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I need some one to be

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Well i am looking for some one to be the main voice actor in the campaign i am working on, Rob was going to do it but i am not sure if he wants to or not any more but leave a message if you are interested.


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sorry man i haven't been able to get on the net for the last 5 days cuz the d*amn dog chewed up the wires!!! aaarrrgggggg!!!!! if i knew how to use cool edit then i would do them for ya but i dont see the point when there really bad quality...... u have answered a q like this before about the speech in ofp firelord being so good. u said that he must have used cool edit....... i don't know really how to make the sound absolutely clear... tell me how and i will do it...

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If I may suggest,

The way I get around bad quality sound is to use the ogg file in question as in game radio sound.

Radio chatter is gonna be bad quality anyway but for cut scenes you may want to download some sound editing software to De-Noise the file.

I got some similar software but it don't work mad.gif .

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I have creative Wave studio and the quality from this software is excellent. My God!

This software has been sitting (unused) on my hard drive for the last year and I did'nt even know about it untill like 2 mins ago!!! And there's me useing the standered recorder with window's. (It's amazing what you find on 100GB's of space).

Oh well, that's the software for you... smile.gif

(Running a Creative 1024 live value sound card).

P.S If you need a guy with a strong (so I'm told) Irish accent gimme a shout. LMAO.

(Edited by MP at 7:40 am on Dec. 4, 2001)

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well Rob i can clear up background noice if you send me the sounds if u still want to do it ?


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give me the list again and i will have a go.....

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what do u expect to find Sir ?


Sir we just spotted a Patroll heading towards our position


Yeah don't we all


Yes Sir


Jesus yes i can



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