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TWS nightstalker issues

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Since the jets DLC, I cannot see distance information in the TWS or nigthstalker scopes - is this a bug or a deliberate config change by BI. 

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This is an intentional change.
You need to lase the target manually by pressing a key; "T", "/", "#" or whatever is it.

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Actually - it does work but in a very weird way - by pressing \


The quirks are as follows:

Using scopes in first person - press \ - player view pans down and then back up - scope provides a static view of the distance

Laser designator - press \ - player takes out rifle and then puts it back - designator provides static view of distance.

Neither provide dynamic distance reading as they used to.


This screams of broken animation similar to heal self or repair vehicle rather than an intentional change.


Would be good if someone could point me in the direction of where it says that these sort of changes were intentionally made - my searches proved fruitless unfortunately.


This is a very frustrating issues for my friends and I and keen to get this cleared up.


Cheers all. 



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And no distance measuring in armored vehicles, like tanks.



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  On 5/25/2017 at 7:04 AM, Gopher_nz said:

Actually - it does work but in a very weird way - by pressing \


The quirks are as follows:

Using scopes in first person - press \ - player view pans down and then back up - scope provides a static view of the distance

Laser designator - press \ - player takes out rifle and then puts it back - designator provides static view of distance.

Neither provide dynamic distance reading as they used to.


This screams of broken animation similar to heal self or repair vehicle rather than an intentional change.



That is indeed weird, but I cannot confirm it on my end. Sounds more like a double-binding of keys than a animation problem to me, since lasing does not trigger any animations.

Also there is no "magic" dynamic distance reading anymore, the range gets only measured when you lase (and the number stays on so you can read it out anytime later). This is how real laserrangefinders work in my experience.



  On 5/25/2017 at 7:04 AM, Gopher_nz said:

Would be good if someone could point me in the direction of where it says that these sort of changes were intentionally made - my searches proved fruitless unfortunately.


Read here:




  On 5/25/2017 at 8:47 AM, Gopher_nz said:

And no distance measuring in armored vehicles, like tanks.






There is! And even better, we now have a firecontrol-system in most vehicles doing the ballistics for us! It uses the same key as the other rangefinders use. It then calculates the range and even relative movement of the target vehicle (well, within certain limits) and adjusts the guns. Read more about it here:


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Have defaulted my controls. Rangefinding has definitely changed. Not convinced for the better but will get used to it no doubt.

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  On 5/26/2017 at 4:40 AM, Gopher_nz said:

Have defaulted my controls. Rangefinding has definitely changed. Not convinced for the better but will get used to it no doubt.


This has changed for the better.  You can also check the Field Manual in-game to see the changes there.

The new system allows for far greater accuracy as the rangefinder will zero to the precise metre.

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I have to admit this was not a feature I thought necessary (even tho I used rangefinders IRL), since it does not introduce any clever choices/tactics for the player. Instead of "aim, then read range" it's now "aim, press a button, then read range". In my eyes it was a immersion thing, which is subjective to a certain degree. I could somewhat understand people wanting it, but for me it just added an additional button one has to map on their allready cluttered keyboard. I was never against it, but to me it appeared kinda unnecessary.

But since I have it now, I find it more convenient than the old method, especially for far-away targets. It prevents the situation where you have to hold your shaky aim ontop of the target while also reading the distance . Now you just press the button at the moment the target is in sight and the nuber stays, so you can read it easily.

Also the argument of not having a discrepancy between hand-held rangefingers and those used in FCS makes sense imo.

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