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trigger to fire when campfire as turned off

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i've spent the better part of an hour trying to find the answer, i've tried everything i can find, but most things i've found are to turn camp fires off or on...


im looking to have a trigger detect when a fire has been put out and then the trigger fires


the mission i have in mind is that the tanoan locals have been advised of a fire ban, they are ignoring the ban and its started a fight. BLUFOR have to go and turn off the fires, so the trigger needs to fire off only when a specific fire has been put out and then complete an objective and launch a script - (the last 2 i can do on my own, just need help detecting fire state)


hope you can help


cheers guys

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PERFECT!!! worked like a charm, thanks for your help, turns out i was thinking way more complicated than i needed to (and may have had the ! in the wrong place, but shhhhhh) thanks again


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