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Get Item list from storage while looking in it

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Hello everyone


I'm trying to write a "take magazines for my weapon" script. I added a button in the inventory display and when i press it i want the script to get all the magazines for my weapon out of the (ammo-)box, vehilce storage.

How can i get the item list from that storage when i press the button on the inventory display and move them into my inventory?


Thanks for your help :)



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With getMagazineCargo u can get classnames for all magazines and its count stored in the cargo object.

Use addMagazine to add a specific magazine count to a unit using magazines classname.

Use clearMagazineCargoGlobal to delete all magazines in ur cargo object.

Use addMagazineCargoGlobal to add the remaining magazines to ur prior cleared cargo object.

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1 hour ago, sarogahtyp said:

With getMagazineCargo u can get classnames for all magazines and its count stored in the cargo object.

Use addMagazine to add a specific magazine count to a unit using magazines classname.

Use clearMagazineCargoGlobal to delete all magazines in ur cargo object.

Use addMagazineCargoGlobal to add the remaining magazines to ur prior cleared cargo object.

Nice Thanks!


The last problem i have is how can i get the object of the vehicle or (ammo-)box which i'm interacting with?

Is there a better solution than the cursorTarget command?


How the script should work:

1. I open the cargo of an vehicle

2. Inventory opens (including my added button)

3. When i press the button the script should get the object of the vehicle (mention the inventory is displayed).

4. The command getMagazineCargo _object returns the magazine list

5. ...


What is the best solution for step 3? Or am i thinking to far?



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Use the InventoryOpened EH, this will automatically supply the container(box/vehicle/holder) you are currently interacting with.



TAG_fnc_takeAllMags = {
	params[ "_playerID", "_containerID", "_type" ];
	_player = _playerID call BIS_fnc_objectFromNetId;
	_container = _containerID call BIS_fnc_objectFromNetId;
	_mags = magazinesAmmoCargo _container call BIS_fnc_consolidateArray;
	_weapon = _player call compile format[ "%1weapon _this", _type ];
	_weaponCfg = configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _weapon;
	_compatibleMags = [];
		if ( _x == "this" ) then {
			_compatibleMags = _compatibleMags + getArray( _weaponCfg >> "magazines" );
			_compatibleMags = _compatibleMags + getArray( _weaponCfg >> _x >> "magazines" );
	}forEach getArray( _weaponCfg >> "muzzles" );
		_magType = _x;
			_x params[ "_magInfo", "_count" ];
			_magInfo params[ "_mag", "_ammo" ];
			if ( _mag == _magType ) then {
				_taken = for "_i" from 1 to _count do {
					if !( _player canAdd _mag ) exitWith { _i - 1 };
					_player addMagazine [ _mag, _ammo ];
				systemChat format[ "Taken %1 %2", if ( isNil "_taken" ) then { _count }else{ _taken }, _mag ];
		}forEach _mags;
	}forEach _compatibleMags;

this addEventHandler [ "InventoryOpened", {
	params[ "_unit", [ "_container", objNull ], "_secContainer" ];
	if !( isNull _container ) then {
		_nul = _this spawn {
			params[ "_unit", "_container", "_secContainer" ];
			_btnHeight = 0.02 * safeZoneH;
			_btnWidth = 0.1 * safeZoneWAbs;
			_btnGap = 0.01 * safeZoneWAbs;
			waitUntil{ !isNull findDisplay 602 };
			_inventoryDisplay = findDisplay 602;
				_x params[ "_btnText", "_type" ];
				if ( call compile format[ "%1weapon _unit", _type ] != "" ) then {
					_ctrl = _inventoryDisplay ctrlCreate [ "RscButton", 20000 + _forEachIndex ];
					_ctrl ctrlSetPosition[ 0 + (( _btnWidth + _btnGap ) * _forEachIndex ), 0 - _btnHeight, _btnWidth, _btnHeight ];
					_ctrl ctrlSetText format[ "Take %1", _btnText ];
					_ctrl buttonSetAction format[ "[ %1, %2, %3 ] call TAG_fnc_takeAllMags", str ( _unit call BIS_fnc_netId ), str ( _container call BIS_fnc_netId ), str _type ];
					_ctrl ctrlCommit 0;
			}forEach [
				[ "Primary Mags", "Primary" ],
				[ "Hand Gun Mags", "HandGun" ],
				[ "Secondary Mags", "Secondary" ]

Place in player init box, will add loads of primary mags if the container has lots of them leaving no room for secondary muzzle mags.

Also will not remove mags from container producing dupe.

Needs further refinement but will do as an example.


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