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Iraqi/Syrian style Civilians pack

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Hey folks,


So I put together this config to represent a civilian population in Syria or Iraq.  Most Middle Eastern Civ packs tend to focus on Afghan style so I thought it was needed.  


I also tried to make it flexible to use with either CUP or RHS based groups so I only used Vanilla and Reyhard's RDS Civ pack assets to make it as lightweight as possible.


Hope some of you find this useful.


Steam Workshop: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=931560748 

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These look very promising - I am uploading now for a new mission on Lythium Map with the ALiVE Mod and VCOM_AI.  Combine that with the ACE Mod, Task Force Radio and the Tac-Ops Mod and we should be in for some fun times!!


Thanx autigergrad and all mod makers - Arma would just be Vanilla without you :yay:

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