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Error in script allPlayers - entities "HeadlessClient_F"

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The following script is throwing a random error, sometimes.


    if ( (count (allPlayers - entities "HeadlessClient_F") >= (4 / GRLIB_csat_aggressivity) )) && ([] call F_opforCap < GRLIB_battlegroup_cap) && (combat_readiness >= 70) && (diag_fps > 15.0))  then {
        [] spawn spawn_battlegroup;


It does not throw an error at game launch. I am not sure what I have wrong here. Any suggestions? I know I am missing something but I just not sure if its syntax or something else.


15:00:38 Error in expression <Players - entities "HeadlessClient_F") )>
15:00:38   Error position: <>
15:00:38   Error Missing )
15:00:38 Error in expression <Players - entities "HeadlessClient_F") )>
15:00:38   Error position: <>
15:00:38   Error Missing )



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When in doubt, spread it out:


private _playerCnt = ((count (allPlayers - entities "HeadlessClient_F")) >= (4 / GRLIB_csat_aggressivity));
private _cap = [] call F_opforCap < GRLIB_battlegroup_cap;
private _readiness = combat_readiness >= 70;
private _fps = diag_fps > 15.0;

if (_playerCnt && _cap && _readiness && _fps) then 
	[] spawn spawn_battlegroup;

You were missing a parenthesis in the ocean of parentheses that you were using. The above is just a bit cleaner.

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lol...I thought I accounted for them all. Thanks!


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Same generic error popping up. It still works, as it did before but that error is still there. Not sure why. Going to have to dig deeper. Thanks for the help though.

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Hm, try this instead:


private _playerCnt = count (allPlayers select { !(_x in (entities "HeadlessClient_F")) });
private _inThreshold = 4 / GRLIB_csat_aggressivity;

private _cap = [] call F_opforCap < GRLIB_battlegroup_cap;
private _readiness = combat_readiness >= 70;
private _fps = diag_fps > 15.0;

if (_inThreshold && _cap && _readiness && _fps) then 
	[] spawn spawn_battlegroup;



private _playerCnt = count (allPlayers select { !(typeOf _x isEqualTo "HeadlessClient_F")) });
private _inThreshold = 4 / GRLIB_csat_aggressivity;

private _cap = [] call F_opforCap < GRLIB_battlegroup_cap;
private _readiness = combat_readiness >= 70;
private _fps = diag_fps > 15.0;

if (_inThreshold && _cap && _readiness && _fps) then 
	[] spawn spawn_battlegroup;


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Thanks bud, I will give it a go. Still learning but appreciate the examples.

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