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Can "setVelocity" be used to control a helicopter landing flare ?

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Hi Folks,


I'm sure anyone who's used ArmA more than a couple times is quite familiar with the absurd landing flare helicopters utilize while approaching an LZ - honestly - you might as well just paint a bullseye on the bottom of your helicopter and wait to be hit... I'm assuming this happens because the aerodynamics modeled in the sim - honestly - aren't that great - and in order to bleed off speed BIS coded for the helicopters to climb... I really can't use the "unit capture" function as an alternative as that's a one time deal and I want this script to be modular... Has anyone experimented with "setVelocity" to control the flare making something resembling a combat approach to an LZ ??? Just thinking if this would work to bleed off speed a little better and perhaps limit the climb ???


Any insights on how to improve the flare would be appreciated...






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3 minutes ago, scottb613 said:

Hi Folks,


I'm sure anyone who's used ArmA more than a couple times - is familiar with the absurd landing flare helicopters utilize while approaching an LZ - honestly - you might as well just paint a bullseye on the bottom of your helicopter and wait to be hit... I'm assuming this happens because the aerodynamics modeled in the sim - honestly - aren't that great - and in order to bleed off speed BIS coded for the helicopters to climb...


This doesn't happen because of the aerodynamics but with players/AI who fail to slow down soon enough before landing.

If you know where you want to touch down reduce your speed early enough, this also helps you flying at a lower altitude.

Play with the limitspeed command for AI piloted choppers and reduce it depending on distance to the touch down point.

Slowing down 2-3km before reaching the LZ usually does the trick.



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Thanks - as always for the informative response...


Yeah - I didn't state it above but I am talking strictly about AI Pilots...


I'll look at the limitSpeed command - never used it - but if I recall correctly it needs to be in a loop to work...


I also noted a reference somewhere that said flyinHeight has the floor set at 50 meters - would you know if it works below that altitude ?


Interesting side note: In the US invasion of Grenada - IIRC we lost three helicopters at one LZ - the first pilot was hopped up being on his first combat mission and came in way too fast - hit the ground and exploded - the subsequent two thinking number one was hit by enemy fire came in just as fast or faster - with the same result... Controlling your energy into an LZ seems all important...



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Ahh - disregard my subsequent - the WIKI answered...





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