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Uhh uhh need help, uhh.. buh.

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First: I am trying to learn how to control cameras by code, using Snypir´s tutorial (e-mail: morpj97@hn.ozemail.com.au). The tutorial itself is GREAT, makes me understand the magic works, but like I just said, I am still new at it.

To check the script, use the Desert Island map, put you and another unit on it. Call the other unit "object2" (you can see that in the script anyway). Then of course [] exec "testcam.sqs" in the player´s init field.

First it would not work at all, then I installed Properties Plus and ah.. I hadn´t changed the file extension.. *blush*. So the problem is something in the script.

Setrelpos is not working, you will get an error message, why? Appreciate any help deeply!



_cam = "camera" camcreate [0,0,0]

_cam cameraeffect ["internal", "back"]

; point the camera at the player, and place it 2m to

; the players left, 10m to his front and 3m above

; the ground

_cam camsettarget player

_cam setrelpos [-2,10,3]

_cam camcommit 0

; fade in from black over 2 seconds

titlecut ["Test Cam","BLACK IN", 2]

; wait for 2 seconds for the fade to complete


; move the camera to 5m behind the player, 2m

; to his left and 0.5 above the ground. do the

; move over 10 seconds, and then wait for 2 seconds

_cam camsetrelpos [-2,-5,0.5]

_cam camcommit 10

@camcommitted _cam


; target object 2 (the camera will spin around to

; face object2 when camcommit is called)

_cam camsettarget object2

; the camera will move relative to object2.

; 3m to the front, 1m to the left and 2m

; above the ground

_cam setrelpos [-1,3.2]

; wait for 2 seconds for the fade to complete


; end cutscene

_cam cameraeffect ["terminate", "back"]

camdestroy _cam

; fade back in over 2 seconds

titlecut ["Test Cam","BLACK IN", 2]

; Exit the script



So what have I done wrong here?


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u have to add cam before the setrelpos....

_cam = "camera" camcreate [0,0,0]

_cam cameraeffect ["internal", "back"]

; point the camera at the player, and place it 2m to

; the players left, 10m to his front and 3m above

; the ground

_cam camsettarget player

_cam camsetrelpos [-2,10,3]

_cam camcommit 0

@camcommitted _cam

; fade in from black over 2 seconds

titlecut ["Test Cam","BLACK IN", 2]

; wait for 2 seconds for the fade to complete


; move the camera to 5m behind the player, 2m

; to his left and 0.5 above the ground. do the

; move over 10 seconds, and then wait for 2 seconds

_cam camsetrelpos [-2,-5,0.5]

_cam camcommit 10

@camcommitted _cam


; target object 2 (the camera will spin around to

; face object2 when camcommit is called)

_cam camsettarget object2

; the camera will move relative to object2.

; 3m to the front, 1m to the left and 2m

; above the ground

_cam camsetrelpos [-1,3.2]

; wait for 2 seconds for the fade to complete


; end cutscene

_cam cameraeffect ["terminate", "back"]

camdestroy _cam

; fade back in over 2 seconds

titlecut ["Test Cam","BLACK IN", 2]

; Exit the script


copy this and try it again.

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Thanks, but now I get an Operator unknown error (_cam I think), but I will check the site with Snyper´s tutorial and see if I can find more info there. I saw a link, but had saved it as a txt file..

I had forgot the @camcommited _cam, thanks for reminding me!



I found the example code:

; create camera

_cam = "camera" camcreate [0,0,0]

_cam cameraeffect ["internal", "back"]

; point the camera at the player, and place it 2m to the players left,

; 10m to his front and 3m above the ground

_cam camsettarget player

_cam camsetrelpos [-2,10,3]

_cam camcommit 0

; fade in from black over 2 seconds

titlecut [" ","BLACK IN",2]

; wait for 2 seconds for the fade to complete


; move the camera to 5m behind the player, 2m to his left and 0.5m above the ground

; do the move over 10 seconds, and then wait for 2 seconds

_cam camsetrelpos [-2,-5,0.5]

_cam camcommit 10

@camcommitted _cam


; target object2, moving the camera to a relative position that is

; 3m in front, 1m to the left and 2m above the ground. Move over 10 seconds, then wait

for 2.

_cam camsettarget object2

_cam camsetrelpos [-1,3,2]

_cam camcommit 10

@camcommitted _cam


; fade out to black over 2 seconds

titlecut [" ","BLACK OUT",2]

; wait for 2 seconds for the fade to complete


; end cutscene

_cam cameraeffect ["terminate", "back"]

camdestroy _cam

; fade back in over 2 seconds

titlecut [" ","BLACK IN",2]


Tried it and it works, no problem

(Edited by Hidden at 12:06 pm on Dec. 7, 2001)

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Wrong here:

; the camera will move relative to object2.

; 3m to the front, 1m to the left and 2m

; above the ground

_cam setrelpos [-1, 3.2 ] ; <-----------

Change to

_cam setrelpos [-1, 3, 2]

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here i just tried it and it works.....

_cam = "camera" camcreate [0,0,0]

_cam cameraeffect ["internal", "back"]

_cam camsettarget player

_cam camsetrelpos [-2,10,3]

_cam camcommit 0

titlecut [" ","BLACK IN",2]


_cam camsetrelpos [-2,-5,0.5]

_cam camcommit 10

@camcommitted _cam


_cam camsettarget object2

_cam camsetrelpos [-1,3,2]

_cam camcommit 10

@camcommitted _cam


titlecut [" ","BLACK OUT",2]


_cam cameraeffect ["terminate", "back"]

camdestroy _cam

titlecut [" ","BLACK IN",2]


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Thanks but I solved the problem by looking more closely at the code, thanks anyway! Do you have any experience from other script languages (or semi languages like JavaScript), and how/when did you start learning this kind of scripting?


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believe me i have no idea how to do scripts... i have no idea how people catch on to them mad.gif... i only know how to camera script quite well.

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I did Java script and visual basic scripting in collage.

It's preety much the same...

I thought those courses would never come in handy LMAO

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i will probably never catch on.. neva mind.... i guess i will have to rely on other people to make scripts for me.

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LOL been there all my life (I guess), never got far enough to learn anything really well.

What about those Dummies books (IDG?), should be something useful there?

Although HTML, JavaScript e.t.c. is not that difficult, I got lost when the more advanced sites started popping up everywhere. All of a sudden you had to know how to create and manage a database, something I still haven´t learned.



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well my dad knows c and c++ so he said he would help me leearn it and im doin a ict course at school.....

so i guess it will turn out alright.. i wanna be a games designer and programmer. o and i know my html quite good.

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C and C++ are fairly hard to get the hang of for a newbie programer, but they are verry powerfull if you do get it to work smile.gif


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Well I figured out how to set the VCR timer for COL, then this should not be any harder!? LMAO

Well I will not give up this time. I bought the game, now I want to do just a bit more than playing it. I have seen to many scripting goodies to let go by now!



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btw way do u know if the scripts are c++ or java? cuz my dad looked at it and said that it looked like java.

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the scripts are not a single language they are a cross between C++ and java ( a bit weird smile.gif)


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yeah thats wot i thought... the people that made the game must of got seriously confised. unless they did that on purposeto make sure that people wouldn't know wot they were goin on bout.

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