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Shoot the F*** cannon!!

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In a missión i am working at, i am trying that a M2A2 Shoot some sandbag walls from a safe distance, i try to make a waypoint and "on activation" field type the following;

Brad1 dotarget Sandbag1 ; Brad1 fire "Cannon" ;

The f**** Bradley go to the waypoint, but dont fire at all, or at least dont fire to the intended target.

How can i force the Bradley to shoot with the cannon to the especific target?

Tanks in advance.

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Okay, I am posting this of the top of my head, but the answer probably involves a command in which you tell the Bradley to shoot at a target. So you will have to create your sandbag walls in the editor. Name them and then go from there ...

Command could be ... Dotarget ?

Then 'Fire' ?

Check the Command Reference.

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I tried making a tank named m2a2 and a fence called Sandbag1, and then m2a2 dofire Sandbag1, but he didnt want to fire...I cant understand why, maybe they just wanna fire at vehicles and infantry...

I tried changing the fence to a civilian and he had no problem firing, maybe it could be that he has no idea what weapon to use on sandbags or something...

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If this is a cutscene, then its easy.

use a shot with both the vehicle and the wall .

cut to a camera between the wall and the vehicle and teleport a civvie behind the camera.

order the vehicle to shoot the civvie and film him firing.

teleport the ciive away again and cut to a shot of the sandbags

use the camcreate to make an explosion there and if you want the bags to be destroyed just teleport them at the same time as the explosion.

It's far too late to think up a way to do it outside a cutscene.

PS teleporting is using the setpos command.

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