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coop missions without the d*amn seagul

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Can anyone give me a link to a map page with coop missions where when you die you respawn as solider not seagul its fustrating on the lan when your m8ts have to watch you complete a mission when they have been killed :¬)

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u have to have a respawn script try goin here and look up in the tutorials.

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Rob: he asks for already finished missions to dload

i think.


The problem is, that only the leader of the group may

respawn in most coop maps, where respawn is included.

btw; if you would use a way of respawning everytime

like in a ctf or tdm), the coop mish would be to easy

and boring after a while (your skills would decrease

after a while, cause you wouldn't care about getting killed if you can respawn again and again.

I've made a mission, where 2 men can respawn 3 times

(two groups, each 4 men) - i also created this mission

for playing with a buddy on my LAN.

If you want i could at least send you this mission or

i could also change the number of leaders to 3 or 4 (how ya want). So if ya interrested, post here your

wish (number of groups, and how many men in group),

but i won't do the unlimited respawn thing.

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try most of my missions with respawn, coop, dm, ctf,

some even with respawn with original weapon set

all you need is a hotmail or msn passport


or if my icq is up look in my shared files

icq 38805245

if i hadnt got this d*amn job i would build more but then i wouldnt be able to afford playing online so much wow.gif

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I've mentioned this idea before, and many thought it was cool, but nobody has implemented it yet (and I haven't done a co-op mission yet): When players die, they respawn as captives somewhere in enemy territory with nothing. So, depending on the mission's setup, you could rescue your mates and continue on. Or they could attempt to escape mid-mission. It would only work with certain mission set-ups, but it would rock.

- PlaneShifter -

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