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Zeus remote control bug - can't control any units when select gunner in vehicle

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As in title. Any solutions? Its super annoying. It only happens when im in vehicle and select gunner position. 10% of the time after this i lose remote control.

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How to reproduce:

Just get killed when controlling gunner


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Getting the same bug, sometimes you can fix it if you keep going in and out of remote control on that ai, or at least that does it for me sometimes

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I've encountered this bug, as well. Going in and out of Remote Control a few times doesn't seem to make a difference. What sometimes works is to use a curator module provided by the Ares Achilles mod called "Swtich Unit" which somehow magically turns your character into the AI character. The problem is that it's a little unstable, and after using this and Remote Control a few times, you can lose access to Zeus entirely. The only way to recover is to leave the server and come back in.

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