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We have a streamline server with Arma 3 exile loaded, we have rhs mods, rappel, and ext base mod all loaded, we created some missions in the editor and we exported a mission to the server mpmissions folder put a script into the server.cfg file  however it will not start ......was this the correct way or not? 

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We have a streamline server with Arma 3 exile loaded, we have rhs mods, rappel, and ext base mod all loaded, we created some missions in the editor and we exported a mission to the server mpmissions folder put a script into the server.cfg file  however it will not start ......was this the correct way or not? 
Sounds good but without viewing anything of ur stuff ... hard to tell.

sent from mobile using Tapatalk

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5 hours ago, macnova1 said:

however it will not start


Do you mean the server or the mission?


Post up (or link via pastebin) your rpt and the script in the server.cfg (which sounds iffy anyway).  Then that might be enough to go on.

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