sammael 366 Posted May 20, 2017 I want to create addon with new missile for Black Wasp jet. Copy default Macer II AGM , but edit it with new extended parameters and make it available for dynamic loadout. I find all parameters and already edit it like I want, but can`t find information For the correct sequence of configurations, etc. And I do not know much about configs. So now it all looks piecemeal and wrong. Can anyone give me a link for full working example or help me Correctly insert data into the script and make mod? Here is edited code Spoiler class CfgPatches { class Maverick { units[] = {}; weapons[] = {"Maverick_E2L"}; requiredVersion = 1.0; requiredAddons[] = {"A3_Sounds_F","A3_Sounds_F_Mark","A3_Ui_F","A3_Ui_F_Data"}; }; }; access = 3; aiDispersionCoefX = 1; aiDispersionCoefY = 1; aimTransitionSpeed = 1; aiRateOfFire = 5; aiRateOfFireDispersion = 0; aiRateOfFireDistance = 500; ammo = ""; artilleryCharge = 1; artilleryDispersion = 1; autoFire = 0; autoReload = 1; backgroundReload = 0; ballisticsComputer = 0; burst = 1; canDrop = 1; canLock = 2; canShootInWater = 0; cartridgePos = "nabojnicestart"; cartridgeVel = "nabojniceend"; changeFiremodeSound[] = {"",1,1}; cmImmunity = 0.45; count = 1; cursor = "EmptyCursor"; cursorAim = "missile"; cursorAimOn = ""; cursorSize = 1; descriptionShort = ""; detectRange = 0; dexterity = 0.5; dispersion = 0.002; displayName = "Macer II"; distanceZoomMax = 400; distanceZoomMin = 400; drySound[] = {"",1,1}; emptySound[] = {"",1,1}; enableAttack = 1; ffCount = 1; ffFrequency = 1; ffMagnitude = 0; fireAnims[] = {}; fireLightAmbient[] = {0,0,0}; fireLightDiffuse[] = {0.937,0.631,0.259}; fireLightDuration = 0.05; fireLightIntensity = 0.2; fireSpreadAngle = 3; forceOptics = 0; handAnim[] = {}; hiddenSelections[] = {}; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {}; hiddenUnderwaterSelections[] = {}; hiddenUnderwaterSelectionsTextures[] = {}; inertia = 1; initSpeed = 0; irDistance = 0; irDotIntensity = 0.001; irLaserEnd = "laser dir"; irLaserPos = "laser pos"; laser = 0; lockAcquire = 1; lockedTargetSound[] = {"\A3\Sounds_F\weapons\Rockets\locked_3",0.316228,2.5}; lockingTargetSound[] = {"\A3\Sounds_F\weapons\Rockets\locked_1",0.316228,1}; magazineReloadSwitchPhase = 1; magazineReloadTime = 0.1; magazines[] = {"magazine_Missile_AGM_02_x1","PylonMissile_Missile_AGM_02_x1","PylonMissile_Missile_AGM_02_x2","PylonRack_Missile_AGM_02_x1","PylonRack_Missile_AGM_02_x2"}; maxRange = 9000; maxRangeProbab = 0.65; maxRecoilSway = 0.008; memoryPointCamera = "eye"; midRange = 4500; midRangeProbab = 0.9; minRange = 500; minRangeProbab = 0.95; model = ""; modelMagazine = ""; modelOptics = ""; modelSpecial = ""; modes[] = {"this"}; multiplier = 1; muzzleEnd = "konec hlavne"; muzzlePos = "usti hlavne"; muzzles[] = {"this"}; nameSound = "MissileLauncher"; optics = 1; opticsDisablePeripherialVision = 0.67; opticsFlare = 1; opticsID = 0; opticsPPEffects[] = {}; opticsZoomInit = 0.75; opticsZoomMax = 1.25; opticsZoomMin = 0.25; picture = ""; primary = 10; recoil = "empty"; recoilProne = ""; reloadAction = ""; reloadMagazineSound[] = {"",1,1}; reloadSound[] = {"",1,1}; reloadTime = 0.1; scope = 1; selectionFireAnim = "zasleh"; showAimCursorInternal = 0; showEmpty = 1; shownUnderwaterSelections[] = {}; showSwitchAction = 0; showToPlayer = 1; simulation = "Weapon"; sound[] = {"",1,1}; soundBegin[] = {"sound",1}; soundBeginWater[] = {"sound",1}; soundBullet[] = {"emptySound",1}; soundBurst = 1; soundClosure[] = {"sound",1}; soundContinuous = 0; soundEnd[] = {"sound",1}; soundFly[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\weapons\Rockets\rocket_fly_1",1,1.1,700}; soundLoop[] = {"sound",1}; sounds[] = {"StandardSound"}; swayDecaySpeed = 2; textureType = "semi"; type = 65536; uiPicture = ""; useAction = 0; useActionTitle = ""; useAsBinocular = 0; useModelOptics = 1; value = 2; weaponLockDelay = 3; weaponLockSystem = 2; weaponSoundEffect = ""; weight = 0; zeroingSound[] = {"",1,1}; }; }; class CfgMagazines { class VehicleMagazine; class Maverick E2L: VehicleMagazine { ammo = "Maverick E2L"; author = "Sem"; count = 1; descriptionShort = "Maverick E2L"; displayName = "Maverick E2L"; displayNameShort = "E2L"; hardpoints[] = {"B_AGM65","I_AGM65"}; initSpeed = 0; mass = 8; maxLeadSpeed = 60; maxThrowHoldTime = 2; maxThrowIntensityCoef = 1.4; minThrowIntensityCoef = 0.3; model = "\A3\Weapons_F_Jets\Ammo\PylonPod_Missile_AGM_02_x1_F"; modelSpecial = ""; nameSound = "missiles"; picture = ""; pylonWeapon = "weapon_AGM_65Launcher"; quickReload = 0; reloadAction = ""; reloadSound[] = {"",0.000316228,1}; scope = 2; selectionFireAnim = "zasleh"; simulation = "ProxyMagazines"; sound[] = {"",1,1}; type = 0; useAction = 0; useActionTitle = ""; value = 1; weaponPoolAvailable = 0; weight = 0; }; }; class CfgAmmo { class MissileCore; class MissileBase: MissileCore { access = 3; afMax = 200; aiAmmoUsageFlags = "128 + 512"; airFriction = 0.05; airLock = 0; animated = 0; artilleryCharge = 1; artilleryDispersion = 1; artilleryLock = 0; audibleFire = 32; autoSeekTarget = 0; caliber = 1; cameraViewAvailable = 1; cartridge = ""; cmImmunity = 0.5; cost = 1500; craterEffects = "AAMissileCrater"; craterShape = ""; craterWaterEffects = "ImpactEffectsWater"; dangerRadiusBulletClose = -1; dangerRadiusHit = -1; deflecting = 0; deflectionSlowDown = 0.8; directionalExplosion = 0; effectFlare = "FlareShell"; effectFly = ""; effectsFire = "CannonFire"; effectsMissile = "missile3"; effectsMissileInit = "PylonBackEffects"; effectsSmoke = "SmokeShellWhite"; explosionAngle = 60; explosionDir = "explosionDir"; explosionEffects = "AAMissileExplosion"; explosionEffectsDir = "explosionDir"; explosionForceCoef = 1; explosionPos = "explosionPos"; explosionSoundEffect = "DefaultExplosion"; explosionTime = 0; explosionType = "explosive"; explosive = 1; fuseDistance = 500; grenadeBurningSound[] = {}; grenadeFireSound[] = {}; hit = 2100; hitArmor[] = {"soundHit",1}; hitBuilding[] = {"soundHit",1}; hitConcrete[] = {"soundHit",1}; hitDefault[] = {"soundHit",1}; hitFoliage[] = {"soundHit",1}; hitGlass[] = {"soundHit",1}; hitGlassArmored[] = {"soundHit",1}; hitGroundHard[] = {"soundHit",1}; hitGroundSoft[] = {"soundHit",1}; hitIron[] = {"soundHit",1}; hitMan[] = {"soundHit",1}; hitMetal[] = {"soundHit",1}; hitMetalplate[] = {"soundHit",1}; hitOnWater = 0; hitPlastic[] = {"soundHit",1}; hitRubber[] = {"soundHit",1}; hitTyre[] = {"soundHit",1}; hitWater[] = {"soundHit",1}; hitWood[] = {"soundHit",1}; htMax = 1800; htMin = 60; icon = ""; impactArmor[] = {"soundImpact",1}; impactBuilding[] = {"soundImpact",1}; impactConcrete[] = {"soundImpact",1}; impactDefault[] = {"soundImpact",1}; impactFoliage[] = {"soundImpact",1}; impactGlass[] = {"soundImpact",1}; impactGlassArmored[] = {"soundImpact",1}; impactGroundHard[] = {"soundImpact",1}; impactGroundSoft[] = {"soundImpact",1}; impactIron[] = {"soundImpact",1}; impactMan[] = {"soundImpact",1}; impactMetal[] = {"soundImpact",1}; impactMetalplate[] = {"soundImpact",1}; impactPlastic[] = {"soundImpact",1}; impactRubber[] = {"soundImpact",1}; impactTyre[] = {"soundImpact",1}; impactWater[] = {"soundImpact",1}; impactWood[] = {"soundImpact",1}; indirectHit = 85; indirectHitRange = 8; initTime = 0; irLock = 1; isCraterOriented = 0; laserLock = 1; lockSeekRadius = 100; lockType = 0; maneuvrability = 27; manualControl = 0; maverickWeaponIndexOffset = 2; maxControlRange = 6000; maxSpeed = 828; mFact = 0; mfMax = 100; minDamageForCamShakeHit = 0.55; mineBoundingDist = 3; mineBoundingTime = 3; mineDiveSpeed = 1; mineFloating = -1; mineInconspicuousness = 10; mineJumpEffects = ""; minePlaceDist = 0.5; mineTrigger = "RangeTrigger"; minimumSafeZone = 0.1; minTimeToLive = 0; missileKeepLockedCone = 45; missileLockCone = 45; missileLockMaxDistance = 16000; missileLockMaxSpeed = 55; missileLockMinDistance = 350; model = "\A3\Weapons_F_EPC\Ammo\Missile_AGM_02_fly_F.p3d"; multiSoundHit[] = {"soundHit1",0.34,"soundHit2",0.33,"soundHit3",0.33}; muzzleEffect = ""; nvLock = 0; proxyShape = "\A3\Weapons_F_EPC\Ammo\Missile_AGM_02_F.p3d"; shadow = 0; shootDistraction = -1; sideAirFriction = 0.1; simulation = "shotMissile"; simulationStep = 0.002; soundActivation[] = {}; soundDeactivation[] = {}; soundEngine[] = {"",1,1,50}; soundFakeFall[] = {"soundFall",1}; soundFall[] = {"",1,1}; soundFly[] = {"",1,1,400}; soundHit[] = {"",100,1}; soundHit1[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\arsenal\weapons\Launchers\Titan\Explosion_titan_missile_01",2.51189,1,2000}; soundHit2[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\arsenal\weapons\Launchers\Titan\Explosion_titan_missile_02",2.51189,1,2000}; soundHit3[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\arsenal\weapons\Launchers\Titan\Explosion_titan_missile_03",2.51189,1,2000}; soundImpact[] = {"",1,1}; SoundSetExplosion[] = {"RocketsLight_Exp_SoundSet","RocketsLight_Tail_SoundSet","Explosion_Debris_SoundSet"}; soundTrigger[] = {}; submunitionAmmo = ""; supersonicCrackFar[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\weapons\Explosion\supersonic_crack_50meters",0.316228,1,50}; supersonicCrackNear[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\weapons\Explosion\supersonic_crack_close",0.398107,1,20}; suppressionRadiusBulletClose = -1; suppressionRadiusHit = 30; tBody = 0; thrust = 240; thrustTime = 5; timeToLive = 40; tracerColor[] = {0.7,0.7,0.5,0.04}; tracerColorR[] = {0.7,0.7,0.5,0.04}; trackLead = 1; trackOversteer = 1; typicalSpeed = 900; underwaterHitRangeCoef = 1; visibleFire = 32; visibleFireTime = 20; waterEffectOffset = 0.45; weaponLockSystem = "2 + 16"; weaponType = "Default"; whistleDist = 20; whistleOnFire = 0; }; }; Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sammael 366 Posted May 21, 2017 AsI I understand I also must create a new copy of Black wasp with extended custom radar to use it with new extended missiles Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
shrike88 43 Posted June 12, 2017 As of now I believe the new DLC configs are binarized and locked for a while, therefore unable to pull any of the information from the current classes. I myself am very new at this also but the best way to go about it now I believe is to snag current p3d and rvmap files as well as the textures from current weapons, then patch via a config patches setup to edit current ammo, and create a new class to add to the vehicle. Good luck Shrike 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites