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Patching another mod

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How can I patch a mod? To be more specific, here's what I want to do:

Let's say I have a mod identified by:

class CfgPatches
	class My_mod
			units[] = { };
			weapons[] = { };
			requiredAddons[] = {"CBA_Extended_EventHandlers"};
			version = "0.993";
			versionStr = "0.993";
			versionDesc= "My mod";
			versionAr[] = {1,0,0};
			author[] = {"Me"};

All scripts are in the main mod folder (for example, \My_mod\...)

Now I want to patch this mod by altering some scripts and adding a few more scripts to the mod folder.

Is it possible to use the same class for this patch as well (i.e My_mod)? Should I change the name of the patch folder? ( \My_mod\ ) Should the script I want to "patch" (i.e fix) have the same name as the script in the original mod?

I'd appreciate any help with this.

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How can I patch a mod? To be more specific, here's what I want to do:
Let's say I have a mod identified by:
class CfgPatches{class My_mod	{		units[] = { };		weapons[] = { };		requiredAddons[] = {"CBA_Extended_EventHandlers"};		version = "0.993";		versionStr = "0.993";		versionDesc= "My mod";		versionAr[] = {1,0,0};		author[] = {"Me"};	};};

All scripts are in the main mod folder (for example, \My_mod\...)
Now I want to patch this mod by altering some scripts and adding a few more scripts to the mod folder.
Is it possible to use the same class for this patch as well (i.e My_mod)? Should I change the name of the patch folder? ( \My_mod\ ) Should the script I want to "patch" (i.e fix) have the same name as the script in the original mod?
I'd appreciate any help with this.

To 'patch' a mod, add the mods CfgPatches classname to your mods requiredAddons property. This forces Arma to load yours after 'My_mod'.

To then over write a script, simply define the CfgFunctions class of the script in your patch mod and point the file property to your updated version.

Hope this helps.
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Thank you for you answer @crazy538. I've been studying other addons configs to see how they've done it. For example, this is taken from CBA:

class CfgFunctions {
	class CBA {
		class Config {
			class getConfigEntry {
				file = "\x\cba\addons\common\fnc_getConfigEntry.sqf";
				recompile = 0;
			class getObjectConfig {
				file = "\x\cba\addons\common\fnc_getObjectConfig.sqf";
				recompile = 0;

There are a few things I don't understand:


On 9/14/2017 at 11:35 PM, crazy538 said:

To then over write a script, simply define the CfgFunctions class of the script in your patch mod and point the file property to your updated version.


Let's say I add a function (in my patch mod) like this:

class CfgFunctions {
	class My_patch {
		class mysqfPatch {
				file = "\my_patch\mysqf.sqf";
				recompile = 0;

where mysqf.sqf is the same file as the one used in the original mod that I want to patch now. What I don't understand is what should I do with this now?! If it's a function, it needs to be called right? If so, how do I do it?

2. Should I add any cfgFunctions to my original mod?

3. Should all classes have different names? For example, in the above code should I add another class with a different name for another script (e.g adding a class named "mysqf1Patch" for a file named "mysqf1.sqf") or can I stick with mysqfPatch?

4. In the example code from CBA, how does that folder structure work exactly? (/x/cba/addons/...)

5. Should I add "recompile = 0" or not? Should the assigned value be 0 or can it be something else?


Sorry for all these questions. I'm new to modding.



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