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Severe game-breaking bug

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I was playing raid, the first round was okay, the second round this started, the footage is of the third round. I can only assume it is an AI controller taking control of my player character and bouncing around. Also AI frequently spawns in these games and they can invinsible, invisible or just completely dopey. I don't think AI are supposed to beable to play on the PVP servers so idk. That AI spawning is quite frequent, this bug is the first I have seen of it, or heard of it.

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  On 7/1/2017 at 12:13 AM, deslegata said:

I was playing raid, the first round was okay, the second round this started, the footage is of the third round. I can only assume it is an AI controller taking control of my player character and bouncing around. Also AI frequently spawns in these games and they can invinsible, invisible or just completely dopey. I don't think AI are supposed to beable to play on the PVP servers so idk. That AI spawning is quite frequent, this bug is the first I have seen of it, or heard of it.

Hi, could you perhaps report this to our feedback tracker? - https://feedback.bistudio.com/

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