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I'm trying to add specific equipment to my soldiers uniform, vest and backpack. This is for my mod. NOT SCRIPT.


I can't seem to find any examples of this anywhere. Can anybody point me in the right direction please?

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Add this to your config:

		Items[] = {FirstAidKit}; /// one First aid kit is good to start with
		RespawnItems[] = {FirstAidKit};
		linkedItems[] = {bfe_plus_vest, kka3_protec, kka3_GSF_Balaclava_B, ItemMap, ItemCompass, ItemWatch, ItemRadio}; /// items directly in inventory slots
		respawnLinkedItems[] = {bfe_plus_vest, kka3_protec, kka3_GSF_Balaclava_B, ItemMap, ItemCompass, ItemWatch, ItemRadio};

Just replace the Classnames with yours

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Thanks mate.

That part I got. I want to add specific items to the uniform and other specific items to the vest. Using this code, it adds everything to the uniform and the rest to the vest.

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5 hours ago, petracephas said:

Thanks mate.

That part I got. I want to add specific items to the uniform and other specific items to the vest. Using this code, it adds everything to the uniform and the rest to the vest.

uhmm, I don't think that's possible via mod, at least I don't know how to do it.

Anyway, good luck!

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