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Some script-spawned vehicles are blocked

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Hi !


As I say in the title, I have a script that is meant to populate some sectors around a given position, and some of the targeted areas are industrials sheds that the ennemy is supposed to use in order to store vehicles when not used. Here is the part of he script I've designed.

_shed = _x;
_pos = [[1.4,0,0],[1.4,7,0],[1.4,-7,0]];
	if(random 1 > 0.5) then {
		_type = selectRandom _veh;
		_v = createVehicle [_type, [0,0,0], [], 0, "NONE"];
		_v setDir (getDir _shed)+90;
		_posDef = [(_shed modelToWorld _x) select 0, (_shed modelToWorld _x) select 1, 0];
		_libre = _posDef findEmptyPosition [0,2,_type];
		if!(_libre isEqualTo []) then { _v setPosATL _libre; LM_MISSION_TEMP pushBack _v; } else { deleteVehicle _v; };
} forEach _pos;

All is working as expected, appart from my problem. This fragment of script is obviously not working alone, it is part of a bigger one (and wrapped in a forEach loop, as you can see at the first line). _veh is an array containing various types of vehicles that we can spawn with this type of building. Due to shed's size and nature, not all sheds are spawning the same vehicles, but all are following the same method, only relative coordinates are changed. Basically, the script is meant to spawn various vehicles like Gorgon APCs, some offroads, both armed and unarmed, Ifrits with HMGs, and a few Tempest trucks.


Here is the problem : coming along with the script, a " general alert" system is in place, making crew members all around vehicles to run to their own one when the alert is given. They all do it properly, but I noticed that only drivers of Gorgon APCs manage to go to the fight. All other vehicles don't even move from their base position. I've searched a bit and I have discovered, when trying myself to drive one of those recalcitrant things, that it's impossible to start the engine. Gorgon APCs are not affected by this problem, but Ifrits, offroads and trucks are. I'm unable to start the engine even if the vehicle have its fuel tank full, 0 damage, and no obstacle around. When trying to start the engine, the small indicator on the screen switch on and then switch off instantly. Same for the regime indicator, it goes up like normal engine starting, then instantly return to 0. No engine sound is audible.


I tried to place the concerned vehicles through the arsenal : all is working as expected. The engine is starting well, AIs can drive it, and I can too. It seems to appears when those vehicles are spawned through a script. Any idea about this trouble ?

Thanks, Cheitan

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2 minutes ago, Cheitan said:

I'm unable to start the engine even if the vehicle have its fuel tank full, 0 damage, and no obstacle around. When trying to start the engine, the small indicator on the screen switch on and then switch off instantly. Same for the regime indicator, it goes up like normal engine starting, then instantly return to 0. No engine sound is audible.



Don't spawn them at [0,0,0].  You're spawning them underwater so the engine seizes.  Spawn them at [0,0,1000] or something like that.

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56 minutes ago, das attorney said:

Don't spawn them at [0,0,0].  You're spawning them underwater so the engine seizes.  Spawn them at [0,0,1000] or something like that.

Ohhhh.... And the Gorgon APC is watertight and floating on the water surface, that's why it still works... Wow, nothing more than that. Good catch sir ! Let's try that.

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