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Mp / coop missions

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Thanks Lt Damage, much appreciated smile.gif. I will pm you a link to the campaign soon.

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I downloaded your first pack a while ago and we really like them on our server, especially the spec-ops, but we had to remove respawn from some of the guerilla maps, sorry but respawn sucks ass.

Just got soviet pack and seal patrol downloaded, get them on server soon.

If you do any updates or have new missions please feel free to mail then to

[email protected]

Thanks SM

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We have many addons on our server for your addon maps, you said for addon-islands, Like Dr No's, Hellden and winter nogojev as well as sebnam2.

If you have missions for these.


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Sry for delayed response skunk monkey, been busy.

No worries about the respawn, i know what u mean, i usually make a no respawn verson if i make a respawn one, but sometimes its a pain to keep track of both versions.

I have one or two coops in the works for winter nogojev, but no idea when i'll finish them, and few more nam coops. Also, the spec coop pack will be updated pretty soon wink.gif

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Be busy, be busy, be busy, your missions are dreams...

Spetznaz missions for me.

I can't explain in English, there is something special, you are IN action, an remember all what you nned to know, be cover, protect flanc etc...

I think when you script you SEE what IAs will do, coz there is always a good timing in action.

The natural born scripter/designer.

La classe ŕ l'état pur.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Nagual @ Feb. 12 2003,12:20)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Sry for delayed response skunk monkey, been busy.

No worries about the respawn, i know what u mean, i usually make a no respawn verson if i make a respawn one, but sometimes its a pain to keep track of both versions.

I have one or two coops in the works for winter nogojev, but no idea when i'll finish them, and few more nam coops. Also, the spec coop pack will be updated pretty soon wink.gif<span id='postcolor'>

Cool, I keep watching this thread biggrin.gif

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Heres a lil something, not mp, but i didn't wanna make a new thread, so here it is.

Just old Delta Ops campaign converted to BAS Spec Ops.

This campaign is pretty old, and every mission is basic compared to what i could these days, but i didnt want to spend extra weeks working on something that was already finished ages ago. The addons add to it nicely though.

Also, as a sidenote, i'm releasing this from my old server for the time being. Well over a month after webhost sent email saying it has been shutdown, the old server is still there, running as normal, heheh, i don't think they know i can still use it.


Delta Ops 1.22 B

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Here's some more SP missions for the BAS deltas /rangers. It is the Spec Coop pack made playable in SP (still with time and vehicle options), with a new mission included, Shadow Ops.

I'm releasing these missions as BETA, as i have to some other stuff to do for a few weeks, and thought people would prefer to be able to play them in the current state compared to having them just sitting on my hard drive. As they are beta there is the possibillity of bugs, though for the most part things should go smoothly.

Mission 12 was left out as it uses addons that are not yet released. I will post the MP coop pack a bit later today.

All missions need the BAS delta / ranger pack (including KLR250), and the BAS littlebirds (185 version).


Spec Coop v3 BETA Single Player

Spec Coop v3 BETA


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Any feedback at all ?

Ah well, while i'm at it, i forgot to mention in readme that 2 missions in the pack got their original names changed, Covert Strike > Covert Assault, and Airborne Raid > Air Assault.

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just saw today that this thread was updated and downloaded the pack immediately smile.gif

i couldnt test the missions by myself until now but some fellas said they´d kick ass! ...like all your missions. they inspired me in mission designing, too. i like the style of briefings.

but i had to realize that as good as nobody takes his time to read to the briefing at all sad.gif

i did a lot work, making intel-pics and modify them in photoshop, get the briefing working right with all those links and stuff

...and then i have to realize that nobody has a clue what to do, because they didnt read the briefing.... DOH!!

anyways, keep up the cool work, nagual

i´m really looking forward for the final version of the coop delta ops campaign smile.gif

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Nagual, The SpecOps missions are great! Don't fancy having to fly myself into the AO though confused.gif ...

I tried to download those other packs too, on page 1 in this tpoic, but the links're dead sad.gif Maybe anyone else here can host them? smile.gif


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I experienced bug with some maps of the spec coops v3 beta on the FAR Server.

The ammo in the littlebirds fall on the ground causing lag.

There is also lag with the new fire script.

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im just wondering if anyone know a place that host the newest version of the alpha 13 Campaign?? ive tried some of the maps in mp and they are really fun! or if you have it please email me it biggrin.gif

[email protected]

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Jonstyle, Lt Damage has all my mission packs for download at the squad WOLF website, look in downloads > missions > recommended

Reaper, i forgot to add a few lines of code to the fire script, causing the extra lag, already working on a fixed pack, should be ready by tuesday at the latest. And i will tone down the amount of ammo in the littlebirds.

eisa01, the SP alpha 13 campaign will be at the above WOLF website soon, i've just been very slack in getting the file to Lt Damage. I'm not sure if it's up for download anywhere else.

And uiox, i didn't see your post on the previous page when you first posted it, but thanks for the compliments wink.gif

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Hey Nagual,

We got the BAS versions of Spec-Ops on the server, we liked the old ones, these look nice if a little easier with better guns.

I'll have a look at thread to see if I've missed anything to put on our server.

Would you conider updating your map-names as standard as the Community is trying to get behind the naming system


I'll give you any feedback but you know we love your (no respawn/group respawn) coop missions.

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Heya Skunk Monkey,

yeah i've been meaning to started shipping missions already named to the mp convention, but so far havent gotten round to it. I've been cleaning up my user missions folder (is around 800mb) trying to get my work more organsied. And the way i have been naming maps is the way i kept them organised so far (so i don't hunt for ages in the editor).

I'm thinking now that the final opflash patch has happened i will do one last check of my map packs, rename them and zip up the final final packs wink.gif

I will post in that thread when i finish the rename, and the same goes for BAS missions.

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Very intense Explosion Scripts - Damn could you have just tame them down a little - cool, but OTT.

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Here is a small update to the coops. The only 2 changes are the fixed fires, and slightly less ammo in the littlebirds.

The intense fires were due to me putting in the sp version of the fires, so each client machine was spawning secondary explosions.

There are a few other bugs i'm aware of, but will have to fix them another time.

Spec Coop 3.1 Beta

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Thanks, you didnt find the time to rename them as per convention though tounge.gif means i have to rename them all again before I upload, damn inconsiderate Map-makers wink.gif feel free to come and play with us at any time Nagual we have most of your missions wink.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Skunk Monkey @ Mar. 24 2003,00:35)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Very intense Explosion Scripts - Damn could you have just tame them down a little - cool, but OTT.<span id='postcolor'>

Still many explosions when you kill something, they continue for the duration of the map. .. should they not stop after 1 min or something ??

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I downloaded Spec Coop 3.1 Beta, Thanks for the update Nagual wink.gif

I have some bugs to report in the Delta Campaign:

- 8C_01-DeltaOps_v1.1.abel : Trigger End don't work.

- 8C_02-DeltaOps_v1.1.eden : The truck don't go to Lamentin.

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Bugs noted. I made the last update too quickly (at about 3 am), next one should be ready later in the week, but i will get some testing done first, to save you guys the pain wink.gif

The delta 01 mission not ending bug will apply to all the delta missions if you have more than 6 players, something i completely forgot to fix. The end triggers are based on squad numbers, only going up to 6, need to fix that for the 8 player squad.

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yes that right, we were 8 players smile.gif

For 8C_05-DeltaOps_v1.1.eden, a PBR come to extract us and only 6 cargo places are available in a PBR ...lol

Thanks you again for your missions smile.gif

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