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 _dog = createAgent ["Fin_random_F", getPos player, [], 5, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
 _dog setVariable ["BIS_fnc_animalBehaviour_disable", true];
dogStop = [_dog] spawn {
    params ["_dog"];
    _dog playMove "Dog_Stop";
while {alive _dog && speed player = 0} do 
        _dog moveTo getPos player;
        sleep 0.5;

dogWalk = [_dog] spawn {
    params ["_dog"];
    _dog playMove "Dog_Walk";
while {alive _dog && speed player > 0} do 
        _dog moveTo getPos player;
        sleep 0.5;

dogSprint = [_dog] spawn {
    params ["_dog"];
    _dog playMove "Dog_Sprint";
while {alive _dog && speed player > 18} do 
        _dog moveTo getPos player;
        sleep 0.5;
while {alive _dog && speed player = 0} do 
_dog moveTo getPos player;
 5:48:55   Error position: <= 0} do 
_dog moveTo getPos player;
 5:48:55   Error Missing ;
 5:48:55 File C:\....\missions\Task Force Wolfpack\Mission  Templates\Mission_Template_v1-0.Takistan\scripts\dog\dog.sqf, line 8
 5:48:55 Error in expression <op";

Does anyone know what that means?

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= assigns a value to a variable but == compares

sent from mobile using Tapatalk

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1 hour ago, sarogahtyp said:

= assigns a value to a variable but == compares

sent from mobile using Tapatalk

It doesn't work.

What I'm trying to do is, make this:

_dog = createAgent ["Fin_random_F", getPos player, [], 5, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
 _dog setVariable ["BIS_fnc_animalBehaviour_disable", true];
0 = [_dog] spawn {
	params ["_dog"];
	_dog playMove "Dog_Sprint";
	while {alive _dog} do 
		_dog moveTo getPos player;
		sleep 0.5;

Controllable by my speed, if I stop, the dog stops, if I walk, the dog walks, if I run, the dog runs.

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4 hours ago, SoOCoOL said:

while {alive _dog && speed player = 0} do { 
	_dog moveTo getPos player; 
    sleep 0.5; 


Just what @sarogahtyp said. Instead of the code above use


while {alive _dog && speed player == 0} do { 
	_dog moveTo getPos player; 
    sleep 0.5; 


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37 minutes ago, 7erra said:

Just what @sarogahtyp said. Instead of the code above use


while {alive _dog && speed player == 0} do { 
	_dog moveTo getPos player; 
    sleep 0.5; 


_dog = createAgent ["Fin_random_F", getPos player, [], 5, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
_dog setVariable ["BIS_fnc_animalBehaviour_disable", true];
_dogSit = [_dog] spawn {
    params ["_dog"];
    _dog playMove "Dog_Sit";
while {alive _dog && speed player == 0} do 
        _dog moveTo getPos player;
		hint "The dog is sitting";
        sleep 0.5;

_dogWalk = [_dog] spawn {
    params ["_dog"];
    _dog playMove "Dog_Walk";
while {alive _dog && speed player > 0} do 
        _dog moveTo getPos player;
		hint "The dog is walking";
        sleep 0.5;

_dogSprint = [_dog] spawn {
    params ["_dog"];
    _dog playMove "Dog_Sprint";
while {alive _dog && speed player >= 18} do 
        _dog moveTo getPos player;
		hint "The dog is sprinting";
        sleep 0.5;

That's what I got, but it won't work.

Once I execute the script it will show "The dog is sitting", and it won't change it once I am speeding more than 0 or when I'm at 18 or speeding over it.

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 _dog = createAgent ["Fin_random_F", getPos player, [], 5, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
 _dog setVariable ["BIS_fnc_animalBehaviour_disable", true];

dogMove = [_dog] spawn {
    params ["_dog"];
    while {alive _dog} do
        _speed = abs (speed player);
        _distance = _dog distance player;
        _anim = "";
        switch (true) do {
            case (_speed == 0 && _distance <= 10): {_anim = "Dog_Stop";};
            case (_speed > 0 && _speed < 18): {_anim =  "Dog_Walk";};
            case (_speed >= 18 OR _distance > 10): {_anim =   "Dog_Sprint";};
        _dog switchMove _anim;
        _dog moveTo getPos player;
        waitUntil {sleep 1; round _speed != round speed player OR _distance > 10};

Should work. Though I'm not entirely satisified with the case when you are not moving but the dog is over 10m away. It plays the animation once every second.

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