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Respawn Loadout question

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So I'm wondering how to replicate the APEX campaign's respawn where you select Assault or Support or whatever.

I get how to use BIS_fnc_addRespawnInventory to add loadouts but how do I create new categories instead of just "Rifleman" or whatever the basic class is, and then how do I add multiple loadouts to one class?


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Use the cfgRespawnInventory in the description.ext:

class CfgRespawnInventory
  	class myClass
		displayName = "";

		weapons[] =


		magazines[] =


		items[] =


		linkedItems[] =


		uniformClass = ;

Here's an example (shamelessly stolen from here; @David77):


class CfgRespawnInventory
  	class CQB_Specialist
		displayName = "CQB Specialist"; // Shown on respawn screen

		weapons[] =
			// Weapons classnames

		magazines[] =
			// Magazine classnames

		items[] =
			// Items classnames

		linkedItems[] =
			// Items classnames

		uniformClass = "U_B_CombatUniform_mcam";

	// More classes.........




You can use "CTRL+SHIFT+C" in the arsenal to export a loadout in this format.

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Awesome! Thanks a bunch. But when you say "export a loadout" does that mean it goes to the clipboard for copy/pasting? Or to a file somewhere?

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It should copy it to your clipboard. One thing I noticed is that it copies with "uniform = X" instead of "uniformClass = X".

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Just found this in the Arma 3 Respawn template section:

class CfgRespawnInventory
	class WEST1
		displayName = "Light"; // Name visible in the menu
		icon = "\A3\Ui_f\data\GUI\Cfg\Ranks\sergeant_gs.paa"; // Icon displayed next to the name

		// Loadout definition, uses same entries as CfgVehicles classes
		weapons[] = {
		magazines[] = {
		items[] = {
		linkedItems[] = {
		uniformClass = "U_B_CombatUniform_mcam_tshirt";
		backpack = "B_AssaultPack_mcamo";
	class WEST2
		// Alternative configuration pointing to a CfgVehicles class. Loadout will be copied from it.
		vehicle = "B_soldier_AR_F"

Pay attention to class WEST2: it redirects to an already existing standard loadout. Maybe you can change parts of the loadout by changing certain attributes like the displayName.

Or it crahes your game and you are thrown back to the desktop.


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