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Ground blending issue

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Hello everyone,


So im having an issue with my clutter color as wel as my ground texture color.


When asking on discord Ice let me to this site https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3:_Visual_Upgrade#Ground_Blending

However after crunching my terrain multiple times with different settings for these values my clutter is still showing mayor color difference because of the underlying sat map even at close range, same goes for ground texture.


Does anyone know how exactly to manipulate these settings so that my clutter is the same color, especially for close range viewing. basically that my satmap doesnt shine through as much as it is now.


Thanks in advance.

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OK update: Apparantly the "maxClutterColoringCoef" had to be added to each individual surface withing cfgsurface and not in the general config area.


So now only thing left is the sat map shining through as shown in the image above.

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That's how the sat map works, you need to edit out them buildings, roads etc and darken it

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