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So I'm making a cutscene activated via trigger. 



0 = [] spawn {titleText ["", "BLACK OUT", 2]; 
sleep 2;
player1 setPos (getMarkerPos "cutmark1");
player2 setPos (getMarkerPos "cutmark2");
player3 setPos (getMarkerPos "cutmark3");
player4 setPos (getMarkerPos "cutmark4");
player1 lookAt command1;
player2 lookAt command1;
player3 lookAt command1;
player4 lookAt command1;
player1 switchMove "AidlPercMstpSrasWrflDnon_G01";
player2 switchMove "AidlPercMstpSrasWrflDnon_G01";
player3 switchMove "AidlPercMstpSrasWrflDnon_G01";
player4 switchMove "AidlPercMstpSrasWrflDnon_G01";
titleText ["", "BLACK IN", 2];
sleep 2;
command1 sideChat "blah blah blah blah blah";
sleep 7;
player1 switchMove "";
player2 switchMove "";
player3 switchMove "";
player4 switchMove ""};

Only thing that doesn't work is the switchMove commands. They should hold the players in a generic idle position until the second switchMove command that ends the animation, but instead the player units don't play the animation and can still freely move about.

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I would be extremely careful with this command because It does disable all input until it's re-enabled.


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This didn't fix the animation playing. But besides that, it also prevents the player from moving their head during the animation. I read somewhere that switchMove should allow the player to still move their head while freezing movement, so the problem is solely that my animation isn't playing.

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1 hour ago, Cryptdik said:

This didn't fix the animation playing. But besides that, it also prevents the player from moving their head during the animation. I read somewhere that switchMove should allow the player to still move their head while freezing movement, so the problem is solely that my animation isn't playing.

if there isn't any move, like you've played : 

player switchMove "";

isn't going to stop the player from doing anything. If anything the script will go 'Okay, there's nothing to play. Let's go back to the original state".


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Out of curiousity, have you tried playMove or playMoveNow? I have found in the past certain random animations only work with one of the 3 possible ways to initiate an animation. Worth a try if you haven't already tried.

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2 hours ago, Mynock said:

Out of curiousity, have you tried playMove or playMoveNow? I have found in the past certain random animations only work with one of the 3 possible ways to initiate an animation. Worth a try if you haven't already tried.

the difference between the two:

playMove - transition between animations (ie idle to anim)

switchMove - no transition, immediate change. (ie idle instantly to anim)

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I got it. Apparently the animation name wasn't working so I just replaced it with another idle animation. Only issue now is that when I use this on AI team-mates, they face the opposite direction of command1 even after trying to disable their targeting. Not mission breaking since I'm not planning AI teammates for it. Oh and the empty switchmoves are there for that exact purpose, to cut the animation when I want it to.



0 = [] spawn {titleText ["", "BLACK OUT", 2];  
sleep 2; 
player1 setPos (getMarkerPos "cutmark1"); 
player2 setPos (getMarkerPos "cutmark2"); 
player3 setPos (getMarkerPos "cutmark3"); 
player4 setPos (getMarkerPos "cutmark4"); 
player1 lookAt command1; 
player2 lookAt command1; 
player3 lookAt command1; 
player4 lookAt command1; 
player2 disableAI "AUTOTARGET"; 
player3 disableAI "AUTOTARGET"; 
player4 disableAI "AUTOTARGET"; 
player1 switchMove "Acts_AidlPercMstpSloWWrflDnon_warmup_1_loop"; 
player2 switchMove "Acts_AidlPercMstpSloWWrflDnon_warmup_3_loop"; 
player3 switchMove "Acts_AidlPercMstpSloWWrflDnon_warmup_2_loop"; 
player4 switchMove "Acts_AidlPercMstpSloWWrflDnon_warmup_4_loop"; 
titleText ["", "BLACK IN", 2]; 
sleep 2; 
command1 sideChat "You're late, Alpha. We've already sent Bravo team to Makrynisi. You need to catch up and get on that island immediately, so get going."; 
sleep 10; 
player1 switchMove "Acts_AidlPercMstpSlowWrflDnon_warmup_1_out"; 
player2 switchMove "Acts_AidlPercMstpSlowWrflDnon_warmup_2_out"; 
player3 switchMove "Acts_AidlPercMstpSlowWrflDnon_warmup_3_out"; 
player4 switchMove "Acts_AidlPercMstpSlowWrflDnon_warmup_4_out"; 
player2 enableAI "AUTOTARGET"; 
player3 enableAI "AUTOTARGET"; 
player4 enableAI "AUTOTARGET"};


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