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Do people (ab)use battleye to combatlog?

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I was wondering if people use battleye to combatlog out of a game without it looking like they did because it is a bannable offence.


Today someone cobatlogged on me while i was bringing him to jail on Altis Life (I'm a bountyhunter). But very conveniantly, while running to the courthouse with him, he got kicked by Battleye (battleye timeout kick). He had a very high bounty and would spent 45min in jail. The guy in question had already been banned sevral times before and was looking at a perm ban. Anyway, i believe he combatlogged by somehow blocking the battleye service and letting himself timeout and get kicked by it.


So my question is, is it possible to block or shut down the battleye service while playing so you would get kicked. Either by blocking the ip to the batleye servers in the firewall, or blocking the .exe  or .dll files? Or perhaps another way?

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Its not a Problem with battleye he just Disconect his Network Cabel and battleye make this Massage 



if you Turn Off battleye player can use CheatEnegin ect on your Server and dont Get Any Time a Global battleye BAN

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