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stoopid question.....

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this probably a really stoopid question,but how can i make the player say something in the radio section.

e.g. when the player gets to a certain waypoint,i want him to call Papa Bear and report his status....and how can i get Papa Bear to reply properly? take it slow,i'm new to this editing business

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Its easy if you just want text on the screen, but difficult if you want custom words spoken. If only for text, just use player sidechat "Papa Bear this is patrol 1 at waypoint 1";

If you want the actual sound, I suggest you go to www.ofpeditingcenter.com and download their tutorial for custom sound.

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if u want sound the best way to learn is to go to the site that vitoal125 said and read up in the tutorials. this is the best place to get good scripting advice and the best place on the net to learn about ofp. if u make ur own wav file that has recorded ur voice. then do wot u want him to say and zip it. send it to my e-mail address and i will explain and set up an example mission for u.

thought i wouldbe a bit generous today. (well i always am with newbies cuz i was one once and i knew jack s**t, believe me if ur here long enough u will read so many posts that u will gain all the knowledge u need; besides scripts.) arrr how nice am i? V :biggrin:

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