome.




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2 things to keep in mind:

- Clutter can be controlled by the player options. They can just turn the grass off and reduce the viewdistance. So no woods if the player dont want to see them.

- Clutter is usually disappearing after 150m (depending on your map settings). I.e. the woods and stuff will not be visible from a greater distance (plane, sniper etc)


(And i am not totally sure if clutter even has colission, that might lead to woods and rocks that are just ghost and can be driven through without reaction)


So no it doesnt make sense to add trees/rocks to clutter. Only tiny objects like those rockclutters or small tree sprouces make sense.

Woods are not that hard to place especially according to surface. Terrain Processor, XCam, Mapbuilder etc all offer some sort of randomized fillers, brush tools etc.

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Thank you Cosmo. Your answer makes perfect sense to me.

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